atg wrote:For the above comments there are a couple of things I'd note - Local governments such as Kuat operated heavy ships like the Mandator and Procurator classes. Having bigger ships such as the Executors around would help prevent Kuat getting uppity. Obviously Kuat was a special case due to the Kuat Drive Yards, but there is the possibility of other planetary/system governments operating ships more powerful than ISDs (e.g. The Trade Federation's battleships).
Which all had short range, local hyperdrives, if even that. Intergalactic warships were rare prior to the Clone Wars, and I suspect that after restrictions were placed back on them. And there would be good reasons for that, as it limits the amount of rampant destruction someone can inflict on the galaxy at large. (Besides you don't need long hyperdrive ranges if your sole point in having massive firepower is to defend yourself.)
For "police action" type activity which was the bulk of what the Empire did with the Rebellion, you don't need top of the line battleships. If anything, large numbers of smaller warships serves you better there.
Also IIRC Palpatine knew that the Vong were coming - no doubt a fleet of battleships would be part of the plan to deal with them.
There's no reason to build them until they need the, and he'd have to have far more control over the Empire than he did in the OT. Otherwise he could have just built a fleet of battleships to terrorize the galaxy.
That of course assumes he had an intention of crushing the Vong utterly at the outset. The Vong if anything would serve as another tool to justify him remaining in power and his military expenditures. HE's not exactly above sacrificing large numbers of people if it serves his ends.
As far as ship classification goes, Sea Skimmer's "rates" idea probably serves the best. (Which basically is what the whole "Star-<title>" thing amounts to anyhow. As I said before, people fixated on destroyre because they wanted ISDS to be small, unimportant warships and to have these huge hypothetical fleets of Executors duking it out to the death. Or something.)