From the TV series itself. In the episode "48 hours" Teal'c is spat out well 48 hours after the input stream is disconnected and something like 1/10 to 1/3 of the energy has been magically radiated away. They use a modded DHD to power the gate enough to reintegrated him without an active wormhole.Starglider wrote:I don't know where you get that idea from.
The irs bounces the outgoing matter stream back into the wormhole where it magically goes away, apparently before it becomes a solid object.It's stated early on in the series, and many times afterwards, that the iris works by preventing matter from 're-integrating' after exiting the event horizon.
Except the episode 48 hours shows you can. The entire point is Teal'c didn't get reintegrated but left in the pending buffer when the stargate disconnected! It's explicitly mentioned as part of the initialization routine to flush the buffer before a connection which was why they suspended travel.This suggests to me that it blocks the process that imposes the pattern on the incoming stream, but there's no way to stop the particle stream itself from exiting the wormhole.
The stargates have an amazing amount of failsafes, and it was only in the very latter seasons when we really got to explore how those failsafes worked or failled. Untill the episode 8x18 Threads, there was no proof that a Staragte could support multipule outgoing connections. But Baal with some DHD hacking managed to make a Stargate dial every other stargate in the milkway. And the entire point was it replicated the Dakara genesis wave effect across every planet with a stargate.If the Stargates were capable of making matter out of nothing ('energy...'), they'd be capable of trivially cloning people and mass-manufacturing any item. There's no indication that the ancients did this or that anyone since has tried to use the technology that way.
And the only real example of Ancient manufacturing tech we have seen is a, is a mind-to-machine interface which virtually constructed a device from molecules before materializing it into real matter. ie how Merlin & Daniel constructed the Sangraal (the quest 10x11).