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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by xthetenth »

Coordinated artillery can be utterly hilarious. Been playing a platoon of US arty recently, and our victory rate is stupid high in those things. Plus we've done funny things like counterbatterying about 5 pieces of enemy artillery in the first three minutes. I have good cause to believe that good coordinated artillery wins battles better than much anything else. Plus, it annoys people, which is always amusing.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

Coordinated anything simply dominates the battlefield. People who know their place in a team and work with others lead to incredibly lopsided battles.

Anyway, Coffee, you didn't do a thorough enough job murdering the WoT alt history forum. Nazi wankers simply dispersed everywhere else and shit continues unabated :D
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by doom3607 »

It's called the soldeirs vs. warriors effect. Not really, I just made the phrase up, but same thing. See Romans vs. Gauls for a good historical example.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by defanatic »

Finally have tier 5 vehicles. God damn, that is annoying.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

What is?

I only recently got my M4 Sherman and it's just a blast to play. More agile than the T-34, main gun with some punch to it, quick turret traverse and respectable accuracy.
doom3607 wrote:It's called the soldeirs vs. warriors effect. Not really, I just made the phrase up, but same thing. See Romans vs. Gauls for a good historical example.
I don't subscribe to the myth that warriors couldn't fight in teams: practicing the art of combat in a great many cultures included the knowledge of formation fighting. The Gauls were certainly no mobs of idiots, even if their organization couldn't match the Romans.

But I get what you're saying. I noticed it very often, how even some very basic planning and coordination can carry a battle. Better yet, often what's needed is simply the request itself, and people respond. Many teams will also naturally go with someone who has a plan. So type, guys! It's annoying, but it pays off :D
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Enigma »

Despite having a T2 Medium Tank and an elite T1 Cunningham, I'm having fun with the elite Ltraktor. I thought using a heavy machine gun (if that what it is) was useless compared to a cannon but I was quite surprised. :)

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

It's a 20mm cannon, many early tanks were armed with that,since their armor was paper thin compared to what happened later in the war ;)
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It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Vanas »

I'm quite fond of the PzII for just generally messing around in low tier matches with. It's not as fast as some, but it's relatively nippy, manoeuverable and somewhat better armoured than the T3s.

Also, I believe that one of the US lights does come with as .50cal as a stock gun. The mind boggles.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Scottish Ninja »

I can't wait for the Panzer I to make its appearance. Fear my twin 7.92mm machine guns!
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Rekkon »

Vanas wrote:Also, I believe that one of the US lights does come with as .50cal as a stock gun. The mind boggles.
Yup. Pre-wipe we lost the center on Abbey one match, and as I relocated in my Hummel, one of those appeared in the center and opened up on me. It was hilarious. Half the rounds bounced, and those that did penetrate took off like 4 HP. He got in half a dozen or so salvoes; I barely noticed.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Vanas »

Huh. Hetzers out in force tonight. 3 matches, not one had less than 7 Hetzers in. I guess it was Hetzer Time or something.

Certainly made for an interesting driving experience in a T3 tank.

EDIT: Oops, can't spell. Fixed!
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

Well, yesterday my Sherman was one shotted by a Hetzer.

Those things are the Devil, I tell you.

JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Slacker »

PeZook wrote:Well, yesterday my Sherman was one shotted by a Hetzer.

Those things are the Devil, I tell you.

Hetzers gotta Hetz.

I picked up a T2 light for the Boot Camp Tourney. Holy mary mother of christ those things are speed demons. I just concentrate on driving the thing and scouting, I generally just auto-aim the turret and don't worry so much about actually hitting with the machine gun.

On the leveling front, I should be moving up into the T-29/T-20 after the weekend. The arty and TD are a bit slower going, but I should be into a couple of respectable tanks by the time the clan wars go live.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by xthetenth »

I'm waiting on the money to get in my KV-3 and the time to really play some. That's a lot because I like playing different stuff. So I have a T-34, SU-85, E8, M7 and am waiting for that KV-3. Getting reasonably close to upgrading a few of those.

About coordinated arty, it dominates a lot more just because it can really help out wherever. Silencing enemy arty in the first minutes of the game means a lot and that your team can do a better job flushing targets, and you can't really be sure you'll take down an arty piece with only one shot. Plus, you're more likely to be concentrating on key bits. Stuff's just all round devestating.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by xthetenth »

Huge redesign of the tech trees is going to happen. Huge. ... d-improved

American heavy and medium trees and German medium tree seem the main winners right now. The T34 is going premium, the T30 is going to a TD tree (huge alpha on a stationary platform, it kinda makes sense), and in their place there's the M103 and its bigger brother. The Pershing, Panther and Panther II are getting moved down a tier, and the Patton and Standardpanzer E-50 are taking the tier 9 slots. The IS-4 is going to be tier 10 in a second branch of Russian heavies.

Best yet? There is basically no way to get screwed on the deal. The operating principle seems to be you keep your spot on the tech tree with crew and upgrades, and if the old tank moved to a different spot on the tree, you get to keep it, picking up a garage slot and a 100% crew for the new tank.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Damn, those are almost exactly the changes I would have made if I could, except for some general weirdness in the way the main German progression has been rearranged (PzIV out of the Czech tanks? And totally separate from the main Panzer line?). The Panther should play much, much better now, though presumably it will take a hit in overall HP. Still, its armor and gun are far more appropriate for Tier 7, so it's generally an improvement I think. The Panther II always felt like a Tier 8 and was horridly out of place in the 9-10 matches, so that's a solid change too. That L/100 will be quite a bit more interesting in Tier 8 matches.

Glad to see the Pershing moved to match, too, and the US medium progression looks a lot more tolerable. Separating the KV models is also a nice touch. Also looks like the iconic US tank destroyers (which we've still yet to see...) got a much-needed dose of sanity in their positioning in the tree. Previously, I think, the Slugger and Hellcat were put at something ridiculous like Tier 8. WTF are 90mm guns going to do at Tier 8?
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Hawkwings »

I'm thinking about trying this game out. What do I need to know as a beginner? Got tips or advice for me?
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Scottish Ninja »

Looks cool to see, definitely. Now I feel like I have to catch up so I don't miss out on getting a free slot for the KV-2...

I think the reason for the Czech tanks going into the Pz IV is to give people more of a reason to play them - in that context it makes sense, but you're right in that there isn't really any kind of logical progression between them.

Also good to see the Sherman Jumbo in there. Now I'm one step closer to JimBob Baker's Country-Style Sherman Showroom!
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Hawkwings wrote:I'm thinking about trying this game out. What do I need to know as a beginner? Got tips or advice for me?
Your starter tank and the first upgrade from it (i.e., Tier 2) will be in relatively noob-friendly matches, and you can generally run around with impunity. Just watch out for the occasional veteran player slumming in a Panzer II or other dangerous Tier 2 tank.

Once you go beyond that, however, you're in the real game. You will quickly need to learn to always hug tall cover to prevent being instantly obliterated shot at by god-snipers artillery.

Always present your front armor to the enemy, when possible. I've won a number of engagements with enemy tanks who drive around a corner to flank me just by turning and maintaining my distance, so all their shots are forced against my front armor from further than point-blank. Meanwhile, the other tank often just sits there, skewed at an angle so its side armor is often presented.

Bushes are crazy. Multiple bushes are insane. If you can position yourself (and remain stationary) such that enemies have to draw line of sight between two or more bushes, you're virtually invisible.

Tracks are vulnerable. You can often stop an enemy tank from reconning your team, or help out against a heavy tank whose armor you can't penetrate by blowing off tracks instead. Aim low on the sides and there's a chance you won't deal any HP damage, but you stand a good chance of destroying a track and immobilizing the target. This applies to you, too - prepare to be immobilized all the damn time.

Use AP rounds 90% of the time, and HE the rest. AP is for most engagements. HE is for special situations. Use HE to obliterate tanks with a very large gun or if penetration is guaranteed (bearing in mind HE has far, far less penetration than AP), or against tanks you have no hope of penetrating anyway. HE will detonate on contact, so even if you don't penetrate you'll often chip at the enemy tank's health. For example: If you're in a Hetzer, Hetzin' around with the 105mm gun, it makes sense to load nothing but HE. 105mm HE will often one-shot the Shermans and Panzer IVs you'll find yourself in matches with. Or if you're in a medium tank with a weak gun, like the Sherman's stock 75mm, preferring HE also makes sense since you're unlikely to penetrate a lot of targets with AP and 75mm is big enough to pack a punch with HE. Note that HE smaller than 75mm is generally not worth it.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Or if you're in a medium tank with a weak gun, like the Sherman's stock 75mm, preferring HE also makes sense since you're unlikely to penetrate a lot of targets with AP and 75mm is big enough to pack a punch with HE. Note that HE smaller than 75mm is generally not worth it.
Funny, people kept telling me that when I got my Sherman, but I found I could penetrate almost everybody just fine, and the gun is pretty accurate and fast-firing, too.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by xthetenth »

It's really strange that people think the Sherman's stock gun is weak. It's a tier V tank. It has better penetration than the stock gun on the KV, T-34 (and it's first gun upgrade choice), Panzer IV (barely worse than its first upgrade), and the M7. This means that it's only worse than the gun on the Pz 3/4, StuG III, SU-85, and T1 heavy and the first two by about 6 mm. It's at the top of the line for tank penetration, only being worse than one heavy and a tank destroyer by a decent margin.

Its upgrade is in contention for best medium gun of its tier without even needing that huge slow turret on the Pz 4, though, so I can understand the impression. I'm surprised the T-34's 57mm can do so much DPS, but then again, its accuracy is a bit offset by you barely being able to close your reticule before you fire again, and if you're taking opportunistic shots you'll do a lot less harm. Such are the tradeoffs for low alpha I guess.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by PeZook »

You're not going to throw it down with KVs and Tigers in the Sherman (you can plink Tigers from the side and rear, but you better have someone else distracting them. KVs are pretty much impregnable), but the Sherm has everything it takes to duke it out with other mediums, and hunting down lighter tanks.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Thunderfire »

Hawkwings wrote:I'm thinking about trying this game out. What do I need to know as a beginner? Got tips or advice for me?
Your starting tank will be a early 1930 museum piece. They suck but you will fight other tier 1 tanks nearly all the time when you drive a tier 1 tank. The german TD tree is a pretty good start. Most of them are pretty good and you will get a powerfull gun compared to other low tier tanks.

Don't use auto aim. You are able to use you mouse wheel to zoom in with your gun. Shoot at the enemy when the targeting triangle is green. Your shot will penetrate most of the time when your targeting triangle is green. Try to get a Marder II ASAP. The Marder II is a Tier 3 TD. This means that your opponents will be Tier 2-5. A Marder II is able to hurt any tier 5 tank and getting the Halonen medal(Elite medal) isn't that hard when you drive Marder II.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr Bean »

When did they add the Ha-go? I might join back up just to play with that.

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Hawkwings »

Another question: I'm currently in Europe but I will be going back to the US in a month. Can I switch servers or is each account linked to a region?
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.