And the last 3 books will all be released within one year, starting on November!!!!!
And people still don't believe in God!

Moderator: Edi
My gut tells me it is gonna be awesome! And I have a big gut! All joking aside, 99% of King's work revolves around the Dark Tower. Like Roland's world is the axis upon which all existence revolves, and you have to keep in mind that the man who wrote The Gunslinger was barely out of his teens, and he wrote it as a serial thing... more like many stories glued together. Plus, if you head over to and read some of his announcements, you will see that he says he put his whole being into writing these books. It is tough for a writer to be actually pleased with his work, and he sounds damn proud of the last three installments.. Holy shit, I can't hardly wait, dammit!neoolong wrote:So do you think the re-writing will be a good or a bad thing?
Just wait... I have a feeling we are all going to be blown away in a few months. While I do agree that his latest books have (pleaseGodforgivetheblasphemy) sucked ass (If you liked Dreamcatcher or From a Buick 8 you need help... fast), I do think that he has written NOTHING like the final DT books, and the new edition of The Gunslinger. And like you say, even if it sucks, at least I can die in peace after reading them (hmmm, no. I still have to see Episode III)Marcus wrote:Im more than a little dissapointed in the re-writing... the first book was (isnt it always) by far and away the best of the series. It was simple, elegant, poetic in its way.
But yes, I never thought this series would be finished. Even if its drawn out to a whimpering, overly-long, overly-minutaed conclusion as is so often Kings wont as he ages, at least it will be done.
Dude, you have no freakin idea. If you have not read The Stand, I would STRONGLY suggest you drop The Drawing Of The Three and READ the Uncut, fucking-brick-heavy 1500 page version of The Stand. Once you are done and well acquainted with the initials "R.F.", then you go back to DT. And then you read Insomnia, Hearts In Atlantis, Rose Madder, Salem's Lot, The Little Sisters Of Eluria... and then you will be ready to be blown away by the most amazing saga ever written.Dalton wrote:Hmm, really. I'm working through Book 2 now, it seems to be a promising series.
I guess you're a King fanPistolero wrote:Dude, you have no freakin idea. If you have not read The Stand, I would STRONGLY suggest you drop The Drawing Of The Three and READ the Uncut, fucking-brick-heavy 1500 page version of The Stand. Once you are done and well acquainted with the initials "R.F.", then you go back to DT. And then you read Insomnia, Hearts In Atlantis, Rose Madder, Salem's Lot, The Little Sisters Of Eluria... and then you will be ready to be blown away by the most amazing saga ever written.Dalton wrote:Hmm, really. I'm working through Book 2 now, it seems to be a promising series.
Yeah, that was a pretty interesting fight. Fighting naked? Made me wince. Sucks that Roland got mutilated earlier though.Pistolero wrote:And I think you will REALLY enjoy the fight at Balazar's. I listened to it on audio book while on a long drive. 9 hours compressed into 15 minutes.Dalton wrote:Hmm, really. I'm working through Book 2 now, it seems to be a promising series.