Strange vibration (/broken CPU fan?)

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Strange vibration (/broken CPU fan?)

Post by Skgoa »

My server's mainboard is imparting a very strong vibration on the server's (standard desktop tower) case. The only moving part on it is the CPU fan. Pressing on it changes the vibration. Is it broken? Or could it be that it has come loose? Its a standard Intel "boxed" fan and has only been installed for a month, maybe two. It has been running 24/7 since then, though.
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Re: Strange vibration (/broken CPU fan?)

Post by rapidsquirrel »

How strong of vibration are we talking about here? I don't think I've seen a case/cpu fan cause very strong vibrations. Lots of noise, yes, vibrations, no. Though I can see it being possible, maybe a manufacturing defect or something like that.

I'd suggest unplugging it from the motherboard for a short bit of time (a minute at the tops) and seeing if that causes the vibration to stop. Or if you are worried about unplugging it, stopping it with a object (using a finger works, but stings quite a bit). If the fan stops moving and the vibration goes away, you've found your problem. After that, you can decided if you want to try to warranty it, or just go by an aftermarket fan.

Of course, in the off chance that stopping the fan doesn't do anything....... I'm not sure what it would be. A hard drive causing vibrations would have probably killed itself by now.
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Re: Strange vibration (/broken CPU fan?)

Post by Kreller1 »

I had this happen with a DVD drive that ran itself for no reason (No disc in the drive didn't stop it.) Caused all kinds of vibration. If the fan isn't the source, I would start looking at drives and then may the power supply fan.
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