That guy takes it completely out of thin air that the prohibitions were against pagan cult sex. Leviticus nowhere mentions any such context.Crossroads Inc. wrote:Much of what is mentioned in truth "outlaws" gay sex, just male on male action. The concept of 'Homosexuality' was totally unknown to the Jews back when Leviticus was first wrote up.
A good deconstruction of how Leviticus is used out of context can be found HERE
Further, he is wrong that the Hebrew word for abomination (to'ebah) refers only to ritual impurity. Elsewhere it speaks of such things as defrauding your neighbour (Deuteronomy 25:13-16; he himself also mentions this in his article) and human sacrifice (Deuteronomy 12:31). The ancient Hebrews certainly considered these "moral" infractions. The primitive verb root behind the noun (ta'ab) means precisely "hate," "abhor," "be disgusted with."
So when the Hebrew mention something that is "abomination (to'ebah) to the LORD thy God," it means in so many words, "something that God hates, and/or finds disgusting." Insofar as the protesters follow the Bible, they are actually quite correct; the Old Testament God does appear to hate homosexual intercourse as far as his own word is any good for determining such. Their error would be in whether modern people should find it interesting what their Bronze Age book records as God's Word.
(A liberal Christian might also throw in the "hate the sin, not the sinner" distinction; it is the homosexuality as such that is hated, not the homosexual person. Though I personally doubt the Hebrews themselves would have cared for that distinction, but whatever.)
Also, that the Bible only mentions a man and a man is hardly surprising, given the male-chauvinistic bias of the time; such ideas as "inclusive language" were utterly foreign to them. When it speaks of murder, theft and other such non-victimles crimes, it also always speaks of "the man who does this". Yet I have a hard time seeing it that the Hebrews would think it no crime if a woman committed theft and murder. So, logically one should probably say the same for male homosexuality and lesbianism