... /index.phpVATICAN 1 May 2011 Pope Benedict XVI sets predecessor on path to sainthood
The Vatican heeded the calls for "sainthood now" for Pope John Paul II from pilgrims at his funeral on 2 Apr 2005. The Polish, globe-trotting pontiff will be beatified by his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, years earlier than normal. The St. Peter's Square ceremony could bring millions of Catholics to Rome, presenting a daunting logistical challenge for the city, a morale boost for the beleaguered Church. And it might take scandal-mired Italian premier, Silvio Berlusconi, out of the headlines for a day.
The event introduces a happy note in recent Church news, which has been dominated by a wave of violence against Christians and years of reports of clerical sex abuse scandals -- some involving high-level cover-ups. The Italian premier, meanwhile, is trying to trying to cope with the fallout from his latest scandal: he is being investigated for allegedly having sex with an under-age prostitute and then trying to cover it up by abusing his power as premier.
One of the first acts of the new pope was to dispense with the normal five-year waiting period before the process is started. A miracle, or cure, that cannot be explained by medicine and can be attributed to the intercession of the individual under review is needed to begin the process. In January, the medical committee of the Vatican's Congregation for the Cause of Saints confirmed John Paul's first miracle, the cure of a French nun of Parkinson's disease. A second miracle that can be attributed to his intercession will be required for his canonization.
John Paul II addressed a public audience from the window of his apartment at the Vatican on Jan 31, 2005. It was his last public appearance. A cold quickly became a health crisis for the already ailing Pontiff that led to his final illness.
Obstruct any efforts to clear up the child abuse scandals, blame anyone but themselves for it but take utmost and unprecedented hurry to shove a corpse through the pearly gates. Nice to know where the priorities of the RCC lie.