Donald Trump is a birther.

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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

The Kernel wrote:Well well well, have a look at this interesting turn of events.

The Hill

Didn't I say that Trump was only helping Obama? He could turn out to be a bigger spoiler than Ross Perot.
He'd be a less-bitter pill for the ultra-conservative primary voters to swallow than Mitt "I socialized healthcare in Massachusetts, and I'm a Mormon" Romney. If he decides to actually put up and run, I could see him buying winning the nomination. Though he'd be just as helpful to the Democrats as the GOP's nominee as he would be if he ran as the Tea Party Toupee candidate.

I will still assert that the 2012 Presidential election is far from a lock for the Democrats, and probably will do so until someone gives a concession speech after the election.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Thanas »

^Meh. At this point, Obama has more to fear from the left than from the right.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Romney finally started showing up on TV and on the net last weekend, guess he's finally going to start running. Probably best to lie low, keep things from getting overexposed.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by xerex »

Donald Trump is now tied with Mike Huckabee for first place when Republicans are asked who they support for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, according to a new national poll. ... horserace/
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by bobalot »

CaptainChewbacca wrote: Alright, so its illegal. I never thought Obama wasn't born in the US, so they never needed to prove it to me. I just thought producing this additional doccument would shut some people up, but it looks like the birthers might as well be demanding pictures of Santa fucking the Tooth Fairy.
Kodiak wrote:Thanks for the clarification, Thanas. I have never doubted Obama's citizenship, I just didn't understand until now WHY the president can't get a long form copy of his own birth certificate- it's an issue of Hawaii state privacy laws.
Are you guys illiterate? That was pointed out in the links I gave you and previously in this thread.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Duckie »

Trump might be being helped in the polls because has a perception of not being a far-right lunatic, which is unusualish because he is.

I actually think he'll run, because he's been indicating it in interviews subtly for a while. A few years ago, he was in favour of civil unions as a solution to the gay marriage problem. Recently, he explicitly switched his opinion (well, technically he never stated he had a different opinion previously- changing your mind or having previously supported something they object to is anathema to the right) to 'No legal rights or recognition whatsoever, period, anywhere', in a move clearly designed to attempt to appeal to the far right crowd- before people were even really truly floating him as a possible winner.

I'd actually welcome him winning the nomination- he's Palin in a combover in terms of crazy stuff like birtherism. He's helped by his perot-like 'RUN THE GOVERNMENT LIKE A BUSINESS' mantra americans eat up for no explicable reason (guys, companies don't care about their employees, remember? no?). Huckabee's mealymouthed blandness hiding stealth social radicalism is far, far more dangerous.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Duckie wrote:Trump might be being helped in the polls because has a perception of not being a far-right lunatic, which is unusualish because he is.
I suspect it's the exact opposite. He's being helped in the polls because he's now firmly established himself as being a far-right lunatic. That, and the empty talking heads are discussing him, so he's getting a temporary boost from that.
I'd actually welcome him winning the nomination- he's Palin in a combover in terms of crazy stuff like birtherism. He's helped by his perot-like 'RUN THE GOVERNMENT LIKE A BUSINESS' mantra americans eat up for no explicable reason (guys, companies don't care about their employees, remember? no?). Huckabee's mealymouthed blandness hiding stealth social radicalism is far, far more dangerous.
Yes. For keeping the Democrats in the White House, The Donald would be a great candidate to go up against. He's a far right-wing lunatic, most Americans either know him from his brainless reality show, or his tabloid lifestyle, and the accusation of trying to buy the Presidency with his own money would work fantastically against him. In fact, The Donald for President with Sarah "I can see Russia from here!" Palin as his VP would be a dream ticket, as it would have absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Gandalf »

Patrick Degan wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I feel that his upbringing outside the US gives him a more 'global' rather than 'american' mindset, and it is my personal preference that my President put America first.
This makes no sense to me. What is an American mindset, as opposed to a global one?
"America FUCK YEH and FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE!" GOP-approved version, of course.
Maybe so, but what is behind these buzzwords?

The way Chewie expressed it, a global mindset seems to imply that one is aware of people outside the US. This is somehow an undesirable characteristic. So I've either misunderstood him, or he is somehow against people who've spent time overseas becoming president.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Duckie »

For some reason the US treats politics as if it's a zero-sum game between US power and the human rights and interests of every other person on the planet. (Maybe it is- if so, it is a game the US must lose for the sake of human decency).

Thus a president who is 'global' in thought and is not an 'american exceptionalist' (believing america is special among nations comes hand in hand with this) like many people believe Obama is with his supposed broad, non-parochial viewpoint, has a risk of doing things that might benefit foreigners at a cost to Americans, or doing things a foreign way just because foreigners do it instead of the tried and tested american status quo (I've heard this actual objection to socialised healthcare). This is the same line of thought that wants the US foreign aid budget slashed to 0 immediately- a common demand among the right wing that's never been too important to them as even they recognize it's nearly the lowest amount per capita of any western nation on the planet anyhow.

I am not sure why they see this as a 0-sum game, or worse, why they think it's one that an admirable person would support the US in.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by wautd »

Great, another oligarg who'll pander the far-right lunatics in order to get elected. Got to love American politics, where you need to be rich to get elected, and once elected you can serve yourself together with the rest of the American oligargs with further tax cuts while the general population gets served the bill.
But hey, as long as the population likes to get raped in the ass, then that's their choice.
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:He's being helped in the polls because he's now firmly established himself as being a far-right lunatic.
Yeah, it's getting hard to differentiate the average republican candidate.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Anguirus »

I just thought producing this additional doccument would shut some people up, but it looks like the birthers might as well be demanding pictures of Santa fucking the Tooth Fairy.
This is now my favorite sentence.
Didn't I say that Trump was only helping Obama? He could turn out to be a bigger spoiler than Ross Perot.
This is actually terrific news. Trump is simply not competing for the same pool of votes that Obama is. All he does is spoil it for the Republicans.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Simon_Jester wrote:Point taken, Coffee.

I try to at least mix up which arguments I make a bit more than that, but yeah, the urge to political bitching does become a problem.
Well, I ain't naming names (yet), homie., and if I was your name would be towards the bottom of the list of people I'm bitching about here. You're cool, carry on.

Basically I'm just kind of getting tired of checking N&P, reading an article, and then reading a bunch of posts that read damned near exactly like half a dozen other threads. Honestly, this shit is getting so bad, to me at least, that I really think we should make News and Politics their own separate forums. The board as it stands has a people with fairly strong political beliefs and I think it would be best if people could have a separate area for debating the pros/cons of whatever their political beliefs are separate from actual news articles. Would probably improve the quality of dicussions on news topics and possibly reduce the sheer amount of vitriol and general douchemongering that happens with political debate.

tl:dr: Half the fuckers that posted in this thread are me-tooing, dog piling jack-offs or have said the exact same shit in this thread as they've said in at least three threads on just the first fucking page of N&P. Knock it the fuck off already.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Xisiqomelir »

"Well, I'm a much bigger businessman," Trump said on CNN's "State of the Union". "And I have a much, much bigger net worth. I mean, my net worth is many, many, many times Mitt Romney. And I don't know Mitt Romney. I really don't know him. So I'm not saying good or bad."
There is more at the link, but this part is the best.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Isolder74 »

He may be a bigger businessman but he sure isn't a better one. How many times has Trump gone bankrupt again?
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Pelranius »

Didn't Mittens also end up a lot less money from his father compared to Trump?
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Eframepilot »

Duckie wrote:Trump might be being helped in the polls because has a perception of not being a far-right lunatic, which is unusualish because he is.
Trump isn't a far-right lunatic, he's a lunatic who recently became far-right. Back when he played with running for president in 2000, he talked about universal single-payer health care and a one-time massive tax on millionaires and billionaires to retire the national debt.
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Re: Donald Trump is a birther.

Post by Elfdart »

Whitney Cummings said it best about Trump:
You recently said that you wanted to run for president. That is such a publicity stunt. If I wanted to support a greedy whore who's pretending to run just to get on TV I'd vote for Sarah Palin.
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