Gov Pawlenty has been outspoken recently which most people take as a sign he's going to run for President in 2012
He's done interviews with several news groups like this one
National Review
Today he said the following when interviewed per Huffington PostNR wrote:NRO: Should congressional Republicans raise the debt ceiling?
Pawlenty: I'm not for more debt, and if there's any way to avoid that, they should not raise the ceiling. We have to get spending under control, but we also have to make sure they don't wound the economy in the process. You've got a bunch of people holding our debt and the signal that it sends if you can't actually back it up. ... I think it's fine to say that we're not going to raise the debt ceiling, but you had better make sure you can live on that amount of money. If they can, they should. I think they should exhaust the possibility of cuts before raising the debt ceiling again.
Still hunting a second source but the point is clear that Tim falls into the Bush era "deficients don't matter" camp. The camp that brought us massive deficients despite being Republican fiscal conservative card carrying groupies.Huffpo wrote: "They should not raise the debt ceiling," Pawlenty said. "I believe they should pass legislation that would allow them to sequence the spending as revenues come in to make sure they don't default. And then have a debate about what other spending could be reduced."
"That's right," he added, when asked again if Republicans should vote against raising the debt ceiling. "And to avoid the default I would take it one step further: send the president a piece of legislation that authorizes the federal government to sequence the paying of its bills so that we don't default on the debt obligations, and then we have a debate about how we reduce the other
So lets review, don't raise the debt ceiling, but cut spending to match revenue. Any halfway competent journalist would ask the follow up question "So Governor what are you going to cut to prevent us from going over revenue, and you must be specific don't give me I'll cut spending bullshit, name the programs your going to cut to to make up the 1.3 trillion dollar deficit, you must cut 1.3 trillion dollars from the budget THIS YEAR or your going to run over the debt ceiling"
But of course we have no competent journalists, we only have news actors and sucks ups so that question was not asked. But the numbers kind of bring the problem into prospective does it not? We are spending 1.3 trillion a year of which the two wars make up some 71% of that deficit because they were unpaid for. Even if you do end both wars day 1 of 2012 that still means you need to cut 460 billion from the budget this year. Which means your either cutting defense or you have to eliminate the Department of Housing, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Agriculture, The Department of Education, the Department of Veteran's Affairs, NASA, Department of Justice and raise taxes for the last 80 billion and you can balance the budget! Or totally eliminate Medicare/Medicade which would also balance the budget. Social security is payed for by it's own taxes so cutting it won't help anything but will free up cash so it's another possibility.