SAGE test for gender identification

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SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Spoonist »

So when digging for data for the transgender/transsexual topic I ran across this:

Took the test and found it funny weird. I'll not go into details yet not to spoil it for others. So first go ahead and take the test. Post your nationality and score.
Afterwards you can see how it went for me. Spoiler
So I am a scandinavian male nerd. High IQ, don't like watching sports, don't like cars, think macho types are stupid and machismo to be worse. Comfortable in my too normal sexuality and open minded about other's sexuality etc. Believe in the equality of sexes and the intersexed etc.

So because I don't fit into the american male stereotype of wanting a big car etc the test result was:
S.A.G.E. Test Results
Your Raw Score is: -475, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have normal doubts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser
:lol: :wink: :lol:

So being a nerd that likes to interact with others and don't buy into the jock stereotype I'm androgyne and a crossdresser. :mrgreen:

Now mind you, it would suffice to be californian city dweller to score lots of androgyneous points, so its not country specific per se.

And yes I know that its an online test etc and that it should not be taken as scientific, but come on. That is pretty seriously bad. I'm thinking of those who do have issues with themselves and their self image, what would their scores in relation to reality be.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Lagmonster »

It seems really, really stupid, especially all the questions about product purchases. I'd be interested in the methodology that lead to this quiz; it reads like it was written by a thirteen-year-old with his list of gender-based stereotypes firmly in hand.

Now, it identified me as a no-conflicts male despite not agreeing to most of the sports and beer questions (I like neither); I'd assume it gave me most of my "man" points for my absolute answers against cross-dressing and wherever it wanted to know if I fantasized about being a woman, my certain answers regarding my sexual preferences, and my physical dimensions.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Skgoa »

I always enjoyed doing "girly things", too. I have even at several moments thought that I might be gay and just didn't want to accept it.... I know that I would definitly want to try being a woman, if I can be sure that I will be beautiful/cute. Unfortunately I am a big fat hairy guy, hence there is no chance, even if we forget for a moment that I would probably be to afraid to do it or might find that the grass isn't actually greener on the other side. ;)

S.A.G.E. Test Results

Your Raw Score is: 305, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser

* You are in a statistical minority as a bisexual crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the binary nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Female gender role.
* Your answers indicate you may be AUTOGYNEPHILIC. Your answers indicate you may fit the following type(s):
o Physiologic: arousal from the idea of having opposite sex physiology. This does not necessarily mean you WANT the physiology of the opposite sex, you just find the IDEA of it exciting.
Yeah, not much in there that I didn't know before... alhtough I never noticed myself crossdressing. :lol:
Economic Left/Right: -7.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74

This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Serafina »

I only looked at a couple of the questions, and all i can say is:
That's what you get when you try an "one-size-fits-all"-test - it gets silly very fast and the results will be absolute rubbish.

Note that such tests are rarely if ever used by professional gender therapists - much less such generalized ones!
Some tests are used, but they are much more sophistiaced than that - and in my case, it only was a general aptitude/concentration test which hat by itself nothing to do with gender identity (it's purpose was to determine how accurate/complete the information i gave during the therapy session was).

Note: Didn't have time to copy&paste my results, the browser screwed up and jumped forwards to the explanation. Unsurprisingly, completely female other than in the "brain processes" - supposedly i am androgynous because i am good at math and spelling :roll:

Edit: These tests often fail for the people who need them - when i go back to before starting transtition, i merely get "crossdresser", even tough i never actually crossdressed before my transtition!
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Skgoa »

ghetto edit: just to put this in context, I have had sex only with females, I enjoyed it and I have to date only fallen in love with females. that I sometimes feel "not man enough" or something like that might have to do with being raised by a single mother or anything else. all in all, other than that I am not a typical "manly man" macho and can at times find male humans sexually interesting enough to at least get curious, I don't see what exactly the "androgynous" rating is based on.
also, while going through that test I often thought that the questions were full of cliches.
Economic Left/Right: -7.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74

This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Your Raw Score is: -455, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Quite Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser

* Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
* You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Female gender role.
Yeesh, does this thing think everyone is a crossdresser? Aside from that, no news here.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Executor32 »

American male nerd here, good at math, spelling, and with good visual/auditory memory. I don't care for cars or working on manly man things like building crap out of wood and nails and shit, but I enjoy electronics as much as the next Red-Blooded Murrican Man™. I can orient myself perfectly well and am good with directions, but also am rather empathetic. I don't fantasize about being a woman or anything like that, but then again I don't give a fuck about tampon commercials. I was expecting something closer to Spoonist's, given his description, but I ended up with:
Your Raw Score is: -665, which indicates that overall you are Masculine

Your appearance is Quite Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have no real conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Normal doubts/curiosities about life as the opposite sex, but you generally accept your physical sex and gender identity.

It seems to have me pegged pretty well, but as others have said, a lot of the questions and their answers are clichéd as fuck. An example:
142. You are going to watch something on Televison, it is most likely:
  • A sporting event
  • The news channel
  • You don't watch TV, what a wasteland!
  • An educational program or arts channel
  • A movie
Now, where exactly does Law & Order or South Park or World's Wildest Police Chase Videos XTREME Fatal1ty Edition™ fit in that selection?
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Korto »

Did it last night, and I'm not working all the way through it again just to get the results to paste, but from memory... Spoiler
Raw score -690
Appearance Male
Brain Male
Socialize Male
No conflicts with identity
Born (wait for it...) Male
To be honest, not a surprise. Not into cars, but I enjoy building shit (even if I'm not much good at it :lol: ) Tampon commercials go in the same category as vegetarian food; and homosexuality; nothing to do with me and I don't give a shit how you spend your free time.
A couple of questions I didn't like, for example when it asked would you least like to be described as "Sweet and open" or "An aggressive, take-no-prisoners go-getter". Well, who's doing the describing? It makes all the differance; if it's a bloke then the first would creep me out a bit, but if it's a chick then that's great.
Maybe it's just me :lol:
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by madd0ct0r »

British engineer. bi, with attraction for androgons especially. has been known to cross dress, mostly because I look good and it's funny.
S.A.G.E. Test Results

Your Raw Score is: -600, which indicates that overall you are Masculine

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

You appear to socialize in a masculine manner.

You believe you have normal doubts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

No conflicts, you appear to fully accept your physical sex and gender identity.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Maj »

Your Raw Score is: 400, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous
Your appearance is Feminine
Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.
You appear to socialize in a feminine manner.
You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.
You indicated you were born Female.
ANALYSIS:Normal doubts/curiosities about life as the opposite sex, but you generally accept your physical sex and gender identity.
Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
Crazy, crazy stuff. Apparently, my ability to use maps, math, and power tools makes me question my femininity. Completely insipid test.

I am a heterosexual, non-crossdressing, married woman/mother. The Dremel in the tool cupboard is mine, I like driving, and don't need to stop for directions because I can always get there. I'm assertive, empathetic, and completely not interested in being a guy or having sex with a woman. I like watching romance action movies like The Princess Bride and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and prefer TV shows like Chuck, White Collar, Leverage, Law & Order, The Closer, and Psych (and Top Chef). I'm exceedingly practical and known for my "six second solutions" around the house. I can sew, cook, and clean because those are life skills, not girly ones.
Executor32 wrote:Now, where exactly does Law & Order or South Park or World's Wildest Police Chase Videos XTREME Fatal1ty Edition™ fit in that selection?
Exactly. I also wanted to know why my favorite toy had to be best described as one of these: A piece of sporting equipment, like a football or a baseball glove; a toy car or truck; building blocks or toy figures from a favorite TV show or movie; a "Playset" for toy figures; a doll.

Um... Stuffed animal. You know, the thing young kids like because they're generally super soft?

And there needed to be more apathy responses available.

Like this one:
SAGE Question 89 wrote:Have you ever spent an EXTENDED period of time presenting yourself as the opposite sex?
-No, that's being deceptive. You wouldn't do that.
-You tried something like that once, but it was too much trouble.
-No, but you might like to try it some day.
-You would like to try that, and will if the opportunity arises.
There needs to be an option that says "No. Because I don't care." I'm not particularly interested in trying it, nor am I concerned with deception. I haven't done it because I don't give a damn.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by madd0ct0r »

after trying it, I was wondering if it wasn't meant to test how well you fitted stereotypes, it was how well YOU THOUGHT you fitted the trope.

obviously, if you're a reasonably unconventional person (such as ends up on a SW v ST forum) there is going to be a mismatch.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Your Raw Score is: -455, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Quite Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser

* Statistically, Homosexual crossdressers have no desire to actually BE the '+thatSex+', but usually engage in such activity as a parody or celebration of the opposite sex, rather than as a means of sexual gratification, enhancement, or stress relief. Many are entertainers in DRAG revues.
Funny... the only questions about crossdressing I answered were "can be fun under a few circumstances." and It can be. I can only pull off "deranged granny" and that is ALWAYS funny. All in all though, only ever done it four times. Twice because my mother thought it would be hilarious when I was younger than the age of ten, took pictures to blackmail me with when I hit puberty, and that we occassionally have a good laugh over.

I dont see any conflicts with my birth sex... I am just gay. And a Nerd. I have never had any gender specific play preferences, and enjoyed everything from playing pretend (on the playground, I was a Wizard), to walking in the woods (overturning rocks, logs, or getting soaked in mud looking for various creatures) to building forts (and the siege equipment to lay waste to them, I fondly remember going camping with that trebuchet and laying siege to the Canadian Fortress Winnebago to get a spatula...)

A car is a car, a phone is a phone... meh
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Serafina »

As quick note:
ALL children regardless of gender like to play pretend (disregarding errors in their development etc.), regardless of their gender. They just pretend different things, different roles.
A boy who lays siege to a snow-castle is just as much pretending as a girl playing with her dolls. They are just pretending different things.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Serafina wrote:As quick note:
ALL children regardless of gender like to play pretend (disregarding errors in their development etc.), regardless of their gender. They just pretend different things, different roles.
A boy who lays siege to a snow-castle is just as much pretending as a girl playing with her dolls. They are just pretending different things.
That was my point...

Oh the Snow Fortress! Built one in Alaska that was the size of a small apartment--with internal rooms!

Such a fun childhood...
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Norade »

I'm a 22 year old male taking a computer science degree. I like hockey, I'm not overly handy but will fix shit as needed, I don't drive but wish there was a fuel efficient car option because if/when I drive it will be a smart car. I'm not a cross dresser, I'm a tad bi-curious and depending on how things go might end up dating a prehormonal male-to-female transexual because I like her as a person and don't give a fuck about gender either way. None of the questions really touched on that though.

I also agree there needs to be more apathy options.
Your Raw Score is: -690, which indicates that overall you are Masculine

Your appearance is Quite Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a masculine manner.

You believe you have no real conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser

You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Female gender role.
Overall it pegged me well as I'm a bearded well built asshole who is most certainly male, the bit at the end was wrong but showed that I'm not entirely sexually normal which is right. Not the best test, but not horrid either.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Junghalli »

My results:
Your Raw Score is: -535, which indicates that overall you are Masculine

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have normal doubts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Normal doubts/curiosities about life as the opposite sex, but you generally accept your physical sex and gender identity.
I don't take this test too seriously but this sounds about right for me.

My results on those visuospatial test questions are probably skewed because the picture function didn't work for me so I just random-guessed.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by PeZook »

Can I really ask which idiot came up with the questions below?
5. You find housework, like cooking or cleaning to be:

* "Women's Work" - not for you.
* Arousing, and sometimes you fantasize you are dressed as a French Maid.
* Well, somebody's got to do it or you'll be living in a pig stye.
* You don't like it, but it's part of the "job description."
* You are expected to do it, and if you don't do it, it won't get done.
Cooking is either arousing or horrible and tedious!

Because it's impossible to just like cooking, right? You're either aroused or bored by it!

More to the point, it equals cooking and cleaning, two activities to which people can have very different attitudes towards (for example, many men enjoy cooking but not cleaning), which is bad question design.
9. You feel that Martial Arts like Karate:

* Are great excercise to keep physically fit
* Keep mind and body focused
* Are more about the spiritual discipline than physical
* Give a person the confidence that they can handle themselves.
Poorly constructed question: it's entirely possible that I can think more than one thing about martial arts.
10. You are mostly:

* Assertive
* Independent
* Adaptable
* Understanding
* Compassionate
Horrible question: you are "mostly assertive"? How do you even determine that? It's impossible to answer that one truthfully.
11. You find working on cars in the garage to be:

* Fun. That's real "Man's Work"
* You don't like it, but your expected to give it the old college try.
* Well, car maintenance needs to be done or you'll be walking a lot.
* You find it arousing - the power of the engine, the tools, it's great!
* You don't even know what is under the hood of a car.
Women can't enjoy working on cars without thinking it to be "man's work"! Men can't, either.
14. When you you remove hair, you remove it from

* Just the face
* Face and maybe back or chest
* Face, back or chest, maybe under arms too.
* Mostly legs, maybe arm pits or some elsewhere on body
* Just legs and arm pits.
What's, there's a limited number of combinations? Can't shave armpits and face without also shaving chest and back? :D
20. One train leaves New York traveling South at 45 miles per hour. Another train leaves Baltimore traveling North at 80 miles per hour. At what time will the trains pass one another? Describe how you find this math problem:

* EASY! Those kind of problems are simple to solve.
* Not too difficult, especially because you can work it out so easily.
* Word problems are silly, but they aren't that hard.
* Wait, what do they want to know? Word problems always confuse you.
* You HATE word problems, you've no idea what this is asking you.
Answers 1 and 2 are practically interchangeable. Poorly designed question: answers should be clear and obvious. Whats the difference between "easy" and "not too difficult"?
21. Math is:

* FUN!
* Pretty easy.
* Okay.
* Difficult
36. You find carpentry or home repair work to be:

* Fun, now THAT is work for "Real Men."
* A bothersome task, and you're not that good at it.
* It needs to be done or the house will fall down.
* Arousing. You love power tools and the sense of power they give you.
* You've never hammered so much as a nail before, and don't plan to start.
Again with the work for "real men". I can't like carpentry without machismo or getting hard about it?
57. You are making a major electronics purchase, you are most likely buying

* A home theater system
* A big screen television
* A computer
* A car stereo
* A home appliance
Where's "whatever I need right now"? Apparently, there's no option for responsibly managing your money or for people who just don't buy electronics often, which is an obvious design mistake, since it leads to the test subject guesstimating the answer.
63. You are going to repaint your bedroom, you buy

* White or off-white paint
* A light colored beige or other Earth tone
* A neutral color like grey
* A blue-grey or something with green in it
* A blue tone, maybe even a dark blue
Really? Favorite color = gender identity?
65. Your favorite kind of monkey is:

* A Gorilla
* An Oragutang
* You don't have a "favorite monkey"
* Chimpanzee
* A Lemur
I'm going to be a horrible nitpicker and say gorillas and orangutans are not monkeys ;)
69. You are in a car crash and get injured, at the hospital they say they'll have to remove your sex organs or you'll bleed to death.

* You'd rather bleed to death - who'd want to keep living after that?
* That would be terrible! You'd want a second opinion, that's for sure!
* You aren't sure how that makes you feel. You'd prefer that option to bleeding to death, though.
* It wouldn't be that hard a decision - you're life is more important.
* You actually wish something like that would happen.
You "actually wish something like that would happen"? I'd like to see the justification for including that answer...I'm not a woman but somehow I doubt any woman would wish to get into a horrible accident and get her sexual organs removed...
77. At what age did you become aware of a difference between the sexes?

* About age 15
* About age 12
* About age 9
* About age 7
* About age 5
Another guesstimating question...I doubt a significant percentage of the subjects would be able to truthfully answer it.
89. Have you ever spent an EXTENDED period of time presenting yourself as the opposite sex?

* No, that's being deceptive. You wouldn't do that.
* You tried something like that once, but it was too much trouble.
* No, but you might like to try it some day.
* You would like to try that, and will if the opportunity arises.
* Yes.
No neutral answer. What about "no, I don't feel the need to"?
95. You are playing a video game, it is most likely:

* A first-person shooter
* A game with a maze or a race track
* You don't care much for video games
* A computer version of a board game
* A free-form adventure, something like Myst
I hear there's only four kinds of games out there? :D
126. Which cartoon character are you most like?

* Charlie Brown
* Linus Van Pelt
* Shroeder or Peppermint Patty
* Marcie
* Lucy Van Pelt
Is assumed the subject knows any of those.
132. Which best describes you?

* You love "Star Trek" and consider yourself a "Trekie"
* You enjoy "Star Trek" but it's just a cool TV show.
* Never watched "Star Trek" in your life.
* You've seen "Star Trek" and didn't care for it.
* You HATE "Star Trek" and everything it stands for.
At least there's neutral answers, but I have to wonder what Star Trek has to do with gender identity?
139. You are at the grocery store, which are you most likely to purchase?

* Economy pack of cheap burritos
* Frozen Pizzas
* Breaded Fish Fillets
* Microwave Popcorn
* Rice Cakes
Something edible? :D Yeah, it's not really a horrible question but I found it amusing.
141. Your bed is currently:

* Unmade
* Covered with blankets
* In your bedroom, duh!
* Covered with a nice quilt and matching pillowcases
* Buried under clothing
Apparently, people who make their beds every day are not manly? I guess there's a statistical correlation of some sort...

As for the results, it showed me as unconflicted masculine (by its own indication, this means I didn't ever wonder about being of the opposite sex which is patently untrue)

Though the parts where an image should show were broken, so I just guesstimated it, therefore the result isn't indicative of anything :D
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Marcus Aurelius »

PeZook wrote:
Apparently, people who make their beds every day are not manly? I guess there's a statistical correlation of some sort...
In the military there is great care taken during the basic training to get the beds made JUST RIGHT. I believe this is a fairly universal to all armed services, although the Finnish army uses striped sheets so that it's easy for the NCOs to check that it's JUST RIGHT. In the old days failing to do that in the allocated time (2-5 minutes) meant that you would have to start from scratch, but nowadays they actually allow you to make smaller corrections.

This guaranteed that Finnish males after the conscription either knew how to make their beds very well, or never actually did it voluntarily any more, depending on how they felt about their time in the military.
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Spoonist »

So just as a comparison, look at this test: ... user.shtml
Its serious, it explains why you do the different tests, it is backed up by research, etc.

Strange enough :roll: in that test I'm no longer a androgyn-crossdresser and is instead simply male.
Marcus Aurelius wrote:
PeZook wrote:
Apparently, people who make their beds every day are not manly? I guess there's a statistical correlation of some sort...
In the military there is great care taken during the basic training to get the beds made JUST RIGHT.
I had an ensign do this to us on our first day. Bouncing of the coin etc. However he told us proudly that after his first month in the army he went back home and tought his mom how to make the bed properly. I know I shouldn't have laughed, I know, but I just couldn't help it. So from day 1 it was set. I had the role of antagonist for the ensign, not a good thing, not good at all. Well with hindsight it gave me a bunch of anecdotes though... :angelic:
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Marcus Aurelius
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by Marcus Aurelius »

Spoonist wrote:So just as a comparison, look at this test: ... user.shtml
Its serious, it explains why you do the different tests, it is backed up by research, etc.

Strange enough :roll: in that test I'm no longer a androgyn-crossdresser and is instead simply male.
I was an androgen-crossdresser and now my score was 0. Yep, an even split. Although I fucked up the 3D shapes test, because I read the instructions poorly and realized only after the first shape that the time was for all the shapes combined, so I took too long for the first shape and only got 8 correct. Even more interestingly I had a lower than average empathy score for men in the emotions and systems task, but higher than average score in the eyes test. This tells me that I am, in fact, Hannibal Lecter. I can tell people's emotions apart quite easily, but I just don't care, and bad art irritates me. :wink:
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Re: SAGE test for gender identification

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

I took the test--where the average male score is set as 50 right, average female, 50 left--with a result of 25 left, which is about what I'd expected for myself and would suspect normal for most women in science fields, though that's just conjecture.
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