Good news: It's $20.00. My wallet is saved. And free to buy other games and shit.
Bad news: My current stick (that I only use for Crimson Skies, X-Wing Alliance, and such) fucking looks like THIS:
I fucking kid you not.
So as an Iowan, not only am I in need of a decent, well-priced joystick from this decade, but of course it's Cedar fucking Rapids over here, so as far as the local stores go, this one seemed like my best, all-around choice:
IGN review of Saitek Cyborg 3D Force
PC Magazine review of Saitek Cyborg 3D Force
Well, considering I tried the display one out, made sure the stick wasn't loose, and was pretty happy with how much force it took to move it around, didn't have a problem with the trigger, and really would prefer an ambidextrous design like this one (I could handle a right-hand only stick, but it'd feel awkward and might affect my performance). I was almost going to buy it, but i wanted to check a few reviews and get the board's opinion (besides, I've been too fucking busy this week to play it even if I got it on Tuesday).
So, what's your fucking $.02, peeps?