to war or not to war

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to war or not to war

Post by viperpilot »

should the u.s. go in against iraq? if so then should it only be in a coalition or not? if not then why?

(*i'm sure this has probably been covered, but i'm new and i want to do it again*)
the battlestar galactic finally found earth, but the cylons had followed and discovered it as well. the colonials shared their knowledge with earth in return for recruits to fight the cylons. i joined in defence of my planet and am willing to give my life for that cause.
Nathan F
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Post by Nathan F »

This is in an EXISTING thread just a couple below you.

Open your eyes, and you shall have vision...

Wanna put a lockdown, mods?
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Colonel Olrik
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

closed. There are at least a couple active threads about this.
Last edited by Colonel Olrik on 2003-02-25 06:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dalton »

Screw you Olrik :P

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Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

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