Pistolero wrote:Zaia: Stupid question: Are you Australian? If so, I love you already. Aussie accent=very funny (for a non-native English speaker, at least)
1) Not a stupid question.
2) No, I'm not, but I would very much like to be.
3) I actually spent six fabulous months there and loved it very much and am simply dying to return.
4) I did get a bit of an Aussie accent towards the end of my trip, though.
5) Guess that means you don't love me already. Phooey.
If you are English, though.. I AM MOVING IN WITH YOU! (can you please say "at all" and "thank you for your call" in British accent?) You got me, right then and there.
Nope, I am not British either, so I guess we won't be moving in together anytime soon.
(This is almost as cute an introduction as XaLEv's--he asked me to marry him in his first post to me

If you are French... I WILL MARRY YOU! Is there anything sexier than a cute French girl?
Sorry, babydoll--the best I can do is that I'm of French decent. And what makes you think I'm cute?
PS--Yosh, if you ever get too hot/cold/lonely in your deserts, you can come stay with me in Tassie if you like.