This seems like the most plausible theory to me if she is telling the truth. Honestly, considering they are suing for monetary damages (I'm guessing) I'd say the most plausible theory is she is overstating and/or misrepresenting what the Chaplain said.
You realize that when you file a lawsuit like this (so, not a habeus writ, or an order of injunction), you pretty much HAVE to claim some sort of monetary damages in the US right? There only a few types of things you can demand in a civil suit.
Some form of injunction: In these cases, there is nothing to enjoin the defendant from doing.
Restoration of a violated right: In this case, the rights in question were violated prior, and not ongoing. If a school had an illegal policy of denying funding to women's athletic teams, then this policy could be forcibly reversed via court order.
Monetary Damages: Compensating the injured party in the event that the other two conditions do not apply (or in addition to the other remedies, if the court decides that punitive damages are required to punish the defendant)
I suspect even a Republican Fundie Chaplain in the Military would not be quite that callous and stupid. Then again, after it being an exaggeration or a lie, the Chaplain being that fucking stupid seems the most plausible to me. -shrugs-
Have you ever talked to an evangelical minister in your life? Yes. They are that fucking callous. And yes, there is a definite tendency for military chaplains to be evangelists, and there are recorded incidents of them doing some Fucked Up shit to get conversions from soldiers.
Honestly, I always doubt the motives of people when they ask for financial compensation for their grievances years afterwards. I understand it takes time to recover....but 5 years total to make a financial complaint? I'd figure 3. Maybe another 6 months or so to organise a combined suit. :/
No moron. The government's pockets are really freaking deep. You dont want to sue them on your own, they will bury you.
1) You have recovery time, and guess what... rape victims do not generally recover fast. The women has been diagnosed with clinical depression and PTSD, and has probably had a hell of a time getting the mental healthcare she needs on top of all the other shit.
2) Soldiers are contractually barred from filing lawsuits except under certain conditions (IIRC), so you have to file various forms to get that done
3) You have to find people willing to sign on to the suit with you in order to defray the upfront filing costs and to give yourself a better case in court. For a case like this, it helps if you have 17 people claiming that there is a pattern of this sort of abuse. That takes time to do.
In other words, you and your rape-myths can go fuck yourself.
I've heard more than enough stories how women in the military have to try to be extra-tough in order to be accepted by your oh-so-good-knights.
Oh yes. Imagine it. The
chauvinist pigs "knights in shining armor" always looking down at you, offering to help you with simple tasks, the institution itself holding you to lower standards, but also penalizing you for their decision to do so by passing you over for promotion or the high risk assignments you may otherwise prefer...
It is EXACTLY like female police officers. They have to be extra-tough just to get the respect of the men, and their self respect grows with the work. So, when they get raped, it violates them emotionally even more because their pride and self respect--to say nothing of the respect of others--have been crushed even more.
We're forced to attend classes like this at least once a quarter, and no corporation I've ever worked for did anything nearly so extensive.
And the reason that has to happen is because of the demographics of the military. White, young, poor to middle class, often religiously conservative males. You know, the kind prone to the thinking that they are big badasses, and who think that the place of a woman is inherently in the kitchen pregnant.
I wont even get into the macho military culture. Now, not everyone is like that, but statistically you WILL get a higher percentage of that in the military population. Isn't selection bias grand?