*I* wasn't comparing him to Wesley, PREDATOR was. Jesus, that he wasn't Wesley was my fucking point!Themightytom wrote: So... why the hell are you comparing him to Wesley Crusher? he's teh anti Wesley for the reasons you have mentioned. Do you feel Wesley's reputation wasn't deserved and he was just a golden child who was overrated?
Even Prometheus was a massive jump in technology for Earth. The sublight engines alone along with the science capable of supporting and flying a structure that heavy and and massive were hundreds, if not thousands of years ahead of Earth science as we know it today. Somehow, Earth went from a newly minted F-302 that had barely proven itself, to a massive capital ship in less than a year. Even if they were working on both projects at the same time, the difference in the level of complexity between a small fighter and the Prometheus is huge. Face it, SG-1 and Atlantis has been unrealistically pushing the bar for a decade+. Somehow, Eli being a math prodigy is somehow more unbelievable and going too far for people like PREDATOR.The Prometheus broke down on it's first real mission and it was only the Asgard shields that let it do anything but get it's but kicked. Even then Alien Of The Week Kicked it's ass until they were saved by a nebula. The Daedalous, as the next evolution still isn't really the work of "super genius earth" it's MORE tinkering by the Asgard, in return for defeating the replicators, and then ultimately as part of a legacy...will... thing.
::sigh:: You've clearly missed my point....again.Um What Show Was? SG-1 featured a few episodes with that as a plot but it wasn't about covering up attacks on Earth, it was about exploring through the gate. You're pissed that they bothered to address the world beyond the mountain or beneath the space battle??
No, again. The point of that statement was to anticipate possible objections to the gate cover-up by others. Someone might claim that SGU is just as complicit in the stupidity of the gate cover up because it perpetuates it. My point is that SGU isn't about maintaining the cover up. It's not the job of those on the ship to deal with, nor should it be. SG-1 did dabble in the cover up a great deal, so they are largely responsible for the stupid. Atlantis also had a hand in it (to a much smaller degree) when it decided to land the city in SF bay.
Take a breath. Relax. And try and read in context.
The point, which has clearly sailed so far over your head it might as well have passed outside the Milky Way, is that with all the unbelievable crap that came before Universe, Eli being good at math is hardly worth mentioning on the "unbelievable" scale of things. PREDATOR holds it up as a reason he's anticipating hating the next episode, but the improbability of being able to cover up the Stargate Program after Season 7 doesn't seem to ruin the episodes of Atlantis and SG-1 after Season 7.The cover up only REALLY became stupid after season 7 of SG-1. When we had no allies, no defenses and now idea what we were dealing with, sure, cover it up. What the hell is Joe The Plumber going to do. After season 7 though, we have a ship, we're building more, we've thwarted an attack we have allies, better get the public up to speed ASAP before the cats out of the bag on it's own.
neither SG-1 nor Atlantis was about the cover up though, both shows simply had it occurring in the background as does Universe.
The program remaining a secret was merely an example of this stupidity, which is something you apparently agree with. Why are you taking such issue here?
At this point in SG's career, hiding what killed two high profile Senators isn't too difficult, given what they swept under the rug before. Chloe's dad could be explained as some car accident or plane crash. The latest senator was in the building, so whatever story they concoct for its destruction will be "poor senator ___ was among those killed in the _____". No biggie there. Compared to whole US battle groups going up in smoke from "a meteor shower", the senators' deaths are small potatoes.JME2 wrote:You forgot to add the deaths of two high-profile senators.