Flight security recording, audio-only, Red Raider 1:
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Darkevilme: So, we're gonna shoot aliens? Mr.Suit didn't tell me much.
Zaune: Who's Mr.Suit?
Darkevilme: Erm, you know? The guy in the suit who won't give his name, keeps telling you that everything is classified and keeps shadowing you?
OmegaChief: None of us have someone like that.
Coaan: Sounds like a parole officer. Why do you have a parole officer?
Darkevilme: Wait, you guys don't have one?
atg: What? No! I volunteered! I thought you did too!
Darkevilme: Well, I sort of did too. It was either this or prison. I was considered too violent for other community service.
Vortex Empire: Even from wildlife duty?
Darkevilme: Yeah, especially that.
Coaan: Dude, how the hell did you manage that? You practically don't see people for most of the time. What did you do, fuck a Tricruis?
Darkevilme: Well, not exactly.
Voxtex Empire: What do you mean not exactly? What the hell did you do?
Darkevilme: Well, while I was, you know, getting the snap-camera pictures I saw a small one. And I wanted to pat it.
Zaune: That's understandable. Those critters are cute. Wait, a small one? As in a kid?
Darkevilme: Yeah, it didn't have those head-horns yet, so yes.
xthetenth: Let me guess: you managed to get between a mother and his kid?
Darkevilme: I think so. Next thing I know, I'm beating the living shit out of something big and furry with a rock.
Darkevilme: What?
Zaune: It was on the news. Some maniac killed the small, cancer-cured Tricruis kid that got hit by a car. The driver managed to nurse it back to health and it found it's mommy.
Darkevilme: Oh.
Zaune: It became friendly to humans. It had an ident collar too, with camera mounted on. The thing gave a live feed.
Darkevilme: Oh.
Zaune: It was a symbol of the Esperanza wildlife foundation.
Darkevilme: Oh.
Vortex Empire: Well, it was an accident.
Zaune: Shit, and I'm rolling with you? What have I gone into?
OmegaChief: The one organization that does not have to pay for property damages!
After-action report:
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Zaune: Guys, which one of you has flashlights?
OmegaChief: Flashlight? What for?
Zaune: It's dark?
atg: I have cyber-augmented eyes. Fuck your flashlight.
Coaan: Yeah, except it has less low-light sensitivity than a regular human eye. You're just as fucked.
Zaune: Guys? Flashlight?
OmegaChief: We don't have a flashlight.
JonB: Yeah, it was not like we needed one in last mission.
xthetenth: Though, the buggers did almost sneak up on us.
Zaune: So let me get this straight: we are the first and last line of defence against an alien menace for Esperanza, we have the latest armor and weapons, but no one thought of getting us a flashlight?
Vortex Empire: Pretty much, yeah. NOW SHUT UP AND CHARGEEEEEEEEE!
Immediately after landing, the CAF soldiers were fired upon.
The gas is from a misfire from a creature nicknamed "larva": the spit appears to make a toxic cloud that eats trough armour.
Vortex Empire, with his fearless charge, led his squad right into the enemy killzone.
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Vortex Empire: I'll see the bogey! I'll get him! Here's to fine marksmanship!
THIRD SHOT resulted in a crying anguish of a Tricruis from a distance.
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atg: I'm pretty sure that was Bambi's mother.
Zaune: Yeah, great marksmanship, but try aiming for the aliens next time? You know, THE ONES SPITTING TOXIC GOO AT US?!
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Darkvilme: I can't get a lock! I can't get a lock! These fuckers must be using some stealth technology or something!
Coaan: You didn't forget to pull down the thing's camera lens cover, did you?
Darkvilme: Oh shit! YES I DID! SHIT!
Unable to fire back and due to the lack of cover, Beta squad is under heavy fire. Darkvilme is hit, disabling his shield and the toxic fumes immediately knocking him off his feet.
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Zaune: shouldn't we drag him out of there?
OmegaChief: Nah, he'll be fine.
Vortex Empire runs out a zig-zag between the fumes.
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Vortex Empire: You want bullets? I'll give you bullets!
Vortex empire succumbs to his bleeding injuries and falls unconscious.
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JonB: Fuck this! You want a piece of me? Have this!
JonB successfully throws a grenade that kills the enemy larvas that lay down fire.
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JonB: And that's how we do this! No fucking around, no penis-compensation, overwhelming force!
Vortex Empire: Like *cough* I did *cough* with *gurgle* your *cough* *cough* mother?
Beta Squad groups together to try and heal each other's injuries with stimpacks.
Problem is, that they do this without going to cover or securing the area.
The result is a new, powerful grenade thrown right into the middle of the group.
Due to the combined damage the toxic cloud and the plasma grenade, both Darkwilme and Zaune die.
Only JonB is left standing due to the fact that his shield protected him from most of the damage.
Meanwhile, Alpha squad is checking out the nearby area.
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xtetenth: I swear, there should be a brake room here somewhere with muffins. I can smell muffins!
Meanwhile, while his squad is either dead or dying, JonB attempts to regroup with Beta squad.
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JonB: All dead. Dead. Only I survived. I must complete my mission.
Coaan: What's up?
JonB: THEY'RE DEAD! Didn't you hear me lamenting?
OmegaChief: Seriously? I thought you guys were handing it OK.
xthetenth: Geez, sorry to hear that. Come with us then, I've already found muffins! Muffins for all!
Eventually, JonB regrups with Beta squad, sweep the area and stumble upon the crashed UFO.
Coaan is immedealty fired upon.
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Coann: NOOOOOOooooo....
OmegaChief: Think you fucking aliens are big, aren't you? Well, it's my turn to give punishment!
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OmegaChief: Oh shitshitshitshitshitshitshit...
Meanwhile, atg, instead of firing upon the enemy that can be seen, preemptively throws a grenade at an open section of the UFO.
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JonB: Er, guys? Another one is right here.
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atg: I'LL HANDLE THIS! Take THIS YOU FO... er, fiend?
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atg: oh, I actually managed to hit him!
JonB: and he's out too! Thank you!
OmegaChief is fired upon from the shadows!
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With a deathly scream, the last alien dies.
After-action report:
JonB: practically took this all by himself, 5 kills
arg: 2 kills
Omegachief: while still giving succesful fire support, no kills
JonB has been promoted to PRIVATE FIRST CLASS!
atg has been promoted to PRIVATE!
OmegaChief has been promoted to PRIAVETE!
Units lost:
Darkvilme, Rookie, no kills. His parole officer has been notified. His parole officer has been seen dancing shortly thereafter.
Zaune, Rookie, no kills. His complaint about flashlights filed, noted and promptly ignored.
NEXT UP: After-mission analysis and the heavy tracks start to roll!