The Evolution of Your Usernames

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Post by Crayz9000 »

Spyder wrote:The evolution of ASVS's one man offtopic party.
You also used Spyda Blade for a while, if I recall. That was back in 2000, roughly.
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Post by Spyder »

Hey yeah, so I did.
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Post by Dalton »

Spyder wrote:Hey yeah, so I did.
With, of course, the appropriate and obnoxiously huge ascii-art .sig :)
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Post by Spyder »

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Post by Dalton »

Spyder wrote::twisted:
Asshole :) You're worse than Enforcer Talen.
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Post by Spyder »

He has nothing on me, I am the elder God of inanity!
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Post by Dalton »

Spyder wrote:He has nothing on me, I am the elder God of inanity!
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

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Post by Neko_Oni »

I used Harlequin and Death Jester during my 40k'er days, then changed to various forms of Oni (demon) since my anime days started, currently settled on Cat Demon.
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Post by Bob McDob »

I used to be called Bob, MUG (MUG for Mentally Unstable Guy). It was derived from Eric the Mental Hospital Escapee. It turned out to be too clumsy, so I changed it to Bob McDob. I have no idea where the McDob came from, but I think it was from an old Pokemon fanfiction. Really. Shut up.
That's the wrong way to tickle Mary, that's the wrong way to kiss!
Don't you know that, over here lad, they like it best like this!
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Post by Bob McDob »

That's the wrong way to tickle Mary, that's the wrong way to kiss!
Don't you know that, over here lad, they like it best like this!
Hooray, pour les français! Farewell, Angleterre!
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Re: The Evolution of Your Usernames

Post by His Divine Shadow »

HemlockGrey wrote:How many usernames have you had over the ages? I started out with 'Challenger' for two years and then after a while I went over to 'Cyril' for two years and now I've got 'HemlockGrey', thank to the auspicious and muchly under-appreciated Lord Wong.
Been using this one since 1996 when I first saw Lexx.

It might have been 1997 too, not sure.
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Post by victorhadin »

I write science fiction as a hobby, at least when time permits. One summer I felt bored and decided to start on an ambitious new universe and future history, which has subsequently expanded to occupy near-everything else I write. It was based, initially, around the collapse of society and the rising of new powers in the developed world. Victor Hadin was the 1st Merchant Lord of the Allenian State, an entity which pops up multiple times in my stories, has died and been reformed once and triggered the Last Great Earth War in its first incarnation.

He is now my internet alias, as no other Victor Hadins exist on the net, preventing an irritating number after my name.
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Post by weemadando »


Originally in about 1996 when I got my first e-mail account I went by the name of a_tuin. Yes, that A'Tuin...

Then in about 1997-99 I went by the name of Nosh.

Then in 99 when I started posting to AGSC, ASVB5 and ASVS I went by the name of Anders Russell.

Then in late '99 I changed to WeeMadAndo.
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Post by jegs2 »

I've always used jegs2 for the most part, because their my initials. I've used and still use, "Grey Six" because that was my call sign as a platoon leader years ago, and I still think it's cool.
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Post by David »


Ahem, as for myself, David is my real name.
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Post by David »

And I have a hoard of vicious monkeys guarding my houses all you stalkers out there. :wink:
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Cool, I missed this one when I was in offline land for the month of December. Mine have been, and sometimes still are:
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Post by viperpilot »

how would i change it? not that i want to now, but i may want to at sometime in the future when it gets old.
the battlestar galactic finally found earth, but the cylons had followed and discovered it as well. the colonials shared their knowledge with earth in return for recruits to fight the cylons. i joined in defence of my planet and am willing to give my life for that cause.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »



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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Online I've only used a few usernames....
Keevan Colton :-
A corruption of my first name, Kevin, and a joke from a script for ANH where "Captain Antillies" was written as "Captain Colton".....originally my pilot persona in XvT and then a character in many star wars related things....

Caoimhin Fearghul :-
My bard alter ego from fantasy tales...the name is my full name in its old gaelic literally translates as "handsome child descended from man of valour"

Waylander :-
In homage to the Gemmel character of the same name.....

Tyrbalt :-
Another Star Wars roleplaying alter ego of mine, a joke at the time...mixing "Tybalt" which means "peoples prince" and "Tyr" the norse god of the warrior path and justice....
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Post by Frank Hipper »

viperpilot wrote:how would i change it? not that i want to now, but i may want to at sometime in the future when it gets old.
Only through the sacrifice of a Rabid Trekkie to Darth Wong may you change your name.
Actually, if you want a change, I think all you need is to ask him really really nice.
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Post by Dalton »

Frank Hipper wrote:Actually, if you want a change, I think all you need is to ask him really really nice.
Oddly enough the person who started this thread used to go by Cyril.
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

My user name started in the form of "Lord Sith" when I started playing Counterstrike. I eventually joined a clan called "Kamakazie", this is where I also learned that clans are a waste of time...but anyway I changed my name to Kamakazie Sith and I have been using it ever since.

I tried Kamikaze Sith for a while but it just didn't seem to have any spirit. Thus I went back to Kamakazie Sith..........

I do use other names for example on Battlefield 1942 my user name is General Patton [KS].
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Re: The Evolution of Your Usernames

Post by LadyTevar »

HemlockGrey wrote:How many usernames have you had over the ages? I started out with 'Challenger' for two years and then after a while I went over to 'Cyril' for two years and now I've got 'HemlockGrey', thank to the auspicious and muchly under-appreciated Lord Wong.
LadyUnicorn (Lady Uni, UnicornLdy, etc)


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Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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