Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

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The Asiduo
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by The Asiduo »

Darth Tedious wrote:They're also not logically defendable. So why are you even here?
I just want to give my opinion, which is: "Raynor and you guys are losing your time making intellectual attacks on Stoklasa", which is the point I've been repeating since my first post in this topic. If you want to argue his main points, please do, because that would be more interesting than just nitpicking on nitpicks, and pretending he's talking bullshit or being "dishonest" for just make some cheap jokes in an Internet video.

For example, one point interesting we've been arguing in other topic is: "Anakin is a tragic character?", which is a point Stoklasa also dealt in one of his reviews (in his review of RTS). In those points, intellectual discussion can be more rich, in my opinion, than just spend pages and pages arguing why the blockade plot device was completly logical, and if a guy was joking or not for suggesting "Fight them all".

Oh, and I had confused the Ebert review. Sorry.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Darth Tedious »

The Asiduo wrote:
Darth Tedious wrote:They're also not logically defendable. So why are you even here?
I just want to give my opinion, which is: "Raynor and you guys are losing your time making intellectual attacks on Stoklasa", which is the point I've been repeating since my first post in this topic. If you want to argue his main points, please do, because that would be more interesting than just nitpicking on nitpicks, and pretending he's talking bullshit or being "dishonest" for just make some cheap jokes in an Internet video.

For example, one point interesting we've been arguing in other topic is: "Anakin is a tragic character?", which is a point Stoklasa also dealt in one of his reviews (in his review of RTS). In those points, intellectual discussion can be more rich, in my opinion, than just spend pages and pages arguing why the blockade plot device was completly logical, and if a guy was joking or not for suggesting "Fight them all".

Oh, and I had confused the Ebert review. Sorry.
Thankyou for clarifying your stance.
I think if anything, the biggest problem in RLM's review was that a great deal of the actual points he was making were lost in translation, so to speak. The way in which he presented the whole thing caused a great deal of what he was saying to be either taken the wrong way, or missed entirely. Dually because of the persona of Plinkett, and the nitpicky style in which he made the bulk of the review. Both of these things, while obviously enjoyable for those who appreciate his style, detracted greatly from what he was trying to say for everybody else.
Hey! I think I just reviewed his review! :D

Seriously though, I also find intelligent discussion of the prequels is much more interesting.

No need to apologise about the Ebert review. You only mentioned it once in passing IIRC. You're not the one who repeatedly harped on about it.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Jim Raynor »

Please stop acting as if you have evidence to back up Stoklasa's wildly exaggerated and misleading statements, when you really don't.
emersonlakeandbalmer wrote:Have you watched the movie?

After accidentally crash landing in the TF ship he power up and fires at the robots attacking him. When he hits the reactor he says oops. When was the last time you said "oops" while doing something on purpose?
Anakin was intentionally firing. He accidentally shot off his torpedoes while already firing his lasers. A fortunate mistake that was in line with his intentions, not Anakin being not even knowing what the basic situation was, as the RLM review tried to make it look like. The RLM review didn't even contain its comments to whether Anakin knew what he was doing during the fight. It claimed that there was no story because the protaganist (Anakin) had no idea about anything that was happening, misleadingly cutting a few seconds-long shots of Anakin turning his head about.
In the scene before he didn't even know where the pilots had gone, the auto pilot being the only reason he ended up there.

He never once shows any type of forethought as to how he's going to bring down the ship or that he's even trying too. And you really want to claim he knew what he was doing?
What the hell? A meaningless little line where Anakin says, "Look, that's (the Droid Control Ship) where the autopilot's taking us" does not prove that Anakin had no idea what the mission even was. He observed that the autopilot took his ship (the ONLY ship to be seized by an autopilot) to the same place as the other Naboo fighters, that's all.

Don't talk to me about watching the movie when it's plainly clear that you haven't. In the scene where the Naboo and the Gungans meet to plan their attack, Anakin is standing right there when Padme explains that they're going to infiltrate the palace and try to get their pilots to board the fighters and use it against the Droid Control Ship. Anakin even had a closeup when he turned to Padme, showing him paying attention.

But here you are, cherry-picking meaningless lines or sentence fragments here and there trying to twist them into the stupid claim that Anakin didn't even have an understanding of why they were fighting.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Jim Raynor »

Elfdart wrote:First TPM is a failure because 19 films earned more money. Now it's a failure because of some web comments. What's next? TPM was a failed movie because you hear voices in your head?
I love how this guy thinks that a few comments made by people on the internet is some kind of representative sample on the whole population. If I were to take a "sample" of responses to mainstream news stories on Yahoo or CNN, I would come the conclusion that the population was full of sociopathic conspiracy theorists who think that the president is a terrorist infiltrator.

Don't listen to the audience polls or the box office. Listen to the web comments. Ha.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Jim Raynor »

The Asiduo wrote:The review does make serious points, some of which Raynor refutes/agrees with/offers a differing opinion on or misses the point of. The ones he misses the point on are the focus of this thread. So despite your sweeping statement that Raynor has “proven” them invalid doesn’t change the fact that his critique can be taken seriously. As seriously as Ebert. Meaning you can take his review as seriously as Eberts. You know why? They’re both opinions on the film making.
Don't insult Roger Ebert by comparing him to Stoklasa's senseless and often misleading comments. These are Ebert's reviews. Notice something here? They're far shorter than Stoklasa's 70-minute to 2-hour nitpick fests. Ebert's giving his opinion on the movies, and he mostly sticks to his opinion without acting like he's got something to prove. He doesn't go around trying to make a ton of attempted factual and logical criticisms while getting most of them wrong along the way.
Dude, Stokalsa is expressing opinions. Opinions are not refutable, because opinions as those are subjective. If Stoklasa or me, or anyone thinks: "I think the thing in the whole 'blockade' thing is dull and stupid", then, that's an opinion and it's irrefutable.
That's not what he said in that part of the review. He acted as if he could not understand what was going on. He asked stupid questions about how the ship could be physically damaged despite having shields, as if the shields couldn't be shot down. He wrongly stated that the ship was not hit after R2 made his repairs, even though the ship was struck multiple times.

It says a lot to me that you have to:
1) Reduce your defenses of Stoklasa's work down to mere opinion, meaning that it doesn't stand on any logical basis
2) Misrepresent what he actually said, ignoring the factual claims while trying to muddy everything into subjective opinion complete with hidden meaning that you ascribed to his words.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Jim Raynor »

The Asiduo wrote:Dude, Stokalsa is expressing opinions. Opinions are not refutable, because opinions as those are subjective. If Stoklasa or me, or anyone thinks: "I think the thing in the whole 'blockade' thing is dull and stupid", then, that's an opinion and it's irrefutable.
Again, that's not all he said. Stop ignoring all the dumb things while you praise subjective points that were vaguely said at best.
You guys can made up thousand of arguments of why the scene is consistent or logical inside of the "Star Wars Universe", but, I, at least, don't care: I still think it's boring: why?, because I don't care the least for the characters, and also, I still think that a single ship going so easily through a blockade makes the whole "blockade" plot a fiasco. Plus, I think if a scene requieres so much justifications and explanations, it makes the scene even more boring: good scenes in movies should be self-explanatory, in my opinion.
I really like your wording. Coming up "so much justifications and explanations" about why the blockade scene made sense "inside of the 'Star Wars Universe,'" as if I went all fanboy and relied on obscure trivia or strained explanations. That was not the case there. Stoklasa stupidly asked how the shields could be penetrated (something that happens in EVERY Star Wars movie)...I simply said they were shot through. Stoklasa claimed that the ship was never hit after R2's repairs, meaning that R2's repairs were meaningless...a claim that was completely untrue.

If anyone here is straining for justifications, it's you.
Which are the main points?, I've said them over, and over again, so again:

a) The characters are dull and underdeveloped.
b) The plot is unengaging and also seems underdeveloped.
c) The main feel is a movie made as a showcase of special effects without a good story.
Which, and I've said this over, and over again, take up a scant few minutes out of his ungodly 70 minute long review, meaning I don't take your word for it. Especially when Stoklasa clearly made an effort to call George Lucas an idiot and say that Lucas couldn't string together a plot that made sense. And again (and again), even if this "main point" excuse held true, it would mean that the RLM is a dumb joke, a trolling attempt, or whatever the hell you want to call it. Just not a logical and correct analysis of the movie...which was the point I made way back in the introduction to my response.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by TK421 »

Jim Raynor wrote: Don't insult Roger Ebert by comparing him to Stoklasa's senseless and often misleading comments. These are Ebert's reviews. Notice something here? They're far shorter than Stoklasa's 70-minute to 2-hour nitpick fests. Ebert's giving his opinion on the movies, and he mostly sticks to his opinion without acting like he's got something to prove. He doesn't go around trying to make a ton of attempted factual and logical criticisms while getting most of them wrong along the way.
Speaking of Ebert: ... -sith.html
Revenge on "Revenge of the Sith"

I was pretty much sure I didn't have it with me to endure another review of this one. Mr. Plinkett demonstrates to me that I was mistaken.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Darth Tedious »

TK421 wrote:Speaking of Ebert: ... -sith.html
Revenge on "Revenge of the Sith"

I was pretty much sure I didn't have it with me to endure another review of this one. Mr. Plinkett demonstrates to me that I was mistaken.
Nice to know there was at least one person out there who disagreed with Stoklasa and found him funny.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by TK421 »

Darth Tedious wrote:
TK421 wrote:Speaking of Ebert: ... -sith.html
Revenge on "Revenge of the Sith"

I was pretty much sure I didn't have it with me to endure another review of this one. Mr. Plinkett demonstrates to me that I was mistaken.
Nice to know there was at least one person out there who disagreed with Stoklasa and found him funny.
Certainly. It is possible not to agree with something on every point and still enjoy it. Although Ebert's positive review of ep 3 did include criticism of the flat acting, bad dialogue and made mention of the excessive space politics in the previous movie. But since it's a good bet Ebert will never ever write a point by point critique of RLMs review, we'll never know fully what all he did or didn't agree with, other than that he liked it.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Darth Tedious »

It's a likely possiblilty that as a reviewer himself, Ebert appreciates satirical review.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Rayman wrote:Anakin was intentionally firing.
Yes, at the robots attacking him, not in an attempt to bring down the ship.
He accidentally shot off his torpedoes while already firing his lasers. A fortunate mistake that was in line with his intentions, not Anakin being not even knowing what the basic situation was, as the RLM review tried to make it look like.
Please point me in the direction that clearly shows Anakin had any intention of bringing down that ship. Because all the scenes leading up to it he was basically trying to just not get shot down.
The RLM review didn't even contain its comments to whether Anakin knew what he was doing during the fight.
Actually it does because he says “Ya might be thinking that it's Anakin, cuz he's like a slave, and saved the day at the end, by accidentally blowing up the starship.”
It claimed that there was no story because the protaganist (Anakin) had no idea about anything that was happening, misleadingly cutting a few seconds-long shots of Anakin turning his head about.
I don’t completely disagree with you, but I also don’t take everything RLM says so literally. A child that is just following his father figure around, fighting bad guys he doesn’t understand the motivations of and accidentally saving the day does not make for a good protagonist.

Also Plinkett didn’t say he had no idea he said “the things that are happening around him arepretty much out of his control or understanding”

Anakin has the basic idea, but just like the control ship he’s not actively trying to be the hero, he’s just stumbling his way through the adventure.
Don't talk to me about watching the movie when it's plainly clear that you haven't. In the scene where the Naboo and the Gungans meet to plan their attack, Anakin is standing right there when Padme explains that they're going to infiltrate the palace and try to get their pilots to board the fighters and use it against the Droid Control Ship. Anakin even had a closeup when he turned to Padme, showing him paying attention.
I want to make sure I’ve got this right. You're saying this look:

Tells you that Anakin understands everything, but the fact that he aimlessly flies around the TF ship never firing a shot until he accidentally crash lands, fires on robots that start firing on him first, then accidentally fires torpedoes, that accidentally bring down the TF ship tells you nothing?
But here you are, cherry-picking meaningless lines or sentence fragments here and there trying to twist them into the stupid claim that Anakin didn't even have an understanding of why they were fighting.
Hahah. And here you are cherry picking a close up of Anakin turning his head to claim that he understood everything. Once again so I'm clear, lines of dialogue are meaningless but head turns tell you everything you need to know about the character's inner thought process?

You know why I cite specific lines, because I can’t link to the entire movie and expect people to watch it. Shit I had to show you the lightsaber battle 3 times before you even realized the mistake I was pointing out to you. Speaking of which…
He wrongly stated that the ship was not hit after R2 made his repairs, even though the ship was struck multiple times.

From the moment the pilot says “Deflector shield’s up at maximum” they do not get hit again. Now you could argue that the shields were up at max when they went green or that the light filling the cockpit after the line was a hit, but that’s debatable. RLM edit is not "dishonest"
He asked stupid questions about how the ship could be physically damaged despite having shields, as if the shields couldn't be shot down.
He also ends this line of thought with "aww fuck it." Clearly it was his most important point of the review.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Darth Tedious wrote: Yeah! Top reviewers hated TPM!
If you read the whole thing, you'll notice that Ebert actually addresses a lot of the issues that people had with the movie, and explains why they aren't really a problem within the context of the Star Wars saga.
Of course, the principle difference between Ebert and Plinkett is that Plinkett's reviews are 'a funny way for Stoklasa to get his opinions out there', and Ebert's reviews are made as completely serious critiques.
TK421 beat me too it but I’ll also add Ebert’s tweet.
The first movie review people might pay $10 for to see in a theater. Revenge *on* the Sith.
Ebert is far more articulate and has become an icon of film criticism, but he’s still just offering opinion (I agree, he intends for his reviews to be taken completely serious, while RLM would rather make someone laugh) But with critics everyone’s personal taste comes into play and I for one usually have a tough time trusting Eberts reviews (Virtuosity and Hackers got three stars, same as Blade Runner and Matrix :shock: ). I’ll still read him though because he’s a good writer. I feel the same way with RLM, but what he lacks in writing he makes up for in clever editing. I disagreed with his review of Avatar, but I still found it to be amusing.
Darth Tedious wrote: Thankyou for clarifying your stance.
I think if anything, the biggest problem in RLM's review was that a great deal of the actual points he was making were lost in translation, so to speak. The way in which he presented the whole thing caused a great deal of what he was saying to be either taken the wrong way, or missed entirely. Dually because of the persona of Plinkett, and the nitpicky style in which he made the bulk of the review. Both of these things, while obviously enjoyable for those who appreciate his style, detracted greatly from what he was trying to say for everybody else.
Hey! I think I just reviewed his review! :D
I think you said it better in 100 words than Raynor said in 108 pages. Obviously RLM message must be muddled because it took Asiduo and I, god knows how many pages to get on the same page with someone. I think RLM articulated the feeling a lot of people had towards the prequels but had never put them into words (or in this case a 70 minute video). Part explanation (for why they failed… to the viewers… that saw them as a failure… just so we’re clear this isn’t objective), part nitpicky anger, part satirical comedy. I think to a certain extent, if you "get it" then it works for you, but if not it's like trying to laugh at a joke you just don't find funny. Eventually it'll make you angry if everyone keeps laughing at it. Like Jeff Dunham.

I also will concede the objective argument to you tedious. I think I lumped you in with some of the other dicks on this thread, but it appears from your interaction with Asiduo that I may have had you wrong. I will no longer try to antagonize you with that issue. There isn't a smiley face that tips the brim of the hat to someone so just pretend there is and that I just used it.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Havok »

What is this bullshit argument that Anakin didn't know what he was doing in the final battle? The Phantom Menace script wrote:ARTOO beeps

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Go back!?! Qui-Gon told me to stay in this cockpit and
that's what I'm gonna do. Now c'mon!
The fact that he is unfamiliar with the controls of a highly advanced starfighter that he has never even sat in before, is not evidence that he didn't know the objectives of the mission. Nor does the fact that he doesn't know the interior layout of a Trade Federation Battle Cruiser.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Darth Tedious »

emersonlakeandbalmer wrote:I think you said it better in 100 words than Raynor said in 108 pages. Obviously RLM message must be muddled because it took Asiduo and I, god knows how many pages to get on the same page with someone. I think RLM articulated the feeling a lot of people had towards the prequels but had never put them into words (or in this case a 70 minute video). Part explanation (for why they failed… to the viewers… that saw them as a failure… just so we’re clear this isn’t objective), part nitpicky anger, part satirical comedy. I think to a certain extent, if you "get it" then it works for you, but if not it's like trying to laugh at a joke you just don't find funny. Eventually it'll make you angry if everyone keeps laughing at it. Like Jeff Dunham.

I also will concede the objective argument to you tedious. I think I lumped you in with some of the other dicks on this thread, but it appears from your interaction with Asiduo that I may have had you wrong. I will no longer try to antagonize you with that issue. There isn't a smiley face that tips the brim of the hat to someone so just pretend there is and that I just used it.
I appreciate that concession. To be honest, I'd lumped you in with some of the pro-Stoklasa dicks I've seen and heard.

I think we can safely agree to disagree for the most part on the subjective side of things (though not completely- I strongly agree that TPM is most definitely the weakest link in the Star Wars saga). I thought that TPM was pretty enjoyable and altogether not too bad (but again- I agree that it could have been better).
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Havok »

Personally, I find AOTC the weakest link in the saga. It is basically garbage.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Darth Tedious »

Havok wrote:Personally, I find AOTC the weakest link in the saga. It is basically garbage.
I found it to be the most underrated, myself. Granted, absolute fuck all happens in it. I think it was the level of intregue I felt watching it for the first time that made me like it. Trying to figure out where things were going, as Obi-Wan chased Jango Fett's trail, and discovered the clone army.

That said, I've rewatched it very few times.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by The Asiduo »

Jim Raynor wrote:Again, that's not all he said. Stop ignoring all the dumb things while you praise subjective points that were vaguely said at best.
I think it's pretty obvious you'll keep insisting he was literal: otherwise, your whole "intellectual refutation" would seem rather pointless.

I really like your wording. Coming up "so much justifications and explanations" about why the blockade scene made sense "inside of the 'Star Wars Universe,'" as if I went all fanboy and relied on obscure trivia or strained explanations. That was not the case there. Stoklasa stupidly asked how the shields could be penetrated (something that happens in EVERY Star Wars movie)...I simply said they were shot through. Stoklasa claimed that the ship was never hit after R2's repairs, meaning that R2's repairs were meaningless...a claim that was completely untrue.

If anyone here is straining for justifications, it's you.
Just to check, I watched this infamous scene, to contemplate the "dishonesty" of Stoklasa in his review. The whole "running through the blockade" scene took about a minute: they enter, almost inmediatly they lose the Shield Generator, then R2 fixes the thing, the guy says: "Deflector Shields at maximum", we see a light for an instant reflecting on him (which I guess is fair to assume that is a blast), and then... nope, no more hits in the ship. Wow, how dishonest Stoklasa is, it's almost shocking: instead of not being hit at all (as he said), they got hit once!. That single hit makes the scene and the blockade plot completly interesting and logical suddenly: that hit in the ship is the glue that holds the scene together, and a complete demostration of how immoral Stokalasa is.

But, probably if Stoklasa instead of saying: "They never got hit again", would have said something as: "R2 fix the shields, they just got hit once more, and then, never got hit again", you would be: "ooops, he got me there". Yeah, one hit makes a world of difference, really, and shows how sunk in the moral depravity Stoklasa is.

Which, and I've said this over, and over again, take up a scant few minutes out of his ungodly 70 minute long review, meaning I don't take your word for it. Especially when Stoklasa clearly made an effort to call George Lucas an idiot and say that Lucas couldn't string together a plot that made sense. And again (and again), even if this "main point" excuse held true, it would mean that the RLM is a dumb joke, a trolling attempt, or whatever the hell you want to call it. Just not a logical and correct analysis of the movie...which was the point I made way back in the introduction to my response.
It's not meant to be logical or correct: is just a guy joking and giving opinions of why he thinks the PT sucks. If you think it's a dumb joke, fair enough: I think RLM's reviews are funny videos, but that's a matter of taste. If you don't think "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" is funny, it's okay. But please, don't write a 108 page essay explaining why the movie is "dishonest" or "stupid" movie just because the physicial antics don't make sense.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Havok wrote:What is this bullshit argument that Anakin didn't know what he was doing in the final battle? The Phantom Menace script wrote:ARTOO beeps

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Go back!?! Qui-Gon told me to stay in this cockpit and
that's what I'm gonna do. Now c'mon!
The fact that he is unfamiliar with the controls of a highly advanced starfighter that he has never even sat in before, is not evidence that he didn't know the objectives of the mission. Nor does the fact that he doesn't know the interior layout of a Trade Federation Battle Cruiser.
The above line isn't evidence that he knew the objective of the mission either. The entire time Anakin is blasé about the battle, he never appears to seem scared or fearful (perhaps because of the limitations of the actor). But there is no clear indication that he had any idea what he was doing beyond staying alive.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Elfdart »

Jim Raynor wrote:
Elfdart wrote:First TPM is a failure because 19 films earned more money. Now it's a failure because of some web comments. What's next? TPM was a failed movie because you hear voices in your head?
I love how this guy thinks that a few comments made by people on the internet is some kind of representative sample on the whole population. If I were to take a "sample" of responses to mainstream news stories on Yahoo or CNN, I would come the conclusion that the population was full of sociopathic conspiracy theorists who think that the president is a terrorist infiltrator.

Don't listen to the audience polls or the box office. Listen to the web comments. Ha.
He might be onto something: If you go through the relevant threads in Off-Topic, you'll find comments by myself, Darth Wong and Shep about how No Country For Old Men was a crap movie. These comments prove the fact that the movie sucked.

On top of that, it made less money than The Phantom Menace.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Elfdart wrote:
Jim Raynor wrote:
Elfdart wrote:First TPM is a failure because 19 films earned more money. Now it's a failure because of some web comments. What's next? TPM was a failed movie because you hear voices in your head?
I love how this guy thinks that a few comments made by people on the internet is some kind of representative sample on the whole population. If I were to take a "sample" of responses to mainstream news stories on Yahoo or CNN, I would come the conclusion that the population was full of sociopathic conspiracy theorists who think that the president is a terrorist infiltrator.

Don't listen to the audience polls or the box office. Listen to the web comments. Ha.
He might be onto something: If you go through the relevant threads in Off-Topic, you'll find comments by myself, Darth Wong and Shep about how No Country For Old Men was a crap movie. These comments prove the fact that the movie sucked.

On top of that, it made less money than The Phantom Menace.
What's off-topic? Is that a successful site like twitter?
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Elfdart »

You can read the thread here.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Havok »

emersonlakeandbalmer wrote:
Havok wrote:What is this bullshit argument that Anakin didn't know what he was doing in the final battle? The Phantom Menace script wrote:ARTOO beeps

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Go back!?! Qui-Gon told me to stay in this cockpit and
that's what I'm gonna do. Now c'mon!
The fact that he is unfamiliar with the controls of a highly advanced starfighter that he has never even sat in before, is not evidence that he didn't know the objectives of the mission. Nor does the fact that he doesn't know the interior layout of a Trade Federation Battle Cruiser.
The above line isn't evidence that he knew the objective of the mission either. The entire time Anakin is blasé about the battle, he never appears to seem scared or fearful (perhaps because of the limitations of the actor). But there is no clear indication that he had any idea what he was doing beyond staying alive.
Oh you mean how like in the pod race how he never seemed scared or fearful because he knew exactly what he was doing?
You can argue 'till you are blue in the face, but a kid that can reassemble a working droid out of junk, build a pod racer from the same junk is fully capable of understanding the very simplistic plan of the Queen, which was 'destroy the droid control ship'.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Havok wrote:
emersonlakeandbalmer wrote:
The above line isn't evidence that he knew the objective of the mission either. The entire time Anakin is blasé about the battle, he never appears to seem scared or fearful (perhaps because of the limitations of the actor). But there is no clear indication that he had any idea what he was doing beyond staying alive.
Oh you mean how like in the pod race how he never seemed scared or fearful because he knew exactly what he was doing?
You can argue 'till you are blue in the face, but a kid that can reassemble a working droid out of junk, build a pod racer from the same junk is fully capable of understanding the very simplistic plan of the Queen, which was 'destroy the droid control ship'.
I know, you'd think a kid capable of building a gay robot and podracer would use better tactics than "going left" and "spinning" which to be fair is a "good trick". Not so much with the shooting and the trying to destroy the ship though. Good thing his metachlorine count was so high otherwise he would have been another porkins.
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by Havok »

Way to actually avoid the point, per usual. Yet, everything Anakin did, on his own, helped him accomplish the mission. I also hear that fighter pilots never go left or spin. :lol:

And good thing Luke's midichlorian was so high or he wouldn't have been able to blow up the Death Star. What is this point you are trying to make?

Oh and care to prove that C-3PO was gay or are you just going off of negative stereotypes of gay people to come to that conclusion?
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Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Post by emersonlakeandbalmer »

Havok wrote:Way to actually avoid the point, per usual. Yet, everything Anakin did, on his own, helped him accomplish the mission. I also hear that fighter pilots never go left or spin. :lol:
I just like hiding the point behind jokes, it’s like an easter egg hunt for you.
And good thing Luke's midichlorian was so high or he wouldn't have been able to blow up the Death Star. What is this point you are trying to make?
Curious comparison, because Luke clearly understood the risks and the mission since he was trying to recruit Han into helping saying “You know what’s about to happen you know what they’re up against”. He also made a conscious choice to use what he’d learned about the force to destroy the Death Star. Anakin on the other hand, turned his head towards Padme while she was discussing three different battle plans and then crashed in the TF ship said ‘oops’ after accomplishing the objective. There is no clear indication other than shoe horning “the force” into how Anakin achieved his goal. He made no active decision on his own to achieve his end results. As I said he just stumbled his way to victory, he was basically Jar Jar in a spaceship.
Oh and care to prove that C-3PO was gay or are you just going off of negative stereotypes of gay people to come to that conclusion?
I have a lot of gay robot friends. So, I mostly went off of the positive stereotypes, interesting that you see them as a negative. Robophobic much?
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