I've been seeing some interesting back and forth in N&P for some time now and some people are branded as Anti-American and there is a certain contingent that can be counted on to come in and say something deragatory or simply focus on the negative in a news article or what have you concering the US.
If however you take a step back and look at the rhetoric coming from the US you have to wonder if this anger and vitriol has some reason to be.
During the Cold War years America took a firm stance as the shining beacon of freedom for the whole world. Best personafied in a speech by Saint Ronald Reagan: "America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."
And in Ronald Reagan's farewell address to the nation he repeated the notion when he stated "I've spoken of the Shining City all my political life. …In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still.'"
Beautiful words and many right wingers probably masterbate to this imagery but one has to wonder what does everyone else in the world think when you have the leaders of a nation speaking in these terms to the whole world? What does the rest of the world, outsiders looking in, think when they see this kind of rhetoric from our leaders?
Do they see a nation chastising Third World nations for not running elections properly and forcing them to give all opponents equal opportunties to be heard and then essentially having their own elections run by corporations and who spends the most money wins?
Do people see a nation berating others for polluting the evironment and using up oil while it greedily consumes 50% of the world's oil and is angered by others wanting to join in on the party of excess and waste?
Do these nations see a country that talks of itself in terms of being an innocent bystander when planes were flown into towers yet this innocent bystander propped up dictators for generations across an entire region that spawned those who hate freedom?
I'm not trying to say that all these perceptions are true nor do I believe that we are as evil as the dictators we have supported, etc. All I'm saying is that when we hold ourselves up as a standard, a standard for things like freedom, democracy and in general goodness then when we fail, as we seem to do A LOT then maybe those "haters" have some reason to hate.
Maybe they don't want a nation with a beam in its eye to go around criticizing other nations for sins it commits with reckless abandon, holding other people to standards either other regions don't support, care about or want to do the American way.
I mean, if we were sitting at home and the president of Russia started using some of the rhetoric to describe his own country that I've heard routinely from politicians here I would probably roll my eyes and have a good chuckle.
And maybe, just maybe, some of those "haters" actually love this country and what it wants to stand for and are just angry at how far it can fall sometimes.
And then again despite all of this let's face it folks, sometimes a hater's gonna hate.

In any event what are people's thoughts on this? Is America sometimes asking for it? Has the US put itself on a pedestal no one asked it to and now suffers the slings and arrows for it? Is there some culpability in our own rhetoric that begs for a negative response?