What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Angels?

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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

They're always described as stone because that's what they look like when you're looking a them.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by AMT »

Zor wrote:A high surveillance state, a society that monitors its society very well.
Actually no, that's not good. Apparently they can use that to go through to you. A person has to be watching them.
In fact videos and pictures can actually create more Angels
Doctor Who wiki wrote:Anything with the image of the Angel, such as pictures or film, also gained the abilities of an Angel and would eventually become an Angel.
A jedi could spin two around and make them stare at each other pretty easily.
Which doesn't work since it's when an outside observes them, not each other. Plus they usually cover their faces when they go stone.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Crazedwraith »

Um, no. Looking at each other does count. That's why they usually cover their eyes. The group in Blink were defeated when they surrounded the TARDIS and it dematerialised leaving them starting at each other.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Ahriman238 »

Ahriman238 wrote:
Yeah... Say what you will about the Imperium of Man, their policy on time-travel is both direct and effective. Shoot any time-travelers in the head before they can say or do anything to muck with history. If possible, look up their present versions and make sure they take a dirt nap and thus never become a time-traveling threat.
I'd never heard about this; when did that come up?
'The Voice' by James Swallow. A short story in the 'Tales of Heresy' anthology set during the Horus Heresy. Spoiler
A young Sister of Silence (young now, anyway) tries to send back a message, a warning to the Emperor that when Horus drops his shields it's a trap, and that reinforcements will arrive soon during the siege. The Sisters respond by killing her present self, "strangling this horror in the crib."
Though it should be noted that Amendara Kendel, implied to be a founder of the Inquisition was present and objected to what happened, so it'd possible that the Inquisition has different rules regarding time-travel, and even if they don't there's always someone somewhere willing to disregard them.
A jedi could spin two around and make them stare at each other pretty easily.
Which doesn't work since it's when an outside observes them, not each other. Plus they usually cover their faces when they go stone.
They cover their faces because they dare not look at each other, else you could freeze two by watching one, and what if the other angel should look back? The doctor called them the loneliest creatures in the universe for this very reason. It's also how they were defeated in 'Blink' winding up in a circle, arms outstretched and forzen forever, or until something disrupts their line of sight.

EDIT: copied too much material from others.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Stark »

Since that 'policy' would be wholly ineffective against all time travel that isn't short-ranged and included a stamped, self-addressed envelope, its more another example of the Imperium being mismanaged at every level than anything positive.

The worst element of course is the existence of the 'policy' would create a belief that the problem is solved, which would only act to increase vulnerability.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Ahriman238 »

Since that 'policy' would be wholly ineffective against all time travel that isn't short-ranged and included a stamped, self-addressed envelope, its more another example of the Imperium being mismanaged at every level than anything positive.
Yes and no. The part where you find and kill the present version, if at all possible, will not always work, either because the time-traveler cannot be identified or has not been bor yet/is long since dead. But that's not really the point, only insurance.

Killing the actual time-traveler after he's come back? Works just as well whether he comes from two years into the future or two thousand.
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Sithking Zero »

AMT wrote:
A jedi could spin two around and make them stare at each other pretty easily.
Which doesn't work since it's when an outside observes them, not each other. Plus they usually cover their faces when they go stone.
Ah, not true. The episode "Blink," was resolved by Spoiler
Tricking four stone angels into surrounding the Tardis and attempting to knock it over, arranged in a cross-shaped pattern. When the TARDIS jumped, the angels were forced to stare at the angel across from them, and since they were each across from another one, they were stuck like that. In fact, the episode openly states that the reason they're called the "Weeping" angels is because they cover their face with their hands to prevent them from seeing another angel.
Wait, why did I put that info in spoilers if it's on a thread specifically about the thing that the spoilers cover?

Oh, and one universe that could take the weeping angels: Ours. Chicxulub impact, anyone?
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Stark »

Ahriman238 wrote:Yes and no. The part where you find and kill the present version, if at all possible, will not always work, either because the time-traveler cannot be identified or has not been bor yet/is long since dead. But that's not really the point, only insurance.

Killing the actual time-traveler after he's come back? Works just as well whether he comes from two years into the future or two thousand.
Try this.

'This is a transmission from <person I really hate> and I am in the far future of 41000. Do not look in the fridge. DO NOT LOOK IN THE FRIDGE THE IMPERIUM DEPENDS ON IT. I can be found at <address>.'

This person is then killed, thus completing the time-traveller's goals. Ooops. Temporal protection 'policy' = worse than useless. :lol:

I love this whole 'kill time travellers' thing. 'It has come to my attention that Administrator xyz who banged my wife at the xmas party is actually from the future, so I shot him. IMPERIUM SAVED'. Or do they have special badges in the future? :lol:
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Re: What universes could survive an invasion of Weeping Ange

Post by Ahriman238 »

Try this.

'This is a transmission from <person I really hate> and I am in the far future of 41000. Do not look in the fridge. DO NOT LOOK IN THE FRIDGE THE IMPERIUM DEPENDS ON IT. I can be found at <address>.'

This person is then killed, thus completing the time-traveller's goals. Ooops. Temporal protection 'policy' = worse than useless.

I love this whole 'kill time travellers' thing. 'It has come to my attention that Administrator xyz who banged my wife at the xmas party is actually from the future, so I shot him. IMPERIUM SAVED'. Or do they have special badges in the future?
First and foremost, lol. :D

The only time-travel known to the Imperium occurs through the grace of the Warp, and anything relating to the Warp is, at a minimum, highly suspect. The only deliberate time-travel known in 40K occurs through pacts with Chaos, whether it's Leilani sending a warning back, the cult on Davin corrupting Horus, or the Gal Vorbak on their own journey to days past. So the Imperium may be forgiven for assuming that any time-traveler is a mortal enemy, and really, any enemy of yours that has access to time-travel should be put down as quickly as possible while you pray they were dumd enough to reveal themselves before doing any serious damage.
This person is then killed, thus completing the time-traveller's goals. Ooops. Temporal protection 'policy' = worse than useless.

I love this whole 'kill time travellers' thing. 'It has come to my attention that Administrator xyz who banged my wife at the xmas party is actually from the future, so I shot him. IMPERIUM SAVED'. Or do they have special badges in the future?
Sure, it will probably occur to anyone dealing with that (probably an Inquisitor) that you could be screwing with them, but they'll kill the person named anyway, just to be sure. If a thousand innocent men perish for every real heretic they cap... it must be a day that ends in 'y.' Seriously, that's just how the Imperium rolls.

Really, the policy suits them. In Star Trek, the wonders of the universe are seen and dutifully recorded and catalouged for posterity and future research, in Doctor Who the wonders of the universe are seen and experienced on a much more personal level, in 40K the wonders of the universe are seen and met with a hail of gunfire.
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