Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

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Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Metahive »

Hitler salutes in the street and firing practice in the forest: Neo-Nazis have taken over an entire village in Germany, and authorities appear to have given up efforts to combat the problem. The place has come to symbolize the far right's growing influence in parts of the former communist east.

Horst and Birgit Lohmeyer have been working on their life's dream for six years, renovating a house in the woods near Jamel, a tiny village near Wismar in the far northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Birgit Lohmeyer writes crime novels, her husband is a musician, and both try to pretend everything is normal here in Jamel.

It wasn't easy to find their new home. The Lohmeyers spent months driving out to the countryside every weekend, heading east from where they lived in Hamburg, but most of the houses they saw were too expensive. Then they came across the inexpensive red brick farmhouse in Jamel. Slightly run-down, but not far from the Baltic Sea, the house sits surrounded by lime and maple trees, near a lake.
The Lohmeyers knew that a notorious neo-Nazi lived nearby -- Sven Krüger, a demolition contractor and high-level member of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD). What the Lohmeyers didn't know was that other neighbors felt terrorized by Krüger. He and his associates were in the process of buying up the entire village.

Jamel is an example of the far-right problem that has plagued Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for years. The rural region, once part of communist East Germany, has a poor reputation in this regard -- the NPD, which glorifies the Third Reich, has been in the state parliament since 2006 and neo-Nazi crimes are part of daily life. In recent months, a series of attacks against politicians from all the democratic parties has shaken the state. Sometimes hardly a week goes by without an attack on another electoral district office, with paint bombs, right-wing graffiti and broken windows.

Norbert Nieszery, leader of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the state parliament, calls it an "early form of terror." Nieszery's own office windows have been smashed twice. State Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) says he has registered a "new level" of right-wing extremist violence. He believes the NPD is trying to raise its profile through aggressive behavior ahead of the state parliament election in September. One local mayor requested police protection after receiving repeated right-wing threats. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany's domestic intelligence agency, has warned that the NPD is becoming increasingly influential in local municipalities and that the neo-Nazis are trying to entrench themselves in daily life.

Mounting Concern About Far-Right Influence

Nowhere have they succeeded as well as in Jamel. If the right-wing extremists left, the village would be empty. Jamel is no longer just a problem at the regional or federal state level -- even Berlin is growing concerned about the situation.

SPD member Wolfgang Thierse, vice president of Germany's federal parliament, the Bundestag, visited the village a few months ago. He spent half an hour in the Lohmeyers' living room and promised to support them in their fight against the neo-Nazis. So far, nothing has changed. Jamel has come to symbolize the fact that there are places in Germany where right-wing extremists can do virtually whatever they want.

When the Lohmeyers moved here in 2004, they started to fix up their country house and to make contact with the neighbors -- although not with the neo-Nazi Krüger. They were sure right-wing extremists wouldn't be the only people in Jamel.

Only gradually did they realize just where they had ended up. Plaster crumbled from many of the houses in the village and one roof had collapsed completely. Beer bottles, car tires and gas canisters were littered behind the bus stop. There were metal fences surrounding some properties and attack dogs strained against their chains in the front yards. No one bothered to remove the swastika scribbled on the sign at the entrance to the village.

Children Giving Hitler Salute

There were young men with shaved heads and army trousers in the village and Nazi rock music could be heard from across the fields on the weekends. Shots sounded from the woods, where the neo-Nazis practiced their shooting -- police later found bullet casings in trenches there. When the Lohmeyers walked through the village, children raised their hands in the Nazi salute.

Krüger has shaped the village. He grew up here, with a father who was known as a right-wing radical and who used to make his son salute each morning in the snow. Young Krüger was an outsider at school, an acquaintance remembers, and didn't find friends until he joined the skinhead scene. As a young man, he incited right-wing thugs to attack a campsite and spent time in pre-trial detention on suspicion of burglary. Still, for a long time, the Krügers were the only neo-Nazis in the village.

"Now," says Horst Lohmeyer, "they see Jamel as a 'nationally liberated zone'" -- a neo-Nazi term for places foreigners and those of foreign descent must fear to tread. The extremists took over the village in just a few years. They now own seven of the 10 houses and have driven out anyone who couldn't come to terms with them. They battered down doors and broke windows, slashed tires, flew the German imperial war flag and celebrated Hitler's birthday. In the 1990s, they stuck dead chickens on one family's garden fence with the warning, "We'll smoke you out."

The village emptied and Krüger encouraged his right-wing friends to buy the available houses. Few others dared to venture into Jamel anymore. Neo-Nazis greeted one couple that wanted to move there with "Piss off" -- and the couple's house burned down shortly before they planned to move in. One new property owner dared to set foot in the village only accompanied by police.

The Lohmeyers have made it their life's work not to let themselves be driven out of Jamel. Each year, they host a rock festival on a field behind their house. Governor Erwin Sellering of the SPD has been patron of the festival since 2009. Police fence in the area and guard the entrance, and in past years, things remained largely calm.

Help is Far Away

This summer, though, neo-Nazis jumped over the fence, yelling slurs and attacking concertgoers. Police stepped in and stopped the troublemakers. But police can't always protect the Lohmeyers -- the nearest station is 12 kilometers away.

Horst Lohmeyer sits in his kitchen, bent over a map, and runs his finger along the roads and through the towns -- Gressow, Neu Degtow, Grevesmühlen. It takes a quarter of an hour to reach the nearest police station. When Krüger got married this summer, the village was inundated with several hundred right-wing extremists from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, including a number of high-ranking NPD politicians such as Stefan Köster, NPD party head for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Jamel has become a right-wing pilgrimage site -- they come from all over Europe to see the village where neo-Nazis call the shots. They celebrated Krüger's wedding until late in the night, with nationalist rock music and fireworks. The Lohmeyers lay awake in bed, frozen with fear.

Mayor Uwe Wandel is helpless in the face of the right-wing movement in his community. He sounds bitter when he talks about Jamel. "The police, the authorities, no one dares to intervene," he says. "The Nazis are laughing in our faces." Wandel says he has repeatedly asked the state government for help. The interior minister and a parliamentary delegation came by one time, he adds. "They stayed for 20 minutes, expressed concern -- then they left again."

No One Responsible

Jamel has become a lawless place, Wandel complains, and the authorities don't take decisive enough action against the right-wing extremists. He says Krüger is allowed to dump demolition waste and burn trash in the village with impunity. The head of the department of public order in nearby Grevesmühlen says higher-level officials at the district level need to tackle the problem. They in turn say the local authority is responsible for Jamel.

Krüger, meanwhile, has much bigger plans. He has been a member of the district council for the NPD since 2009 and has bought parts of a concrete factory in Grevesmühlen, which he uses for his NPD office and his demolition company. The company logo shows the outline of a Star of David being smashed; the slogan is, "We do the dirty work." Barbed wire encloses the factory premises and dogs bark. A sign above the entrance reads, "Better dead than a slave." Krüger prefers not to comment on the accusations against him. All he says is, "Nothing that's written about me is true. I don't stand a chance against the system."

Krüger has hired new employees in the last few months. He gets contracts from fellow members of the far-right scene, but also from local businesses. Mayor Wandel says he's appalled by how far these right-wing structures now extend. "I'm afraid of a second, third, fourth Jamel," he says.
Neo-Nazis placed a boulder at the entrance to the village. A plaque attached to the rock reads, "Village of Jamel - free, social, national." Signs next to it point the way to Hitler's birthplace ("Braunau am Inn 855 km") and to the formerly German cities of Breslau (now Wroclaw in Poland) and Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). No one has removed the rock. "We've given up on Jamel," Wandel says.

Only the Lohmeyers are left. ... 71,00.html

I am speechless. I knew eastern-germany had severe problems with far right extremists, but them taking over an entire village with outright violence no less? I don't know what outrages me more, the Neo-Nazis or the spineless authorities letting this happen.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by PeZook »

I too am speechless. Since displaying Nazi symbols and promoting the ideology is illegal in Germany, I have to wonder why the cops didn't just stake out the village during Hilter's Birthday, then just roll in and arrest everyone?

Hrm...they may have manpower problems during that particular day due to wackos going out in force throughout Germany proper...but I can't see why an officer or two can't be spared to tape the shenanigans going on around the village and then start busting people at their leisure, searching their homes...

Ah, well. Maybe they need the Russians to go and do some cleaning again :D

EDIT: There's a quote from a silly Polish war/adventure book about WWII which kind of shows the tiny flaw in neo-nazi thinking.

In the book, a young Volkssturm kid shoots one of the characters. The rest disarm him, and the kid screams HEIL HITLER. A character responds thusly:

"You better stay silent, kid. If you got another Hitler in the future, I'm afraid there'd be no one left to speak German."
Last edited by PeZook on 2011-01-11 10:49am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by K. A. Pital »

The revival of neo-Nazism in Eastern Europe has long been a dangerous trend. That this spills over to the rest of Europe, and starts from East Germany, is only natural in my view. It has been ignored, it has been shunned, it has been hidden under various apologia of "anti-Soviet blah blah blah". One can only reap what one sows.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Rye »

I was watching a documentary yesterday regarding far right gangs in post-soviet countries like Poland. It's pretty terrifying, and it's interesting how an area can go from communism to the very far right just a couple of decades later. To me it seemed that as soon as the soviet infrastructure and social engineering structures were removed, the bottom fell out of everything and tons of people became unemployed with a need for some sort of struggle and identity. Of course, the far right rhetoric that identifies easy enemies (jews, gays, other races) to blame, and then offers a whole subculture of identity and brotherhood that fills the void well.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Zixinus »

The place should be purged not by the police, but by the fucking army. A sign of this allowed to happen is a sign of tolerance of it.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Serafina »

Zixinus wrote:The place should be purged not by the police, but by the fucking army. A sign of this allowed to happen is a sign of tolerance of it.
I would rather have Neo-Nazis take over a dozen villages than have the army deal with internal affairs that are the polices job.

That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before. They were not dealt with immedeately (much less with such brutish violence as proposed), but were dealt with regardless.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by [R_H] »

Serafina wrote: That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before. They were not dealt with immedeately (much less with such brutish violence as proposed), but were dealt with regardless.
Isn't the problem here that this village is basically a German equivalent of "Bumfuck, Nowhere"? Ten houses, nearest police post (of unmentioned size) is 12km away.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Zaune »

Serafina wrote:[I would rather have Neo-Nazis take over a dozen villages than have the army deal with internal affairs that are the police's job.

That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before. They were not dealt with immedeately (much less with such brutish violence as proposed), but were dealt with regardless.
I don't know what level of equipment and training the German police have access to, but a militant far-right group that's established some kind of paramilitary training camp and is apparently being bankrolled by a guy who runs a demolition company doesn't sound like a law-enforcement matter to me. It sounds like a job for a couple of mechanised infantry platoons.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by salm »

Serafina wrote: That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before.
Like what?
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by General Zod »

Serafina wrote:
Zixinus wrote:The place should be purged not by the police, but by the fucking army. A sign of this allowed to happen is a sign of tolerance of it.
I would rather have Neo-Nazis take over a dozen villages than have the army deal with internal affairs that are the polices job.

That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before. They were not dealt with immedeately (much less with such brutish violence as proposed), but were dealt with regardless.
Do German police even have the equipment or training to deal with that sort of thing?
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by eion »

In a word, yes.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Siege »

General Zod wrote:Do German police even have the equipment or training to deal with that sort of thing?

EDIT: Eion beat me to the punch :).
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Serafina »

Zaune wrote:
Serafina wrote:[I would rather have Neo-Nazis take over a dozen villages than have the army deal with internal affairs that are the police's job.

That being said, to my knowledge, such things have happened before. They were not dealt with immedeately (much less with such brutish violence as proposed), but were dealt with regardless.
I don't know what level of equipment and training the German police have access to, but a militant far-right group that's established some kind of paramilitary training camp and is apparently being bankrolled by a guy who runs a demolition company doesn't sound like a law-enforcement matter to me. It sounds like a job for a couple of mechanised infantry platoons.
:roll: Please, this is not the United States. We are not talking about heavily entrenched, armed and trained gun-nuts here - you are hard-pressed to get any automatic weapons at all even if you have a legal reason to do so. Even if - what are you thinking about the german police? This is a major first-world country - we DO have police squads that can handle such things, even if they are not frequently employed.
Spezialeinsatzkommandos are similar in equipment and training to US-american SWATs. If you want real heavy-duty units, go look up the GSG 9 (they are federal police, not military as they are sometimes portrayed in the media). Edit: And when i say heavy-duty, i mean it - they have access to military anti-tank weapons when necessary.

As for training on "how to deal with Neo-Nazis" as opposed to "how to take out a group of gun-nuts" - i don't know whether the police in some rural region will have special training for such a thing, but i know that major cities and the federal police have specialists for such a thing - it's not like Neo-Nazis are a new thing around here.
[R_H] wrote:Isn't the problem here that this village is basically a German equivalent of "Bumfuck, Nowhere"? Ten houses, nearest police post (of unmentioned size) is 12km away.
This is one of the problems. There are others: Buying land is legal, there is no law preventing someone from owning a whole village. Owning Nazi-stuff is not a sufficiently heavy crime to justify heavy police action.
Now the harrasment, paint bombs, graphiti and the like are much more problematic - but if you are living in a civilized country with a rule of law, then you still need good evidence in order to arrest someone, regardless of whether he is a Nazi or not. Which is why these things typically take several years to resolve, because they are done in accordance to the laws instead of "send in the tanks!1". That being said, it could probably be done much more efficiently with more funding.

Note that such things mostly happen in isolated regions - much more action is taken against neo-nazis in the cities. Of course, being a member of an ideology is still not a crime (nor should it be) and you can only be arrested for actions that are against the law. It's not the job of the police to get rid of Neo-Nazis - that's the job of the politicans and citizens. The police is only responsible for arresting them when they violate the law.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Serafina wrote:Please, this is not the United States. We are not talking about heavily entrenched, armed and trained gun-nuts here - you are hard-pressed to get any automatic weapons at all even if you have a legal reason to do so.
1. Legal full-automatic firearms (referred to as NFA Weapons) are so rare and expensive in America as to make up 0% of crimes. The total number of crimes involving even illegal automatic firearms in the last seventy years is so low you can count it on one hand.
2. You don't need an automatic firearm to be a threat to even a heavily armed police officer.
3. It's not difficult to make an automatic firearm from scratch with the right tools, a bicycle shop could do it.
4. It's even easier if you already have an open-bolt weapon.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Metahive »

In Germany it's already controversial to use the army to deal with natural disasters, having them roll tanks through a village to flush out a bunch of Nazis is completely out of the question. I agree with Serafina that this would also be highly inappropriate and that german police commandos are sufficiently equipped to deal with them should they be called in.

What gets me is that the police has virtually given up on protecting the non-nazi citizens of Jamel from direct and violent harassment by the Neo Nazis. Just because it's some small village in the wilderness doesn't mean they have to stew in their own juices.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Metahive »

Some people here have suggested the Neo Nazis could try violent resistance against the police. They should just come and try because that would make them even more unpopular than they already are and completely ruin the chances of the NPD to hold and to further the small foothold they have gained in legitimate politics. Law and orderliness are still pretty strong sentiments in Germany and large scale shootouts with the police are the type of anarchic, law of the jungle style of chaos that are abhorrent to the average German. The NPD itself knows of its image as a party of brutish thugs and that this is tied to their relative lack of success, that's why they have tried to create a pretense of honorable citizenship around themselves in the recent years.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by PeZook »

I did suggest filming the village's shenanigans during some stupid neo-nazi celebration or another, but after a few minutes of thinking, this is bound to put the filmers in extreme danger, with a chance of actually filming a crime that would result in a solid conviction being rather remote.

So you'd need to catch them in the act doing violent shit, and that's more difficult. It didn't really surprise me that the issue might be more complicated than it seems at first glance :D

Also, doesn't the German constitution prevent the army being used for domestic law enforcement?
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Zaune »

I was thinking mostly of the possibility of this Kruger fucknut having one of his demolitions guys rig up some roadside bombs on the road to the village, though the fact that they're apparently doing weapons drill out there tends to suggest these crazies are more dangerous than your average gangbanger or bank robber, but I take your point about GSG-9; I honestly thought they, and indeed the Border Guards as a whole, were part of the army.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Metahive »

PeZook wrote:Also, doesn't the German constitution prevent the army being used for domestic law enforcement?
Yes, the Grundgesetz forbids the use of the army as such or at least it used to be until at least 2008. I couldn't find any articles on the issue after that year, which is a shame because it was a hotly debated issue then if that particular law could be changed or revised to openly allow the use of the army at least to deal with natural disasters, for which they were already used a couple of times.
Last edited by Metahive on 2011-01-11 04:00pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by [R_H] »

Serafina wrote:
[R_H] wrote:Isn't the problem here that this village is basically a German equivalent of "Bumfuck, Nowhere"? Ten houses, nearest police post (of unmentioned size) is 12km away.
This is one of the problems. There are others: Buying land is legal, there is no law preventing someone from owning a whole village. Owning Nazi-stuff is not a sufficiently heavy crime to justify heavy police action.
Now the harrasment, paint bombs, graphiti and the like are much more problematic - but if you are living in a civilized country with a rule of law, then you still need good evidence in order to arrest someone, regardless of whether he is a Nazi or not. Which is why these things typically take several years to resolve, because they are done in accordance to the laws instead of "send in the tanks!1". That being said, it could probably be done much more efficiently with more funding.

Note that such things mostly happen in isolated regions - much more action is taken against neo-nazis in the cities. Of course, being a member of an ideology is still not a crime (nor should it be) and you can only be arrested for actions that are against the law. It's not the job of the police to get rid of Neo-Nazis - that's the job of the politicans and citizens. The police is only responsible for arresting them when they violate the law.
Metahive wrote: What gets me is that the police has virtually given up on protecting the non-nazi citizens of Jamel from direct and violent harassment by the Neo Nazis. Just because it's some small village in the wilderness doesn't mean they have to stew in their own juices.
It seems that the political will to get anything done is severly lacking. I can't for the life of me imagine why, they're bloody Neo-Nazis. If anyone, then the NPD would get its panties in knot.
Zaune wrote: I don't know what level of equipment and training the German police have access to, but a militant far-right group that's established some kind of paramilitary training camp and is apparently being bankrolled by a guy who runs a demolition company doesn't sound like a law-enforcement matter to me. It sounds like a job for a couple of mechanised infantry platoons.
Are you off your rocker? Since when does "they went shooting in the woods" mean "paramilitary training camp" (oh noes, maybe al-Qaida's involved too). If you intended your italicising of "demolition company" to imply that they'd have access to explosives which they'd use to build IEDs - well, see the beginning of my reply, because that's how ludicrous it is.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by D.Turtle »

Metahive wrote:In Germany it's already controversial to use the army to deal with natural disasters, having them roll tanks through a village to flush out a bunch of Nazis is completely out of the question.
This is complete bullshit.

First of all, it is one of the main roles of the German military to help with natural disasters. In fact, helping with natural disasters was one of the things that helped the German military be accepted in Germany after it was reestablished, and they continue to be regularly used in such a role.

Second, it is not just "out of the question", but it is illegal for the German military to take be used in a law enforcement role in Germany.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Metahive »

A right, I misread the articles. It was indeed to open them up for general domestic purposes. I mistakenly thought the law forbade them all domestic uses at all and the disaster response had been special exception.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Thanas »

There are a few things to consider here.

First, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has been suffering from a lack of money for the past few years. In that situation, the police simply does not have the resources to protect one house around the clock.

Second, these things have happened before, even in other states. The NeoNazis move in, act tough for one or two years and then hightail it out of there as soon as resources are focused on the problem. This was for example going on in the nineties in several West German villages and towns, for example in Bad Bederkesa (where things actually got so bad that there was mass violence in the streets).

Of course, eventually the Nazis moved to the east. There are several factors working in their favor there:
- high unemployment
- bad education system (suffice to say the communist FDR did not have the best social studies etc. there is)
- declining birthrate and brain drain - basically everybody who already can, has either moved to the west or to the cities to find work.

These are the root causes. Another factor is the post-communist mindset. The communists worked very hard to instill a distrust of democracy and of capitalism. This of course left lasting damage, especially when coupled with the first factors. At first the people in this group put their faith in the PDS (essentially the former communist party, left wing extremists), but after the PDS actually was in government in the state for a few years (and did nothing of consequence), they started shopping around. The NPD has managed to cater to that audience by espousing an authoritarian (familiar to FDR supporters) solution to the problem.

Of course, a lot of people play the game to get rich. For example, there are a few scumbag lawyers who exclusively find their clientele in this group - and who managed to get rich. I suspect the same thing is happening here - note how the article mentions him dumping waste etc.
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by His Divine Shadow »

Serafina wrote::roll: Please, this is not the United States. We are not talking about heavily entrenched, armed and trained gun-nuts here - you are hard-pressed to get any automatic weapons at all even if you have a legal reason to do so.
I dunno, I rather think they can have access to lots of firearms given the staggering amount of illegal guns in Germany (20 million est. according to your own Interior Ministry).
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Re: Neo Nazis take over village in East Germany

Post by Skgoa »

But we are not talking about rifles and SMGs, she police should be able to handle it, should action be necessary.
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