Thanas wrote:Man, I just hope we see the last of River Song soon.
The problem is, I think the show makers/producers like her a lot. And given the enigmatic end episode quote, I wouldn't be surprised if we not only see quite a bit more of her, but the Doctor ends up actually saving her from her eventual fate. I'm still pretty sure that the Doctor won't end up permenantly dead despite the whole astronaut incident at the start of the season.
Of course if they end up saving the Doctor
and River from their eventual fates then that just adds yet another reason for me to get annoyed at River's constant wangsting over the nature of her timey wimey relationship. Seriously, how the hell am I supposed to bleed my heart for her when she ends up in a digital heaven, and may now even wind up being brought back to life at some point? If she was going to flat out no holds barred 'DIE', then I might buy into the drama of it. But she's not. I don't feel sorry for her at all. Even if the Doctor doesn't download her from the Library some day, he can still go and visit her whenever he wants. There's really no sense of impending doom hanging over her. As it stands, I have more concern for the Doctor's ultimate fate atm than I do for River, because he looks more convincingly dead than she does.
This episode makes the TARDIS' actions in the Black Spot episode make more sense. I think someone already said it, but given how aware of the future the TARDIS seems to be, she may have known that there wasn't really a threat there on that ship and so didn't want to let the Doctor run away before he figured out what was really going on. It seemed like an annoying plot contrivance before, but it sorta makes sense now.
Also, I said in a previous thread that I thought the mystery regenerating kid might be Amy and the TARDIS' child, not the Doctors or Rivers. Probably not after this, but still, would be cool if it were. TARDIS knocks up Amy? Heh. Also, the Silents have TARDIS tech, and apparently hundreds of dormant TARDIS' hiding on Earth. Maybe we don't see them use them because they need living TARDIS souls/matrixs', and their ultimate goal is to create a fleet of working TARDIS' that they can use to establish themselves as the new Time Lords of the universe? Or maybe not, I'm just guessing wildly.