Brisbane CBD evacuated

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Broomstick »

As long as you don't have a crack in the middle of that plate like the New Madrid fault in North America, yes, it's good.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Phantasee »

They've been building houses on stilts for generations, I don't think it's going to suddenly be a problem because of a previously undiscovered fault that nobody but you knew about.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Broomstick »

Actually, I was assuming nothing about Australia's tectonics, that's why I asked.

My area is proof that you can have a fault in the middle of a continental plate, one that can generate significant quakes. New Madrid does not shake often, but when it does it generates quakes up to 8 on the Richter Scale. The one that devastated Haiti in 2010 was a "mere" 7.0 on the scale. For that reason, stilts are not favored in areas adjacent to the New Madrid fault zone. People used to build on stilts near the Mississippi and other waterways but it's discouraged now because the cost of building a quake-proof stilt house is prohibitive for most people or, if you allow it, you pretty much guarantee a building collapse in the next big quake.

Of course, if Queensland had such a fault I presume they would be aware of it by now. If it is not a problem than so much the better for the Queenslanders who have a safe option those of us in a large swath of North America do not.
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Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by bobalot »

The hysterical whining about the one-off tax (that is less than a $1 a week for 60% of Australians, 0% for Flood victims & 0% for those who earn less $50k) continues.

At the pub, I heard a guy blowing money on the pokies complain about being "slugged" each week for a few dollars (Probably less, he looked like a bogan). Fucking unbelievable.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by mr friendly guy »

Hilton of Perth Posted at 4:37 PM January 28, 2011

If we had a choice to help it would not be a levy. A levy is forced, I have donated more than this levy would take from me. It was my choice, I am opposed to being forced. What guarantee is there that this money will not be misused and spent helping the guys who have lost everything.
Randroid hack.
rabbit of epping nsw Posted at 4:40 PM January 28, 2011

What I really concern is this government raises taxes, whatever name given, anytime as they please. And also, if there's another occasion (hopefully not) arises, will the people donate so quick, not only money, but also volunteering?
Yes, lets forget how the labor government gave us $31 billion dollars in tax cuts. Now they raise, what $1.8 billion we whine.
Paul of Brissy Posted at 4:50 PM January 28, 2011

What I cannot understand is that if everything is going to be rising in price because of the floods as we have been told by Mr Treasurer in the papers, then the Fed Govn will be making more out of the GST, so why then do we need another tax? Surely the extra from the GST will cover the money needed easily as it's on every item we have to buy, including our increased costs in labour and time. Can someone in the press please get the answer to that from Miss PM or Mr Treasurer!! Get us the real facts. Not just a verbal answer, show the real facts and figures written down so we can see whether they are lying or not about the needs. Otherwise it's all smoke and mirros, as seems to be the case a lot these days with governments, especially QLD's.
:banghead: :banghead:
Blue of Newcastle Posted at 4:51 PM January 28, 2011

Un-Australian. Let's raise the money though a charity!
Maybe we can get those advocating war in Iraq to raise the money via charity too. :D Lets see how far we get with any policy objective when the money has to be raised via charity.
yim Posted at 4:51 PM January 28, 2011

to all the limp wristed latte sippers saying the levy isnt too much - in isolation it is not the amount of the levy in itself - its the fact its another straw that is going to break the camels back. people are sick and tired of being relentlessly taxed into oblivion by reckless over spending governments who think nothing of donating tons of money overseas and other useless garbage like baby bonuses.
Shed no tears for this bullshitter. Its like an Australian version of Joe the Plumber. BTW, the income tax rate for Australia has been decreasing since I started working full time in 2004, due to tax cuts by both the ALP and Liberals. I didn't see people taxed into oblivion before the tax cuts.
Engineer of Sydney Posted at 4:41 PM January 28, 2011

Thank you J-Gizzle. I am a graduate engineer and earn about $65K. I am repaying my large HECS loan, made my flood relief donations, pay hefty taxes, pay for over priced flood affected/ imported fresh food and am trying to save up for an apartment. To make matters worse your flood tax levy scheme has caused nervous trading in the stock markets over the last two days and it has cost me a further $2000. How are the youth supposed to make a break in this world?? $43 billion for the NBN. Soon the babyboomers will retire and us youth WILL be slapped with further taxes for more hospitals/ health care/ nursing homes and wider roads for retirees with Winnebagos. I am not an economist, but something's gotta give. In engineering jargon currntly everything looks, 'Unsustainable'.
I like how he can afford to invest / play / trade the stock market, cop a $2000 loss and whines about a few hundred dollar tax. :roll: And if he couldn't, ie it was a margin loan or some other type of loan, then its his own fault, he took a calculated risk and it didn't pay off.
Scott of Canberra Posted at 8:43 PM January 28, 2011

Next time there is a natural disaster in Australia my family is NOT going to donate money to help as we just get taxed after we spend thousands to help.
Cue cartoonishly evil laugh. Sometimes the comedy just writes itself.
Gerry of Perth Posted at 8:52 PM January 28, 2011

I wonder will be there any Hail Levy for WA?
Maybe if the hail damage was as great on the infrastructure as the Qld floods, oh wait its not.
RedBull of BullCreek Posted at 9:45 PM January 28, 2011

As soon as I saw those folks mucking in together to clean up strangers streets I knew the Lab Gov wouldnt like it. It was rolling back 50yrs of creeping statism, when Gov gets involved in all parts of our lives. Labor prefers to take our money, waste loads on admin by public servant incompetants and then spend the rest, while putting up signs saying this raod/school etc is part of a federally funded program. Let's not forget the money Labor has wasted in the last 4 years, which would have covered this disaster - it's called 'saving for a rainy day, Julia/Kev'.
Rebuilding infrastructure is apparently a waste of money.
David of Melbourne Posted at 10:42 PM January 28, 2011

No one will argue that money needs to be spent rebuilding flood affected area. But this should be done through charity and voluntarily. People should have the choice to choose to give or not and not be forced upon by government on this issue. Don't tell Australian that the budget is running so tight that $1.8bn can not be allocated from the budget. This levy is hardening hearts towards flood victims. This is so un-Australian and so typical of labour. If we can learn anything from history, this government doesn't have a good track record for managing money well. I don't believe the money will be well spent that that breaks my heart thinking that flood victims are not going to get all they could to help them on their feet because people with the money can't manage funds properly. Perhaps I would be ok if this levy comes from a government that I trust and support.
OMG, Ayn Rand lives again.
Brian of sydney Posted at 11:19 PM January 28, 2011

I have no problem with this new levy, i just hope the charities i supported up until now will understand when i tell them "i'm sorry but the government now has the money i usually give to you" I will not be giving money to any charity until this levy is lifted.
Ashley of Perth Posted at 2:06 AM January 29, 2011

Great, more money to the goverment. Bugger it, I am going to put it down as a deduction on next years tax return. up yours joolya
Only if I can put down my contributions to causes I also dislike, eg the Baby bonus, war in Iraq etc as a tax deduction too.
Paul of Perth Posted at 9:23 AM January 29, 2011

Now can you see why John Howard used to run a surplus? Yes, that's right, for disasters and other emergencies like this. This happens every time Labor gets in. They throw our money around left,right and centre, run a huge defecit, and then tax us because they have none of our money left in the bank. You 'silly' Labor voters really stuffed up this time. This Labor union puppet (Gillard) must go and soon, before Australia ends up like Greece or Ireland etc.
Someone else who has no grasp of economics. Has he not heard of the GFC?
Dick Dawson of Capella Posted at 9:40 AM January 29, 2011

After seeing Julia Gillard on tv during the QLD floods I find it hard to believe that she is the leader of our country. She has absolutly no personality and cant even talk properly. When she talks to world leaders they must have a bit of a laugh.Instead of introducing another tax or leavy ( which will probably stay once the target is reached )why not cut some of the foreign aid that we pay other countrys and channel that to flood relief. We have to look after ourselves before we worry about anybody else. It seems that whenever governments need money they just introduce another tax or levy. Between the banks and the government it is a wonder that anybody can get ahead.
Well we can forget about competence in a leader. They just need personality for TEH WIN.
Nick of Melbourne Posted at 10:44 AM January 29, 2011

Those who support the levy (and knock others that criticise it) are completely missing the point. Our point is that the Government already collects a HUGE amount of tax from us each and every day of the year. GST and income taxes alone are substantial (31.5% for an average earner doesn't like much in percentage terms, but think about it in terms of real dollars and then you'll begin to wonder where all that money goes!). State taxes such as stamp duty are also massive (I purchased a new home last year so am we aware of this). The problem is that they waste so much of this money. I'm sure most people would have no problem paying for the recovery effort - WITH THE TAXES THAT WE ALREADY PAY! The fact that we are being forced to fork out yet another tax (sorry, "levy") only proves that this government has already wasted so much. Extra money generated by the levy will be WASTED - make no mistake Julia. I'd be surprised if anyone in your Government knew anything about responsible financial management. There is simply no accountability. Julia, Wayne, Kevin, Penny, etc. - you're all con-artists!!
The problem with this argument is that a) federal income tax has been decreasing for years (at least since 2004 when I started working) b) we have lots of commitments as well, from building infrastructure to military commitments overseas.
Jetsetter Millionaire of Brisbane Posted at 10:56 AM January 29, 2011

OF COURSE the money will be MIS-MANAGED !! That's what the public sector does, I've had the misfortune to work in local, state and federal Government departments and as most people know at least 50% of the people working there are 'on welfare' (that is, they are unemployable in the 'real world'). Any firm quoting for Govt contracts adds 50-100% to their real pricing to account for the bureaucracy, backside-covering and stupidity that is endemic in every level of Government. So Julia Gillard should have accepted the interviewer's concern about mismanagement and taken a good hard look at the timesheets and day in the life of her typical 'employee'.
Note this person's definition of welfare = unemployable in the "real world". Whats the betting the definition of real world will include some circular logic which ties into welfare. I am sure all those health care workers who work in the public sector are unemployable in the real world too, right. Fuck wit.
empire of B Posted at 10:56 AM January 29, 2011

Most people wouldn't mind paying this tax if it was going to the people who have lost their houses. But we all know it is going to be spent on roads and government buildings. I was reading my local paper yesterday and there was a job for a traffic controller (you know the people who hold up a stop sign) $2000 per week and accommodation and food paid for. Is this how our money is going to be spent??? You can bet ya bottom dollar it will!!!
Yes, because roads and infrastructure are so unimportant.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by loomer »

I love the 'It's Unaustralian!' cries. Aren't we the country that's built up a whole nationalist myth that places supreme value on 'mateship' and that? I'm betting these are the same people who whole heartedly believe in it, too, so it's just "Unaustralian! But don't you dare go against the Australian culture of mateship and pride! But don't you dare go taking out of my pocket to help another man!"
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Zaune »

Strictly in the interests of being scrupulously fair, are there any hard numbers for how much has been given to charity so far, and which charities have received the most money? If a non-trivial percentage of the estimated repair costs have already been raised by voluntary donation that might put a different complexion on things.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by bobalot »

The repair cost for infrastructure alone is $5.6 billion. Charities have raised $200 million for flood victims.

It's hard to believe that we have morons who believe that charities can build major pieces of public infrastructure purely on donations.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Zaune »

bobalot wrote:The repair cost for infrastructure alone is $5.6 billion. Charities have raised $200 million for flood victims.

It's hard to believe that we have morons who believe that charities can build major pieces of public infrastructure purely on donations.
It can work -most of Britain's maritime SAR capability operates on this basis, believe it or not- but only in certain special circumstances, and even then there's no guarantee.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Xon »

Search and rescue is an intrinsicly cheaper operation that rebuilding almost an entire state of infrastructure.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by weemadando »

Xon wrote:Search and rescue is an intrinsicly cheaper operation that rebuilding almost an entire state of infrastructure.
You think we should tell him about Australia's massive network of volunteer and professional, charity and corporate sponsored lifeguards and coastguards. Hell, most states have charity/corporately sponsored rescue chopper(s) too.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Broomstick »

The idea of doing everything by donation MIGHT be viable if you have a government standing behind you to fund any shortfalls. Like with a one-time levy. Oh, wait....

Charity and volunteering doesn't always do the job. That's why we invented taxes
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Leonard Nimoy.

Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by weemadando »

Broomstick wrote:The idea of doing everything by donation MIGHT be viable if you have a government standing behind you to fund any shortfalls. Like with a one-time levy. Oh, wait....

Charity and volunteering doesn't always do the job. That's why we invented taxes
Most of these organisations get monetary support from federal, state and local government. But most of their staff remain volunteers and most of their funding is from other sources.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by bobalot »

Zaune wrote:
bobalot wrote:The repair cost for infrastructure alone is $5.6 billion. Charities have raised $200 million for flood victims.

It's hard to believe that we have morons who believe that charities can build major pieces of public infrastructure purely on donations.
It can work -most of Britain's maritime SAR capability operates on this basis, believe it or not- but only in certain special circumstances, and even then there's no guarantee.
My point still stands. Major pieces of public infrastructure costing billions of dollars and years of construction cannot be done by charities.
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi

"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Winston Blake »

In case anybody cares, there's also a cyclone (Cyclone Yasi) that is going to hit north Queensland tomorrow night. Its intensity is Category 3 right now (Hurricane Katrina was Category 3 when it hit New Orleans), but is "forecast to be upgraded to Category 4". It's also bigger.



Size indication:

I hope none of our members here are in the affected region.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by weemadando »

Yeah, we've been watching it carefully at work. I assume Canberra is going batshit about it.

My mum is doing work with the Red Cross in Brisbane at the moment and was transferred over to the cyclone teams. They are apparently shitting themselves after the latest briefings tonight. The eye of this fucker is 200km across. It's anticipated to hit as a Cat 4, with winds above what any structure in Townsville is rated to handle. There's the possibility that it might hit as a Cat 5 w/ 300km/h winds. As it is, the estimates are for a 7m storm surge hitting a few hours after high tide. So that's something (impact being about midnight tomorrow).

At least there's been enforced evacuations of some of the cities and the whole nation's disaster recovery mechanism is already geared up.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by loomer »

Fortunately I'm out of it's radius, but jesus christ, this is shaping up to a bad year.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Winston Blake »

Update: Crazy leader of radical Christian group claims God is punishing us, due to the presence of irreverent atheists and homosexuals in the government.
Link wrote:A CONTROVERSIAL church group has called on Prime Minister Julia Gillard to fall on her knees in prayer in the midst of the looming cyclone crisis facing Queensland.

"It is very sad that this dark chapter in Australia’s history is led by an atheist Prime Minister in Julia Gillard and an openly homosexual Greens leader... both who have no regard for God nor prayer,'' Catch the Fire Ministeries said in a statement today.

President Dr Daniel Nalliah said Julia Gillard was not elected by the majority of the Australian people, but rather the personal decision of two power hungry independent MPs who catapulted Ms Gillard to the top job.

“Are we Aussies all paying for that decision? It is very well known that throughout history, in a time of national crisis, kings, prime ministers and presidents of countries around the world have turned to God, irrespective of whether they were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim and asked for help or at least called the nation to pray for protection and for the victims of the disaster,” Dr Nalliah said.

Dr Nalliah, a former Family First candidate who was asked to leave the party for his controversial views, has already blamed the Queensland floods on Kevin Rudd speaking out against Israel.

He also blamed the Victorian bushfires on that state's liberalisation of abortion laws.

Dr Nalliah said right through the flood crisis across Australia, he had "not heard our Prime Minister call the people of Australia to pray and ask God for protection and for help for the tens of thousands of people who have become victims of this major disaster".

“Even the secular media personalities stated several times, ‘Our prayers and thoughts are with you’, but did we hear our PM make any such statements at all or did I just miss out on it?”

Dr Nalliah said under the Howard Government when Australia was going through a major drought crisis, Mr Howard called on the nation to pray for rain in 2007.

A National Prayer Gathering in Federal Parliament was then held on 22 October 2007.

"Within 24 hours the rains started pouring down in many parts of Australia.

“I am sure many will remember newspaper articles which stated, some on the front page, “Prayers answered, Heavens open, John Howard Calls Nation to Pray, Christians Pray for rain.

"Now we have a new crisis brewing in the seas of Australia with Cyclone Bianca in WA just passing through, and Cyclone Yasi in QLD.

"How many more disasters will it take before our nation, starting from the Prime Minister, would fall on our knees and ask for God’s protection and turn back to Him?”
in a time of national crisis, kings, prime ministers and presidents of countries around the world have turned to God, irrespective of whether they were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim and asked for help
It's common knowledge that Buddhists and Hindus turn to the Christian God when the going gets tough. However, no-one knows what the Jews do.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Broomstick »

Winston Blake wrote:In case anybody cares, there's also a cyclone (Cyclone Yasi) that is going to hit north Queensland tomorrow night.
It's in the news here - you guys just aren't getting a break, are you?

Tell Dr. Nalliah the appropriate god to pray to here isn't Jesus but Huracan, who's in charge of floods and cyclones. Some appeasing may be needed, which I'm sure Nalliah will be willing to help out with. Of course, Huracan isn't some peace and love type god, he's Central American which presumably means blood and lots of it, but it's a small sacrifice for the good of Australia.
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Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by weemadando »

It has been officially upgraded to Cat 5, which it will likely impact as and the time of impact has been brought forward and now coincides with the high tides.

Oh yeah and there's bushfires in Vic again.

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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by atg »

weemadando wrote:It has been officially upgraded to Cat 5, which it will likely impact as and the time of impact has been brought forward and now coincides with the high tides.

Oh yeah and there's bushfires in Vic again.

Flooding and Cyclones in Queensland.
Bushfires in Victoria.
Bushfires in NSW.
Busfires and flooding in WA.

SA ftw?...

I'm actually very surprised wee havn't had a major bushfire yet in SA. Though we havn't had any 40+ degree days until this week :/
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by Archaic` »

SA has its crazy water, that more than makes up for missing all the crap we're getting right now.
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Re: Brisbane CBD evacuated

Post by atg »

Archaic` wrote:SA has its crazy water, that more than makes up for missing all the crap we're getting right now.
Crazy water? If your meaning a lack of water we're actually not on water restrictions anymore... well by we I mean those not living on the Eyre peninsula but they're less than 4% of SA's population so that doesn't count am i rite
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun
Ilya Muromets: And now I have this image of a massive, stern-looking Swede staring down a bunch of military nerds. "It's a tank." "Uh, yes Sir. Please don't hurt us."
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