A personal attendant robot done with an art deco aesthetic. It is not the most practically designed machine but its designed to look impressive and it gets its job done. Somewhat inspired by Dresden Codak
A Pulp Sci-Fi Robot, the Atom Wing. Powered by an Atomic Core, the Atom Wing one of several robots used by the Atomic legion, a force that designed to be the vanguard against various forces which threaten humanity, such as radioactive mutants, Nazi scientists who got away and create monsters, dark wizards seeking an end to the age of technology and other such menaces. It is armed with dual gamma ray blasters (which make the sound that the Martian War Machine main guns did in the 1950s war of the worlds film) in its arms, one its head and can fly using a jet engine. That said, it is a poor in combat in the air. It is VTOL Capable and has shock absorbers.
A colored version of Starkov's Iron Man suit
Here we have a man and a woman from Strugatski (annexed into the Novan Empire in 2187 AT). The original colonists arrived in 1347 AT and were not particularly unusual in ideology and were international in. However, between the 15th and the 18th centuries, a series of factors (including cold, damage done by earthquakes, toxic native plant-life that reproduced via spores, the arise of a series of airborne contagions, several unusual poets and writers and shifting social norms) a rather usual cultural habit emerged. Nudity taboos were extended to include all visible skin and in particular outside of immediate families, medical care, loved ones and similar it became highly rude not to wear a mask, although some subcultures did latter emerge that were against mask wearing. Woman were allowed to show their hair.
When a five thousand ship strong conquest fleet was dispatched to add Strugatski into the Empire and an ultimatum was given, the people of Strugatski surrendered unconditionally. As it was seen to be counter-productive to ban such activities, the Novan Empire has tolerated this practice, though some laws in regards to local conceptions of decency have been amended. Even today, it is still the norm on Strugatski to wear a mask among most locals, as well as some emigrants and subcultures on other worlds. Strugatskian masks typically have communications equipment and heads up display computers built in.
A TDH-6 Whaleshark Heavy Lander is the main heavy dropship used by the Novan Imperial Navy. It is over a hundred meters long and can carry more than 350 tonnes of cargo up from an earthlike's planet and 600 tonnes down from orbit. Whalesharks can be outfitted with a defensive armament. Whalesharks are designed to make water landings. The underside of whalesharks is composed of a series of layered ceramics designed to resist heat from re-entry. Tens of thousands of these craft are in use by the Novan Military, and many more are used by civilian organizations and exported.
A Suit of Type-262 Power Armor employed by the Union of Free Socialist Worlds. Type-262 power armor is quite maneuverable, has long range and is lighter weight than most other suits of general power armor while still having comparable strength, though this comes at the cost of defense. For this reason, applique kits are available for the frontal torso and the sides of the arms to increase durability. Underneath the transparent frontal section is mostly armor with vision ports for the eyes along with a couple of cameras and sensors.
(Yes i know the legs are two short)
A Novan SR50 Assault Rifle. The Main weapon of the Novan Imperial Military, having remained so for some 150 years. A Gauss based weapon, the SR50 fires 4mm explosive AP rounds at 2520 meters per second, feeding from a 96 round helical magazine. Its power cell is good for 500 shots. It has three modes of fire, single shot, three round burst and full automatic with a rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute. For targeting it has a built in laser rangefinder and HUD linkup scope. While each individual round is less powerful than that of the 4.62mm QBZ-258, it has a greater ammunition capacity and is more controllable by non power armored soldiers. It can be outfitted with the following systems (among others). For security purposes, these weapons are keyed to only be used by authorized forces (Imperial Military Personnel, Police, etc).
A: A 20mm shotgun/airburst grenade launcher
B: A 40mm Grenade launcher
C: A detachable secondary hand grip.
A rough idea that i had, an member of an advanced race of artificial life forms gets sucked into a alternate dimension, this is populated by Humans, scavengers of a post apocalyptic world at a steampunk level of development in a barren desert. Cut off from aid or mechanical assistance, this creature uses its limited on board fabrication systems to build equipment which allows it to salvage various "components" that are available to build a new body. These include some old bones and a few bits of old scrap metal and usable relics, but most of its new body was composed of a miss match of organs, muscle tissue and so forth from various animals that it caught. Starting with a vulture, gradually their bodies were re-shaped and combined to create a usable roughly humanoid form, flesh with tubes and nano machines holding it together, with an computer brain at the core. To preserve moisture and to offer protection it built a suit out of leather. Now it lives out of a shelter with a few machines making a living, while using a couple of cyborgs to help it out. Occasionally it comes into conflict with hostile humans, and for that reason it carries a shotgun, but the established desert tribes for the most part have come to ignore it as there is no real reason to fight it. Here it has escaped a scuffle and is going home after its suit has been damaged.