In a hard scifi environment, I expect spacecraft to remain rather spindly affairs, with all the pressurized sections being roughly cylindrical or spherical for strength. Staging will probably remain not uncommon. The price of material delivered to the far reaches of interplanetary space will quite likely outweigh the price of an engine and some empty fuel tanks, just like it has for sending things into earth orbit. Every Kg of spacecraft you bring to your destination that you aren't actually using is a kg less of cargo you could bring instead.
I don't think it's unlikely that larger spacecraft might have some onboard manufacturing ability. There are a number of rapid prototyping technologies that can produce metal parts in a variety of alloys, as well as many more that can print stuff like plastic. IIRC, the ISS is due to eventually receive such a machine that works by depositing metal in a fashion similar to the operation of a MIG welder. These devices can get quite small, and may be practical for replacing any number of smallish metal bits on a spacecraft at a net overall reduction of mass when compared to carrying spares of every small to medium sized metal or plastic part that is likely to break at some point. I do not think that the capability to manufacture the majority of electronics on site will be a feature of spacecraft in the foreseeable future. The production of integrated circuits, or future integrated photonics is a rather more involved process.
I'm no expert on nanotechnology, but I figure it will share some traits in common with other things that share the same general size and perform roughly similar tasks, specifically bacteria and fungi. They do seem to be able to adapt to a fairly wide range of environment, though they need a power source, probably in the form of an energy-rich chemical solution. They do seem quite adept at producing interesting chemicals like proteins or enzymes or oils or alcohols given the raw materials plus what they need to live, but I'm not sure how good they would be at building specific macroscale things. Specific breeds could probably be made to produce a certain pre-set shape through processes similiar to developmental biology, but I have doubts about how programmable that would be, let alone how accurate or fast, or how flexible the design parameters could be. Another solution could be to use a process similar to lithography and build things up in layers, but I don't know how much of an advantage nanotech would be at that over more conventional alternatives.
Spacecraft are not liable to have very effective metal armor, not only for mass reasons, but also because of the effects of cosmic radiation. High energy protons and alpha particles from the sun have a nasty habit of causing heavier elements to give off secondary radiation when hit. Steel or depleted uranium components to composite armor like in a tank are probably not worth it when you consider the increased X-ray flux the crew will be getting at all times. Aluminum seems to be about as heavy as you want to go. Lighter elements tend to make better shielding against particle radiation. Plastics and water make good radiation shielding because they are made up of a bunch of lighter elements. Impact shielding is probably best left to methods like whipple shields. The crewed segments of a spacecraft might be constructed as cylinders surrounded by tough fiber-reinforced polymer insulating material that also works as radiation shielding, and that would be surrounded by spaced armor to act as a whipple shield. The insulating layer would also act as the inner layer of the whipple shield and would absorb the vaporized cloud of material produced by the initial impact.
Anyone building off-planet colonies in a realistic setting is probably doing it at least in part because they are concerned about extinction level events happening to their planet, and will therefore probably have more government run dedicated asteroid finding and tracking telescopes than our (zero). Sure, we have a bunch of amateur astronomers finding new stuff all the time, but they have to look through our atmosphere and asteroids and such can be quite dim, especially the carbonaceous or very small ones. Plus there's the matter of having more telescopes up there for keeping track of the elevated levels of dangerous space junk that comes with increased space travel, as well as telescopes for tracking all the actual traffic, for various reasons like space traffic control.Sarevok wrote:About the detection. You can certainly detect many spaceship sized objects at interplanetary ranges but in all likelihood won't find them. Telescopes look at very narrow sectors in the sky. Tracking a known body and finding something out there in the darkness is totally different. There is a ton of stuff out there right near Earth etc that we simply miss. The overwhelming majority of NEOs, rocks larger than aircraft carriers, are believed to be still undiscovered.
There are only so many viable transfer orbits and launch windows for a given realistic acceleration and maximum change in velocity, so even in the vastness of interplanetary space there would probably be a surprisingly high chance of getting close to another ship. I don't think it would take that much extra software to get all those sorts of sensors to recognize things that are out of place. Any one telescope doesn't have much chance of finding any given thing, but it's just a matter of having enough to cover the whole sky. There's also the fact that there really isn't a whole lot of anything in the solar system above and below the ecliptic plane, so you can mostly ignore those parts of the sky. Sure, you could be sneaky and fly up or below the ecliptic, and try to get the drop on something from there, but that's going to use an awful lot of fuel, and if anyone sees you on your way out, that's going to raise some serious eyebrows.