Winston Blake wrote:Now, let me get this straight: even if Obama was not 'naturally born' for this reason, anyone who was born under the exact same circumstances a few years later would qualify to run for President with no problem whatsoever. Any such person could declare their candidacy right now, admitting openly that their mother was an 18-year-old American citizen and their father was not an American citizen, and it would be perfectly OK, as long as they were born a sufficient number of years after Obama.
Exactly. Laws change.
So what's the big deal? I understand that if Obama's presidency was shown to be technically illegal, he would have to step down. But why is this possibility treated as a terrible travesty that greatly harms America? It would be a technicality - since Obama and various officials have gone to great lengths to examine his birth circumstances, it probably would not be fraud or negligent misrepresentation, but rather '
innocent misrepresentation'.
It wouldn't be a 'big deal' to me, because the problems I have with Obama aren't his parentage. I feel that his upbringing outside the US gives him a more 'global' rather than 'american' mindset, and it is my personal preference that my President put America first. I would have the same issue with a white man who spent most of his early life in Germany or South Africa being President as well.
It is impossible to argue that a Presidency by a person lacking the old-definition of natural birth *intrinsically* does any harm whatsoever to America, when a person who is identical in every way, except for being a few years younger, would be considered perfectly acceptable. The highly emotional and dramatic birther furor is about a possible 'innocent misrepresentation', which is not even a 'crime', but rather a 'tort'. From a perspective outside America, this is absurd.
I agree. I expect after Obama's presidency is done some laws will quietly make it onto the books which require doccumentation or clarification of candidates so that this issue cannot be again manufactured in an increasingly globalized world. Hell, my girlfriend wasn't born in the US, she's from the Philippines, so multi-ethnicism is clearly affecting more and more Americans.
And now...
No, he's not. You've got his motives wrong. Or rather, you've got his actions wrong; you're not paying attention.
He's not insisting that more evidence needs to be provided that Obama is a citizen.
He's saying that providing such evidence would make the birthers look even more stupid.
Thats exactly what I'm saying. The two sides of the argument are Side A 'If you show it to us we'll go away' and Side B saying 'What we showed you is good enough!' Since side A clearly disagrees with side B's assertion and won't back down, for the argument to progress, Side B has to either show the doccument requested or conceede that the issue won't be resolved. I say show them the thing and be done with it.
I'm not sure that's what he's saying, and I'll admit that my response was colored by my knowledge of Chewie's voting record and his political stance. So I'm formally apologizing to Chewie - sorry dude.
I accept your appology, its easy to fly off the handle here, Lord knows I've done it before. For future clarification, I am a conservative, christian republican who is also a teacher. I support gay marriage, I'm pro life, and my girlfriend (and hopefully fiance) is 100% nonwhite.
Welcome to the 21st century

Wrap your brain around that.