15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

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Re: 15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

Post by Stormbringer »

Zaia wrote:
verilon wrote:The first toilet ever seen was on "Leave it to Beaver."
I'm sorry, but this one's completely untrue. I've never seen "Leave it to Beaver" and I've seen plenty of toilets!! :P :D
I think he means the first ever shown on TV.
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Post by Exonerate »

They just live along the river. It could be a range of some hundreds of miles :wink:

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Post by viperpilot »

Mark S wrote:My cat's breath smells like cat food.

:shock: is this why?
irishmick79 wrote:1984 Detroit Tigers backup outfielder? A man named Rusty Kuntz.

btw, where is is this new river that flows north?
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Post by LadyTevar »

Sea Skimmer wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Number 5mustbe a myth. How can a sound not echo, given the right circumstances?
Once again, since I live in a semi-rural area, near a very good-sized river (the only one in the USA that flows North), I can say that while the echo of a goose's honk will bounce at least twice in the narrower areas, a duck's quack you only hear once.
I've never noticed any strange echo effects in the canyons of the New River. It may just be that the quack of a duck doesnt have as much energy and thus you just cant hear a second echo. A goose is a larger bird.

Wow.. he got it in one guess! Congrats, I know several people I've teased with that and they never knew it. You're either *really* good with Geography, or you live along the river itself.

And since the river starts in North Carolina, and ends in West Virginia, yea.. I live there somewhere :)
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I knew #2 already. However, since I didn't pay for this, I can't demand a refund.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Good, new stuff to confound my peers at the office.

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Post by ArmorPierce »

LadyTevar wrote:Once again, since I live in a semi-rural area, near a very good-sized river (the only one in the USA that flows North), I can say that while the echo of a goose's honk will bounce at least twice in the narrower areas, a duck's quack you only hear once.
Ermmm... no. Hope that's a joke.
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Post by Raxmei »

The Tonle Sap river in Cambodia flows both ways.
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Post by The Dark »

In Alaska, it is illegal to look at a moose from an airplane.
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Re: 15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

Post by Zaia »

Stormbringer wrote:
Zaia wrote:I'm sorry, but this one's completely untrue. I've never seen "Leave it to Beaver" and I've seen plenty of toilets!! :P :D
I think he means the first ever shown on TV.
I was kidding, hon. Hence the " :P " and the " :D ."
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Re: 15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

Post by haas mark »

Zaia wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:I think he means the first ever shown on TV.
I was kidding, hon. Hence the " :P " and the " :D ."
Grr to typoes.
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Post by Cap'n Hector »

It's possible to find both durian and pickle ice cream.
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Post by neoolong »

Cap'n Hector wrote:It's possible to find both durian and pickle ice cream.
Now, whether you'd want to is another matter. :D
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Post by Pistolero »

Larz wrote:Hmmm, Coffee Jell-O... now I'm gonna want to make some. Hmm, what fruit flavor tastes good with coffee?...
You fuckers really have to try Sambuca Jell-O. You have not been fucked up until you get fucked up by eating a bunch of Sambuca Jell-O poppers.

Of course, this is just my opinion, I could be wrong. :twisted:
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Re: 15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

Post by Col. Crackpot »

verilon wrote:The Bible has been translated into Klingon.
damn, darkstar really does have too much time on his hands!
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Post by Bartman »

LadyTevar wrote:I live in a semi-rural area, near a very good-sized river (the only one in the USA that flows North)
Well lets see... After 30 seconds googleing I found that all all of these claim to be either the only or largest north-flowing river in the USA:

Cheat River, West Virginia
Kings River, Arkansas
Mad River, Vermont
Monongahela River, West Virginia
Niagara River, New York
Red River, Minnesota
St. Johns River, Florida
Shenandoah River, Virginia
Willamette River, Oregon

I'm guessing your river isn't quite as unique as you were thinking LadyTevar. :wink:
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Re: 15 Things you didn't know you didn't know

Post by Utsanomiko »

verilon wrote:The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet.
Yes, but "jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz" is the shortest English sentence to do so. :wink:
A duck's quack doesn't echo. No one knows why...
That is such an urban legend, complete with the overly-repeated 'no one knows why' tagline. :roll: I think it can be looked up on Snopes' Urban Legend Reference Page for further info.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Close, Utsanomiko, it's The Straight Dope.

Both TSD and SNOPES are excellent resources for finding out if the random BS you get in E-mail is true or not.
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