weemadando wrote:A few more missionary jokes:
3 missionaries are captured by a tribe, they are all tied up and presented to the chief. The chief says: "I will let you go if you can go into the forest and find 10 pieces of the same fruit." The missionaries think - shit, that shouldn't be too bad and all head their seperate ways to find the fruit.
The first one comes back with 10 apples and the chief says: "Now you must shove them all up your arse without making any noise or facial expressions and you shall go free." The man gets to 4 apples and then cries out. The tribe quickly kill him.
The second one comes back with 10 small berries. The chief gives his spiele again and the missionary begins shoving them up his arse. He gets to 9 then breaks out laughing and is killed by the tribe.
In heaven the first missionary says to the second, "What happened, you were set, only 1 more berry and you would have lived?"
"I couldn't help it, I saw the other guy walking back with an armful of pineapples."
Here's the Russian version of that same joke:
Long time ago, a King captured a German, a Russian, and a Chukcha (a resident of Chukotka. They are the main characters of many Russian jokes). He orders them to bring their favorite flower, or die. The German guy picks a daffodil. The king orders him to sit on it. He sits down, nothing happens, and he is set free. Next, it's the Russian guy's turn. He picks a rose. When he sits on the rose, he starts laughing and crying at the same time. He is asked: "Why are you crying?". "It hurts", he answers. "Then why are you laughing?", they ask. "The Chukcha is bringing a cactus."
Have a very nice day.