Amusingly Underwhelming Force

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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by TheHammer »

The pentultimate battle in Baldurs Gate II vs Jonaleth when equiped with a cloak of mirroring. Since he has no actual fighting skills you are virtually invulnerable as he kills himself with his own spells.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by doom3607 »

Heh. I've heard of the same sort of idiocy in WoW, something about low-level creeps cheerfully bashing themselves to death on the damage-reflecting (or whatever it does) armor of the high-level guys.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

doom3607 wrote:Heh. I've heard of the same sort of idiocy in WoW, something about low-level creeps cheerfully bashing themselves to death on the damage-reflecting (or whatever it does) armor of the high-level guys.
A lot of WoW abilities deal passive damage on defense, so a warrior with spikes on his armor kills low level mobs just by being hit.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by doom3607 »

Of course, that's not really force that's supposed to be overwhelming but isn't. A better example is when the Big Bad Insanely Powerful Covenant Warships of Halo fame get taken over by one Spartan. Repeatedly. Did they ever consider just opening the airlock?
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Rekkon »

To be fair, both times that happened in the original Halo, the Covenant ships were in atmosphere. And there was that distracting Flood infestation in the second one.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by doom3607 »

Still, they should have some way of stopping one guy. Did they consider the HW:C method of just trying to route plasma from the engines through the enemy-held areas?
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

Rekkon wrote:To be fair, both times that happened in the original Halo, the Covenant ships were in atmosphere. And there was that distracting Flood infestation in the second one.
Also, the Chief wasn't by himself the first time, and he didn't take over the ship (which was heavily damaged) in either case, the objective of those missions wasn't "take and hold," it was "smash and grab."
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Freefall »

I've always found it pretty amusing in Resident Evil that the T and G virus are supposed to create the "ULTIMATE bio-weapon!" and then a lone police officer is able to take out dozens of the things with not much more than a glock and shotgun, as well as the super secret Umbrella laboratory (of which there seem to be quite a few).

Final Fantasy VII is pretty bad too; Sephiroth has a super attack that destroys the entire solar system, but cannot kill your party, no matter how low your hit points are. It's also very weird when he uses it more than once in the same battle. Of course, you can kill this solar system busting demi-god with just 1 or 2 shots of W-Summon Knights of the Round.

Actually, speaking of FFVII, in virtually every RPG I've ever played, despite the characters often becoming dragon-slaying, meteor slinging minor cosmic badasses, the one thing that will always stop them dead in their tracks is the formidable Locked Door. Apparently, no force in the universe is capable of simply forcing a door open once it has been locked. Sure you sometimes have a thief who is capable of picking the lock, but the dude with a laser canon on his arm? Or the half-esper demigoddess who can nuke dinosaurs with a glance? Or the guy who can merge with his entire party into a gigantic dragon-god, said to be capable of razing the world? Nope, totally useless against the Door.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Highlord Laan »

It's one of the stupid "balance" things that got passed on from Dungeons and Dragons. Rickety wooden door with a "Very Hard" lock? Nope! Your power-armor clad, minigun-wielding adventurer can't break it down, that would be unbalanced.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by dworkin »

The aliens from UFO: Enemy Unknown. The alien force that has governments cowering in fear is so puny a private force of 100 or so individuals with a cavlier attitude to colateral damage can hold them off.

It was very hard not to laugh when reading the updates which ran 'the aliens are overwhelming in number abd we are losing'. Sorry? We're losing to a bunch of guys who get lost in farm sheds and seem to have an affinity for apples?
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by doom3607 »

Yes, this is good idiocy! On a similar note, what do you mean 'massive battle' in Fallout (any of them)? There's like fifty guys involved, total! This is an army?
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Purple »

I don't know if this counts as a necro but I don't care. It is just too epic of an example to miss out.
I just revisited a way old game Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast. And for those that know the game, I will say only one word: Desann.

For those that don't here is the story. The game finale, I just blew up a starship, mutilated a bunch of walkers, fought my way through the armies of stormtroopers and dark Jedi and solved the mind twisting puzzles of the forgotten dark Jedi temple under the Jedi academy. And lo he stood, the mighty end boss. At least 2 meters tall (that's almost 7 feet for you Americans) and with the strength of 10 men. He stood there, having consumed the might of the essence of the force from the valley of the Jed and what ever power cometh from the huge glowing ray coming from the ancient artifact of doom in the center of the room that he just sucked in. The whole situation really is hyped up to the point that you think you will be facing the end boss of all end bosses.

Force speed + 10 chops of a lightsaber (or 10 seconds of fighting) later he is dead. WTH? I mean, it took me longer to run to him and start chopping than it did to kill the guy. And the way it is all hyped up I expected it would be a fight to end all fights, that it would like last for hours. The guy was supposed to be a force of nature, he cinematic-defeated Luke freaking Skywalker! Underwhelming does not begin to describe it.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by PainRack »

Actually.... I just thought of one.

Dawn of war II, Last Stand.

The mission itself was difficult only if you choose to go meelee, and since you deploy all your squads..... that not really a problem. So, after Gabriel Angelos lands, you all gang up and whack the Hive Tyrant, the easiest boss ever. Just throwing everything at him and an occasional spam of heal and he's dead.

Since the mission gives you large amount of cover, relative easy pathways and easy reinforcement beacons, it was the easiest end boss and arguably one of the easiest mission in the game. It just couldn't compare to the Ork Warchief or Eldar Avatar.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by White Haven »

Dawn of War 2 suffered from Optional Boss-itis, such that optional side-bosses with kickass rewards for doing them existed, but if you did them, the final boss was not only easier than the optionals you just did, but also even easier on a relative level, because you're even more well-equipped.

I'm looking at you, Emerald and Ruby weapons...

Games that do that should really scale the final boss up if you've done the optional stuff.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by CaptHawkeye »

You're saying the player should be punished for making an extra effort?
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by White Haven »

No, I'm saying that having the ultimate clash with the big bad of the entire game be a yawn-inducing snoozefest is punishment, and that that should be avoided. :P
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Highlord Laan wrote:The Encalve in Fallout 3: Broken Steel. Hell, in all of FO3 in general.

Here, the whole game talks about how scary, evil and well-neigh unstoppable they are. Come time for the mission, I'm rolling them alone with the Brotherhood's "elite" Knights and Paladins riding in on my coattails. The only thing I had on that could be called overpowered was the T51b from Fort Constantine, but no helm because it looks like squished ass. Other than that, it was Sydney's 10mm SMG, a basic assault rifle, seven frag grenades, forty Stimpacks (I used three) and fourteen purified waters (used one).

The Brotherhood Outcasts gave me more trouble when I showed up and said "Nice fort. I'll take it."
Weird. I got rid of the Outcasts fairly easily. I damn near died a few times at Adams Air Force Base, on the other hand. I spent a LOT of time cowering in a corner with barely any health left waiting for Fawkes to kill the Enclave troops for me. I ran out of stimpacks and water and even had to resort to Buffout once.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Alien-Carrot »

I'm suprised nobody has mentioned Borderlands. When you finally open the vault, the Guardian Angel tells you this thing wiped out a civilization, and is capable of depopulating the galaxy, yet i can kill it with 2 clips.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Zaune »

Alien-Carrot wrote:I'm suprised nobody has mentioned Borderlands. When you finally open the vault, the Guardian Angel tells you this thing wiped out a civilization, and is capable of depopulating the galaxy, yet i can kill it with 2 clips.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by doomboy536 »

I used to hate fighting the Mongols in Medieval Total War 2 until I discovered that as the English you can deploy wooden stakes in the ground to counter cavalry. When the Mongols inevitably attack one of your towns/castles, simply deploy two units of archers behind the gates and have them create a V-shape with their stakes, deploying heavy infantry behind them. As the battle starts, have them run back up to the walls and create merry hell with their longbows whilst the Mongols batter down the gate. Every Mongol who charges through that gate on horseback is going to die. They don't stop and think for a second, they just keep on coming and keep on dieing and keep on making the same damn mistake battle after battle.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Tasoth »

Last boss of Dead Space. All the environmental traps, the spring out of nowhere monster attacks and other cheap deaths lead to a giant worm thing coming out of the hole where a chunk of planet used to be. I saw it and blanched. Then I proceed to beat it like it was nothing. Huge let down.
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Re: Amusingly Underwhelming Force

Post by Starglider »

Tasoth wrote:Last boss of Dead Space.
The last boss of Dead Space 2 is also very easy, as soon as you realise that it's pointless trying to dodge or fight the child-monster-things, and just shoot the hell-bitch repeatedly.
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