"On the contrary, Director", a man said upon walking in. He had the most outrageous moustache, and also a huge and prominent badge on his belt, "It is very much your problem, as I have just decided to make it such."Eternal_Freedom wrote:"Really? Oh well, someone else's problem..."
"And you are?", von Braun was not intimidated. Thanasian secret police had vastly more impressive badges than this...FBI.
"Dick Fisher of the FBI. My men reported that the Zenobian, uh, Ivanich or whatever his last name was, escape your facility last night. I wonder who might've tipped him off, hmm?"
Johnny glanced at Sam, but instantly took the side of his employee, "I have no idea, Mr. Fisher. Perhaps you have a leak at your organization?"
"Why yes of course! And one of my men used some sort of secret hand-held telephone that does not use land lines to call Drago and warn him they were coming!"
"Perhaps. You never know, with those Zenobians. They are really crafty."
"Oh, shove it. I told your man Francisco here that we'd both lose our jobs if he tried any funny stuff. Well then, I am about to lose mine, so he better watch his step.", Fisher extracted a piece of paper from his pocket, "Here's a search warrant for the premises of this fine facility. You can now stand aside and not touch the evidence while my men secure it. I have also taken the liberty of waking up your personnell so that they can be interviewed by my people."
Fisher's smug grin just begged for a snide and accurate response from von Braun...