Connor MacLeod wrote:In the second novel a Havenite ship on loan to some religious fanatics from a low tech universe had a sidewall that endured two consecutive missile impacts at .25c I think they were 70 ton missiles. Hell, weber himself said (I believe) that the Particle shields (Secondary defneses) could take a 2 ton impact at .6c without failing (or something to that effect) so they're pretty damn durable form the kinetic POV.
A 2 ton impact at .6c is pretty much on the scale of one drone being used. Can they take multiple impacts happening simultaneously?
It may not be "invulnerable" per se, CoM still applies and you can use that in a number of ways to "kill" the ship (kill the crew with lethal accelerations, overcome structural limits on the sidewall generators and buckle them, simply wear them down with attrition, etc.) I suspect that its unlikely that a GHC could fire off enough missiles in one sitting to actually do that (each missile is going to have maybe 2-3e8 kg*m/s worth of momentum, so even if we assume those two impacts nearly wiped out the sidewalls, it would take several minutes of continuous fire AT BEST, to knock down the sidewalls. Nevermind the Particle shields.) And that isn't factoring in EW, point defense, counter missiles, etc.
I find it really hard to believe that Honorverse can shrug of that many missiles, resulting in that much firepower. Heck, in one episode Andromeda fired over 20 GT worth of missiles at one target.
And what really screws the Honorverse here is that they essentially are blind here and have to react within seconds. AFAIK a wedge only protects one side of the ship. What with multiple salvos striking all sides of the ships?
Connor MacLeod wrote:It depends entirely where the missile hits. Strike the AP tanks, and given that any missile strike converts warhead and hull to a plasma blowtorch... the results would potentially be quite devastating.
In all the battles, no AP tank has ever been penetrated. I think that says something about their durability.
That's basically the point, and partly why they have that fragile looking, spread-out appearance. Andromeda ship hulls aren't MEANT to resist weapons hits in the way other universes (like SW or 40K) are.. they're meant to.. they try to minimize and genreally redirect (or let overpenetrate) and rely on self repair, decentralization, and redundancy to keep them combat-capable. Oh and point defense and AG fields and mobility and EW.
I reject that interpretation of the profile. The official word is that the shape makes it harder to get a lock on the ship and I see no reason to doubt the official, canon word of the writers.
As far as PSPs go.. PSPs are magic gravity weapons that have more in common with phasers and Zat guns than a physical projectile. Nevermind that they ALSO hideously overpenetrate as well. You can use PSPs to justify the AA taking "planet destroying" weapons hits for crying out loud.
Yeah, which is why nobody uses PSPs to calculate damage resistance. Nevertheless, the fact that they exist and there are several powers in the Andromedaverse which use them means that they are a weapon.
I could also point out examples of Mw and GW weapons purportedly being a threat to AA ships (like the PDLs)
The PDLs are only ever seen to damage fighters and missiles. There is no ship ever being destroyed by PDLs.
They have an acceleration something on the order of 4000 kilo gees or something like that and a usual velocity aorund 90 psl (for at least a 20 MT impact). That's ~7 seconds worth of acceleration, which would require a run of of around a couple light seconds to pull off at least, and that's largely ideal circumstances (no manuvering for one thing)
Where do you get the acceleration figure from? (I vaguely remember us disccussing it, but I do not know where it was...)
Most universes tend to fight at around a light second or less tops, which means that AA is at an disadvantage at closer ranges.
Yeah, nobody denying that the AA is disadvantaged at closer ranges. They still got the AP guns, however, though these are of course not SW level firepower.
It's heavily based on not getting hit, period. the ludicrous ranges, mobility, rates of fire.. they're all designed around that idea of simply avoiding getting hit. (To be honest, I'm not sure how magical mass lightening tech is any more plausible than unobtanium hulls, but eh.)
Nevertheless, we see that the AA can take several missile hits if necessary. Even over 24 simultaneous hits in that episode.
That depends entirely on the range you engage at. As I pointed out, the missiles don't START out at 90-95 PSL and manuvering only makes that worse. Also the range issue is a double edged sword. shorter ranges offer less reaction time, but they also put the AA at threat of being damaged (which as I pointed out, is not difficult to do if you can hit it.)
Which is a pretty big if though.
At longer ranges (especially the light minutes) missiles become ludicrously easy to dodge as long as you detect them (of course you could just ASSUME they shot at you then FTL away to some other locale. Lacking FTL sensors of its own, its quite easy to play your own cat and mouse game with High Guard ships, since they won't be able ot detect you right away. Picard Manuever anyone?)
Honorverse does not have FTL sensors. If you are assuming this is against Trek, we never see ST ships constantly maneuvering on guard duty etc either. Especially the Dominion war would argue otherwise, most is a slugfest at small ranges.
Depends entirely on how they fight. IF they use Warp drive or impulse (with mass lightening) to pull high accels or sublight speeds, they could quite possibly keep up, even with torpedoes. And even if they can't... who says they have to CHASE. They can still FTL off light minutes or hours away, and then pick and choose where to appear, or how to attack.
With what? You are assuming ST can concentrate enough forces to take on a defense - and if they engage at close range, then that negates the FTL sensor advantage as well as put them into the range of AP guns, which move at .99 c.
And failing that there are always transporters. AG fields and EW will make it hard to land accurate hits, but I'm not sure they need pinpoint accuracy either (beaming warheads or pods of antimatter into the path of the ship, for example.)
That sounds suspiciously like one of the tactics the trekkies tried back in the days. We never see transporters being used in that manner and considering that nearly everything screws with transporters anyway.....
It literally depends on how escalation goes. It could go anywhere from (they nuke each other to death) to (impregnable fortresses due to Planetary shields/tesserecting/underground worlds.) whatever. Drifting into comic book territory is almost unavoidable with Andromeda vs GE, because the high end insanity like WMDs are about the only way they CAN win (although at best, it would be MAD unless they managed to gain an unbeatable surprise attack advantage and near perfect kill rate.)
Yeah....though the Empire might run faster out of worlds than the CW will run out of. Especially given the empire has to reach across several galaxies, which the Imperial ships are just not able to do or built for.
Except that as I poointed out, the wonkier tech is basically the only reaal edge Andromeda has to beat most "comparable" universes. And that lasts only so long as the Empire isn't willing to play attritional warfare or go really comic book (like with their automated/droid technology, in terms of military and industrial power.)
The latter they have never done (as you yourself argued not long ago). Really, the PSPs and Nova bombs alone potentially give the CW the capability to escalate to a ridiculous level all around, and Nova bombs are used regularly anyway.