Themightytom wrote:If they pull that with Stargate, I probably won't want to play ball because BEST case scenario, they reboot an awesome product, I get attached, and they learn they can reboot it at whim to increase fan base. Check please.
Here are my thoughts on the future.
"Gauntlet" works as a series finale, but I think it's in MGM's best interest to wrap up SGU's story in the long-term if they want to keep the franchise alive. Thanks to the set-up, they've got 3 years to get their finances in order, get the Bond films running again, and then turn attention to their 2nd most important property.
If they do, however, then I kinda hope that's it. Like Star Trek, you can only recycle and tweak the premise so many times and I honestly can't figure out what a 4th series would entail.
A reboot also has other negative connotations. One of the things I love about Stargate is the unique nature of the franchise. SG-1 was a spin-off of the original movie and continued the story. SGA was in turn also a spin-off, continuing a major plot-line of late SG-1. SGU in turn followed both series' continuity and explored the last major mystery of the Gate-verse: the 9th chevron.
The whole thing, together, feels like one extended narrative and story arc, of the Tau'ri reopening their gate and progressing from inferior nobodies to an advanced presence in the universe.
This, incidentally, is why I prefer the TNG-era over the rest of Star Trek. All three shows (yes, even VGR) overlapped and led into each other. TNG set up the Bajoran Occupation, which led into DS9. Then TNG and DS9 set up the Maquis story, which led into VGR. Regardless of execution, it also felt at times like a combined narrative.
Anyway, rebooting it means wiping out that continuity and portrayal of characters. It generated controversey with Trek XI and it would do the same here.