Steve Lerner wrote:W: We’re going to hear from Steve Lerner next, of SEIU, the Architect of the Justice for Janitors campaign. Currently, he’s working on partnering with unions and groups in Europe and South America, it’s building campaigns to hold financial institutions accountable.
S. Lerner: It seems to me that we’re in a moment where we need to figure out in a much more, through direct action, much more concrete way how we really are trying to disrupt and create uncertainty for capital, for how corporations operate. And it may sound like that’s a crazy thing that in a moment of weakness we could deal with it, but the thing about a boom and bust economy, it is actually incredibly fragile, because it’s not based on real way, well, it’s based on gambling and all of that. And so there are actually extraordinary things that we could do right now that would start to de, destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.
And so the question would be, what would happen if we organized homeowners in mass to do a mortgage strike. Just say if we get, and, and, if we get half a million people to agree, we’ll all not, we’ll agree we won’t pay our mortgages, it would literally cause a new financial crisis.
And if you’re se, if we really believe that we’re in a transformative stage and what’s happening in capitalism, and we need to confront this in a serious way and develop a real ability to put a boot in the wheel [that would be sabotage], then I think we have to think not about labor community alliances. We have to think about how together we’re building something that really has the capacity to disrupt how the system operates.
So, a bunch of us around the country are thinking about who would be a really good company to hate? We decided that would be JP Morgan Chase. …. And so we’re going to roll out over the next couple of months what will hopefully be an exciting campaign about JP Morgan Chase that is really about challenge the power of Wall Street. And so what we’re looking at is in the first week of May [oh those Socialists/Communists do love their symbolism, nicht war?], we get enough people together – we’re starting now – to really have a week of action in New York with the goal of … I don’t want to go into any details because I don’t know which police agents are in the room, but the goal would be that we would roll out in New York the first week in May—
Sounds like a conspiracy to commit domestic destabilization i.e. terrorism to me. Now that the cat's out of the bag, in a manner of speaking, I expect that precisely nothing will happen come May Day. Apparently DOJ and JP Morgan Chase have transcripts of this speech already. If JPMorgan Chase attacks DO occur, and mortgage delinquencies rise and can be linked to Lerner and his allies, I'd expect Lerner to be in a heap o'trouble. He really should think twice if he thinks that the community organizer President who still has us in Iraq and Afghanistan and now involved with Libya (without Congressional approval), who still has Gitmo open for business, and is more concerned with Rio and NCAA point spreads will come to his rescue. Any May Day protests will likely get LE attention very quickly. BTW, JPMorgan Chase is one of the most SOLVENT financial institutions in the US (J correct me if I'm wrong), so Lerner's tactics seem clearly designed to bring down the biggest beast on the assumption that the rest will easily fall.W: You were talking about why unions are so invested because of their pension plans and why ungovernability, as Frances Fox Piven and Cloward taught us, you know, poor peoples’ movements are successful when they create conditions of ungovernability. And then you win victories.
Looks like I need to put Rules for Radicals on my bookshelf next to my copy of The Communist Manifesto so I have the right playbook.
EDIT: No he's not a terrorist, because nothing's happened. If events in May unfold as he's planned, then it's a new game. I for one do NOT want to see another TARP.