How is this a strawman as opposed to taking your claim to its logical conclusion? If human rights violations fill you with less revulsion because they are done to some other country and not to its own citizens, you should naturally choose the country which treated its citizens well but treated others like shit. Like being a German in Nazi Germany. The fact you run away from this like a craven coward tells me already what I need to know.Molyneux wrote:Take that strawman and shove it right up your ass.Really? Why? You'd be happy to be a German in Nazi Germany? I see, I see, hypocrite racist shit. Opression only matters when it's done to Homo Superior. If your nation is only killing OTHERS, that's somehow morally superior to opression of your own citizens. Because... I don't know? How is a British citizen or American citizen worth more than an Iraqi or an Indian? They're not, they're all humans, except in the minds of supremacist idiots.
If the answer you expect is yes, then why do you object to the scenario of being a German In Nazi Germany?Would you rather live, given the choice, in a warlike and imperialist country that gave its own residents personal and political freedom, or a pacifist country that persecuted the fuck out of its own people? The United States, unlike China, doesn't jail or torture people for calling bullshit on its foreign policy.
Ok, lets try this then. If China treated its citizens just like the US does, but invaded some other country (for example Vietnam), waterboarded detainees and locked them up without trial, tortured them and distributed the pictures online etc etc. I then ask you, hey Molyneux would you have any particular objection to living China, and if so what are they? What would your answer be?
Given that you apply a double standard, any one who has an IQ above say, 50, is going to wonder what is the difference between human right violations by the government of one country and another. The answer of course is nothing. Then the next step they are going to ask is, is there another reason as to why you find one more worse than the other. The obvious difference is ethnicity, and you can whine all you like, however actions speak louder than words.Putz. Oh, and get this through your thick skull before you bring that baseless bullshit around again: dislike of a country's government does not necessarily mean that I give a goddamn about the ethnicity of the people in that government, you blithering idiot. If you're going to call me racist, come up with some fucking justification first, or go away and let the intelligent people talk.
1. So you admit why its better for a country to violate human rights abroad but not in its own backyard is not about the morality of it, and more about your personal comfort.To make this absolutely clear: domestic policy does fucking affect whether I'd want to live in a country, more than foreign policy does, for the simple and obvious reason that domestic policy is what most affects the people living in the damn country.

2. This of course explains perfectly you advocate an embargo of China but won't call for the same to the United States. It also explains your pipe dream of a global police force to enforce regime change in China, but not in your own country. I guess doing something about human right violations only go so far as to affect your personal comfort right? After all if a global police force tried to over throw the US government you might be one of the collateral damages, not to mention the economic damage. But if they did it to China it will be those other guys bearing the brunt of it right? If an embargo was to occcur on the US it might affect your standard of living, but it was done to China it will affect someone else's, not to mention affect the CCP's ability to lift its citizens out of poverty. But thats ok, as long as it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside that you are doing something about TEH EVEL Chinese government. Very charitable of you.
Just to show you I am a good sport, why don't you start boycotting any goods with some connection to China? Lets start with all those smart phones, ipods, MRI scanners, computer hard drives and hi tech gizmos of which China mines provides > 90 % of the essential rare earths for them to work (specifically Neodymium). What? It will affect your personal standards of living? Heaven forbid.
At the end of the day you and I both know you won't do it because you can only talk the talk but won't walk the walk. So you come up with weird excuses like why its less bad to violate human rights elsewhere but not in your own country. Except when you are these people. AM I RITE?