Vympel wrote:
You see the Neustat before it explodes (the narrator states it was hit by alliance fire and lost navigational capability, and was destroyed after Muller left it) but you don't see the Offenburg. The Neustat has vapor / smoke coming out of a few places. Oh and you see the Lubeck, obviously (unique hero ship and all) - no immediately obvious damage before it goes up.
Neustat was maybe hit by beam fire and it hit something volatile but perhaps wasn't immediately fatal (electircal short, or fire, or it wasn't an immediate failure.) Lubeck perhaps was either damaged on the either side or the damage was inflicted without peentrating (blast perhaps, or highly penetrating radiation, non nuclear EMP, or something.)
You accidentally deleted the balance of your paragraph there I think.
Ah I was going to say "assuming they cross a distance of ~1000 km (someone mentioned that before) you'd be looking at an acceleartion on the order of.. 8-10 thousand geesm and an average velocity in the hundreds of km/s (so they not only penetrated inside a star, but they did it at quite a fast clip.)
On top of that, the artificial "solar wind/flare" Yang triggered did absolutely dick to the starships, which says something about their durability against related type attacks (nukes, I think.)
Fascinating. We should discuss in more detail down the line.
Sure, if I remember all that shit. I probably will forget most of this until I watch the series from start to finish.
The Alliance gets somewhat more of a pass than the Empire in this regard. Their flagships, whilst all different, are sometimes different in only very subtle ways:-
http://www.geocities.jp/izelone0079/mei ... i-gif.html
Japanese fan site, but from what I've seen, quite accurate (referring to the official material, not all of this page's dimensions in relation to some Imperial ships are exactly correct, but otherwise its good). That's a list of the Alliance flagships, from 1st fleet down to the 15th fleet, and then after that, ships of Yang's subordinates, then variants of standard battleships (some have structural differences, some are just discrete battleships of the standard type), then cruisers, the destroyer, the carrier, and then some ships from about 70 years prior to the events of the main series.
So most of the (modern) Alliance flagships were all built from the same template. That must cut costs down somewhat. The historical ships are as bad as the Empire though - I think given those ships are the personal ships of the Alliance's "730 Mafia" (i.e. officer class of 730) who dominated the battles of the period with lots of victories, it may be a question of personal clout.
Okay, but that still doesn't quite explain the Empire, so you have to go with Ego.
Pity, I think that a fleet of Reinhard's flagships would be neat. I like the Brunhild.
Unfortunately the only time both warships and support ships are counted seperately is the 112,700 / 41,900 figure from one part of the episode.
My impression is that normally when it gives ship numbers it isn't including support ships. For example, in Episode 22 three Imperial fleets (Reinhard faction) totalling 40,000 ships face off against 50,000 ships from the Imperial high noble faction. The dialog in the episode seems to support the interpretation of these numbers as pure warships - Lutz (Reinhard admiral) comments on Kircheis making a mockery of 50,000 ships with 800 - soon after the high nobles are crushed one of them runs away and fires on his own supply ships, which aren't part of the battle.
However, its hard to be sure.
That could skew any numbers you have then, because any "fleet" mentioned could potentially carry nonmilitary ships. The best thing you got going for you si that they seemingly are fewer in number than the warships. Although on the supply side that either means the transports are a hell of alot bigger, or they have some measure of onboard fabrication/building to offset limited space. Given what I've seen in various points, either is equally possible, but I'm leaning towards "onboard fabrication." - consider their feat with the ice asteroids yet again.
The "numbered" fleets of the Alliance and the "named" fleets of the Empire (all Imperial fleets are named after their admiral, with the exception of the elite Black Lancers) are all permanent formations throughout the course of the series, though elements of them may be detached to do certain things (i.e. like Rear Admiral Eihendorf's 2,000 ships from the Kempf Fleet skirmishing with Rear Admiral Attenborough's portion of the Yang Fleet in Episode 27)
However, with the Alliance fleet smashed thoroughly in Episode 15 (i.e. those 200,000 ships), the intact Alliance fleets were reduced to the 13th Fleet (which was renamed the Yang Fleet and was permanently stationed at Iserlohn), the 11th Fleet (destroyed in Episode 21), and the 1st Fleet (permanently guarding the capital). To bring up the numbers, the 14th and the 15th fleets (10,000 ships each) were formed by throwing together what the fansub calls "defence fleets, patrol fleets, worn out fleets, and untested new fleets". So before that, these ships weren't part of the major 'numbered' formations.
It sounds like they do in fact have reserves (including decomissioned/mothballed ships - or perhaps they could be considered second or third line warships like the old WW1/Age of sail distinctions) as well as purely defensive elements. And of course the new construction and repairs.
Now, all that said, I'd be hard pressed to argue it changes the numbers significantly. Its possible they throw around only say, 5-10% of their fleet at any one time, but that would be pushing the limit I think. They have huge fleets, and can trhow around alot of raw material, but the fleets they amass don't seem TOO trivial either. A million is perhaps an achievable goal, but not a standard for them.
Would be nice if we had the book translation for that, at least.
That's kinda why I think the books matter. And if not them, then at least the mangas. not only does it give more insight into what we see onscreen, but I think that all the numbers that do make it onscreen would come from either manga, novel, or both. And if they do, I'm betting they omit details. Who knows, they might even explain the 740 milloin MW figure somehow.
Besides you yourself mentioned that there are alot of different "weapon types" shown onscreen that you dont know about. Want to make a bet they get mentioned in the novels or manga?
I've heard of this awful translation, but haven't seen it myself. AFAIK there are two translations - that one, and Central Anime's translation. Central Anime's is way better, and has none of that nonsense.
Note Central Anime has done two fansubs of the show - the laserdisc rip (which is almost certainly what you have on your HDD, and is what is on youtube) and the DVD rip (which is still being done and is up to Episode 86 right now). The scripts for these are identical (though in the DVD rip they added a few extra "next time on LOGH" segments at the end of the credits, necessitating new translations).
If that's your take on it, then you probably should make it the wiki policy. Since they're both "fanon", this is going to be a potential argument/canon point, of the magnitude like the old SW ICS type debates, or the Clone Wars, or whatever, because they od make significant differences between the two, and if there are only two translations, its going to be hard to dismiss one as an outlier.
Hell, remembe rthat "laser-hydrogen" bit you mentioned that I interpreted as Inertial confinement (laser triggered) fusion? That is just an interpretation, and some literal minded fanboy might scream "THAT'S NOT RIGHT" and insist it be whatever the fuck it was. An alternate (and equally valid) interpretation would be say, some sort of chemical reaction involving hydrogen and a laser boosting efficiency. It would be a chemical rocket, but those do exist.
Another thing is the "x-ray beam cannons" - - they may not be lasers. It could just beam a beam of x-rays directed at the target. The two aren't neccesarily synonymous (although the "beam of x-rays" is probably not going to be all that effective.)
By the way speaking of beam weapons, bouncing aorund diff eps I do notice one mention in the first couple of eps about "neutron beams".. at least in the translation I have. That could mean that the beams AREN'T lasers... that would hcange this debate rather sharply.