The Kreamlin
Things were becoming more relaxed at the Kreamlin. After a couple days had passed since Bearznev's attempt to oust the current Premier, the NKVDVDROM was almost done with the purges of everyone disloyal.
General Nefartnyi has disappeared somewhere, nobody knew where, and was replaced as head of the NKVDVDROM. Comissar Gugylyvych was arrested and also disappeared, except with him, everyone knew where.
Comissar Spetchkov's last-minute change of heart has earned him a mere degradation instead of an outright trip to Zyberia. He would become an administrator of an automobile plant near Moosecow.
Many lesser members of the Central Comittee were also purged, and finally Shroomanski's power was unquestioned. His triumph in the Triple Stas Bush Trial had left the Premier in an unassailable position, backed not just by his authority and power apparatur, but also by commienist traidtion. The Premier was in awe how traditions, even the silliest ones, had real power - and it didn't even matter what really happened in that darkened room!
Shroomanski smiled to himself. Da. He would have to take care of just one loose end. He picked up the phone.
"Lead him in", he spoke into the receiver.
After a few seconds, two burly NKVDVDROM men lead another, short and very very very angry man into Shroomanski's office.
"Ah, comrade von Evilstein! Welcome back! I hope your stay in Moosecow is being pleasant!", Shroomanski gloated.
Doom Von Evilstein said nothing, choosing to fume instead. That Zenobian bastard! He'd get back at him, he'd get back at
all of them! Whatever they do, he, von Evilstein, would survive and have his revenge! Ja!
"Da!", Shroomanski nodded to himself, "What to do with you, herr doktor? I can't fault you for trying, da, it's what I would have done after all...aha! I am feeling very good today, da? You will stay in space program! I have spoken!"
Having faced first-hand the intrigues of the Ratzi Party, and now the results of backstabbing, conniving, cheating bastardry that Zenobian corridor wars could bring, von Evilstein was suspicious. But all in all, it's not like he could do anything about it but ask...
"Da! You will fly down to Baikonured...of course, you understand, I cannot trust you with any actually important position, but you will work on things to make Zenobia great!"
"Warum, herr premier?", von Evilstein winced. He couldn't help but ask, he had to understand, "You have dealt with all your other enemies in a most ruthless fashion, almost worthy of Thanasian politickos!"
"Da. But you amuse me. Besides, Syrgy Pavylyvych request you stay. I guess he is merciful too! Ha! Good joke, da?"
Shroomanski gestured to the NKVDVDROM people, indicating the audience was over. Doom von Evilstein, deposed and humilitated, was loaded onto a transport plane and shipped off to Baikonurek the same night.
With him went a small package of documents. These oficially promoted Syrgy Pavylyvych to Chief Designer, removed Doom von Evilstein from
his position and reinstated him as a "junior test assistant".
Below the official, neatly typed out documents was a scrawled note, in barely legible handwriting of the Premier himself.
It read:
Just keep him alive, da?