Todeswind wrote:
The potential for psychers to have horrible daemonic possession as a result of mutation or other issues in 40k seems like a bit too much of a risk.
Certainly this occurs with 40 K tech. But I am using tech from other sci fi universes which are somewhat more reliable.
You lost me on this one. Does this actually exist in the 40k cannon? I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
Are you for real? Did you bothered to read the OP? Did you get a feel for the board's threads in sci fi? This is a board dedicated to Star Trek vs Star Wars. I am pretty Darth Vader doesn't exist in Star Trek cannon either, but it doesn't stop us having threads about what would happen if he appeared in another universes. Going on, vs threads where we
crossover aspects from one sci fi / fantasy world to another occurs all the time. Hence the purpose of this thread. To see if more superior cloning or related tech from another universe will change the balance of power.
No. No they could not, Slaaneshi's power is directly a result of the Eldar her consumption of their souls only serves to increase her power. There is also significant evidence to suggest that even living Eldar provide power to Slaaneshi in some sort of passive way, the Eldar Circumvent this with soul-stones the Dark Eldar embrace it with acts of depravity to take the place of their own souls.
So you are saying, its possible for Craftworld Eldar to combine their powers, as long as they build more soul stones for each new clone to circumvent powering Slanesh. Which begs the question, how many soul stones can they produce.
Yes, if they somehow got the Immortality Gate from Dr.Who they could but it begs the question where in the hell did they get it? To my knowledge that sort of technology simply doesn't exist in the 40k world.

Yes the Star Wars empire could whop the Federation from Star Trek without missing a beat. The question is how do they even meet up in the first place. Clearly its not possible, so clearly this is a bullshit vs. Quick, the whole board better change its theme.
I cannot believe you come to a board whose original main talking point was to compare technology between two sci fi universes and then ask me that question.
Serafina wrote:Trivia-time!
The grand master-plan of the Eldar (well, at least of Eldrad and Ulthwe) is this: Exterminate the Eldar.
Yes, you read that right - their plan is a slow, painful decline towards extinction, which fuels the rise of a new god - one who takes care of the souls of the Eldar. Ynnead (the new Eldar-god) is pretty much the only option the Eldar have to preserve their souls in any other way than soul stones.
I am aware from Necron lord that this is their plan to fuel a new god from the souls of the dead. The thing is Slannesh and the old Eldar gods were fueled by the living right? So if one of these wank cloning tech appears, my question is, could they decide to change their plan and start fueling a new god from the souls of the now more numerous Eldar?
Purple wrote:
Won't the chaos gods take notice and pay a visit to the all you can eat diner you just created?
My understanding is that some people are more resistant to Chaos, eg Inquisitors. Some of these cloning tech has the ability to download memories directly into the clone. So my thoughts are that you download the loyalty to the Emperor, anti chaos mindset etc into the clone.
Does it also give them the exact same personality, memories and all? And how does it effect the soul that lives in the warp?
That sounds like opening a nasty can of worms right there.
Yes to the personality, memories and all that jazz. As to how it effects the soul in the warp, you will have to explain the mechanics of how that works. Presumably if the population increases, more souls are created? I have no idea what would happen to an existing soul if their body gets transmuted, but I assume they are as good as dead. And yes its opening up a nasty can of worms, as more crossover vs type threads will do.
And does the device work cross species? Since the orks are plants.
It worked against cross species in Doctor Who, ie worked against humans with a Time Lord template. And the device wasn't even built to service either of those species. I don't see why it won't work against plants when you adjust the settings, since it just rewrites the genetic code and transmutes the body. Unless plants are more resistant to gene manipulation (wouldn't have thought so since we kind of do that with them already with existing tech) or transmutation (again would have thought this is a function of how strong the atoms / ions / molecules are bonded to each other, so not a problem there either).
Again, how does that effect the soul? Do we get a bunch of soulless Eldar or do we get a huge ping on the chaos diner detector?
Thats why I am asking the 40 K experts, since I am not sure about the mechanics of the soul. However I am assuming the same thing the Eldar used to avoid being Slannesh dinner ie through soul stones, disciplines could apply here. Especially when some of the cloning tech I listed comes with a "download memories by pressing this button here" feature.
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