My point was that the weakening of NATO - a military structure - also brings a reduction in the military capabilities of member nations. Which makes European nations less capable of running foreign wars. Without a structure like NATO it would also be much harder for any action of the USA to look as anything but a unilateral war. "Coalitions of the willing" would be much harder to forge. So while the military power of the USA rises, the end of NATO could be a diplomatic debacle for the US; even if it would look like a positive thing at first.Kane Starkiller wrote:Obviously I was not talking only about military dimension of strength and not only in terms of absolute strength but in terms of relative strength as relevant to NATOs reason of existence. Globally European powers have definitely lost strength in relations to many countries, US being the first example. I provided charts in the other thread showing Germany and France going from 26.9% and 19.9% of US GDP in 1975 to 18.1% and 15% in 2008 respectively. This only underscores my point: increase of relative and absolute US power in relation to France and Germany, decrease of relative and absolute Russian power in relation to France and Germany and increase of relative power and security for France and Germany is making NATO obsolete. However while German military power had declined it has done so by choice not inevitably because of economic collapse like Russia. Therefore should Germany feel the need to expand its forces in the future it has the economic and technological potential to do so far more than Russia.
Relations between racial groups in the US are better only because the US is well-off, while Russia and China are poor (Russia also has nationalists, who view other ethnicities as "outsiders" from their sovereign nations, not as Russian citizens, which is clearly not the case with America). However, feel free to prove that the relations between racial groups in China are much worse than those in the US. Are they, really? Are the relations between Mexicans and white Americans that much better? Are American rednecks much better than Russian neo-nazis (I havent' seen any Nazis in China, anyways)?Kane Starkiller wrote:No one said that a multiethnic nation will eliminate all jingoism and warmongery. But the relations between people of various ethnic and racial groups in US is today far better than in most other countries including Russia and China. ... index.html
Whoa. Looks like in America you can get beaten to fucking death because you're Mexican. How is that any different from Russia, where the same can happen because you're Uzbek? Prove your point."The evidence suggests that Mr. Ramirez was targeted, beaten and killed because he was Mexican," Rendell said. "Such lawlessness and violence hurts not only the victim of the attack but also our towns and communities that are torn apart by such bigotry and intolerance."
See above. Let's talk about Mexicans, how easy and good is a life of a Mexican in America, and is there a chance that he might get killed for his mere looks? Or for the fact he's an illegal alien, like many Uzbeks in Russia are?Kane Starkiller wrote:The issue is not whether or not US commited crimes during the American-Philippines war but how well does US integrate current Fillippino immigrants compared to other countries today.
I saw people protesting the immigration of Mexicans lately - you know, a nationality that's actually relevant, that's immigrating into the USA in great numbers and isn't simply a remains of a nation living in fucking reservations after being subjected to one of the greatest ethnocides in history. By the way, Russia, when it took over the Caucasus and made it part of the Russian Empire, put Georgians, Ossetians, Abkhazis and Chechens into reservations and gave them smallpox blankets so that they all die out and don't stand in the way of the glorious future? Was that really what happened, or is that what you would want Russia to do; except that's something it didn't do - American "multi-ethnic" colonists did that. And the fact that they were part British, part Irish, part god-knows-who didn't stop them from ethnociding the bloody guts out of the Natives. How can the Natives "immigrate" into America? The modern American "nation" fucking annihilated them.Kane Starkiller wrote:US conquest of Native Americans might have been no more gentle than Russian conquest of Caucasian people but how each country is treating them today is what makes the difference. Did you see a protest in New York about stopping the immigration of Native Americans lately?
Interventions don't stem from power. They stem from a desire to intervene. You can have power, but ignore a place and not intervene unless that is in your interests. Power does not produce intervention in and of itself. Power, and especially military power, is a means to an end. The US developed its military complex to make war against its adversaries and keep necessary hotpoints under control; it did not just make shitloads of weapons and soldiers for no reason and then go "LOOK, we have lots of war material, lets make use of it". Likewise Germany developed a military in the 1930s to take over territories it wanted, Danzig, Czechoslovakia, later all of Eastern Europe up to the Urals. Likewise the USSR in the 1930s developed a military to restore the "territories of the former Russian Empire" unto Russian dominion. Military is a means to an end. It is not the end and it is not the reason for interventions.Kane Starkiller wrote:US interventions stem from its power and global interests and not all are wrong. Also there is nothing wrong with people being loyal to their home countries in the sense that they will not run away if an enemy is attacking them or they won't sell secrets for money or won't help outside forces attack the country for money. At the same time they can criticize their country if it does something wrong.
However, it is also true that the existence of a vast military power provokes interventions, because it makes easier to decide in favor of a war when you have lots of weapons. It is much harder to decide in favor of a war if you don't have the military that could complete desired objectives. And if your military is weak and pathetic, objectives will be likewise limited.
If your military is strong, you can become high on power, like on a drug. Ambitions keep rising and rising, until they become global. The British Empire was born exactly that way. Global power gives food to global ambitions; and those ambitions pressure you to get even more military power. It was actually quite the same with the USSR; in a while it saw that it is mighty and powerful, with a military capable of supporting foreign interventions. Slowly it reached out to South America, to the Carribean, to India and Egypt. The military power it received corrupted it; made it a part of the Great Powers club. And all major powers are guilty of this; of trying to remake the world in their image, to use their military power to fuel ambitions and ambitions to "explain" to the people just why we need such a great military.
Yeah, the same immigrants that can get killed for appearance, like that Uzbek janitor in some street in Voronezh. Which is the synonim to Bumfuck Nowhere. Don't give me this crap - I simply said that as a communist I hate nationalism and I dislike the very idea of nation-states. You somehow decided to say that this is unreasonable or something. It's not. It is the logical consequence of being internationalist. Communism isn't just an economic system, it is an ideology which includes internationalism and a firm stance on the equality of nations. The inability of either Soviet or post-Soviet rulers to protect one nation from violence inflicted by another nation is lamentable, but how is that relevant to the fact that this is a worthy goal?Kane Starkiller wrote:Communism being an economic system doesn't say anything more about nations than capitalism does. However I'm not interested in theory or how you would like communism to be but practice. In practice communist countries weren't defined only by their economy but their political organization and their total inability to deal with interethnic tensions constructively. They simply barred all public discourse and ethnic animosities, rather than being resolved, were simply frozen in time until they finally exploded in the early 90s, in fact even before USSR was actually dissolved various ethnic groups started clashing. Your criticism of American performance with assimilating foreigners seems to be confined to analyzing the speeches of fringe conservative groups rather than actual data about the multi racial and multi ethnic character and large numbers of current immigrants.
Actually Russians immigrated into Central Asia a lot. As for nationalism not triumphing, it is hard to say it has not triumphed. It definetely has. Nationalist parties are in power. Openly nationalist, sometimes fascist and clinically insane dictators are in power (Niyazov, for example, was clinically insane, while Putin and Medvedev are part of a nationalist oligarchic dictatorship, something you can't even seriously dispute). Saakashvili is another nationalist dictator, so are Nazarbayev and Lukashenko.Kane Starkiller wrote:It's not that nationalism triumphed it's that it was never dealt with since no real social issue can be dealt with if there is no free speech. Combined with obviously imperialistic communist policies like transferring ethnic Russians into baltic states and Central Asia while at the same time discouraging the immigration of Central Asians and Caucasians into Slavic parts of USSR and the stage was set for an implosion.
It is clear as day that nationalism as a policy has triumphed. From the crazy clericalist anti-abortion, homophobic constitution in Hungary to Niyazov's golden statue madness in a desert full of oil and poorly fed people, nationalism, fascism, fundamentalist clericalism has triumphed all over the post-Soviet and post-WARPAC space.
Yeah, now you'd love to live under the benigh rule of a nation so rich on the blood of underdeveloped colonies it's not even fun anymore. Of course you would. However, what is the principal difference between the hardships in Somalia or North Korea or the hardships in British-ruled Ireland, India (from Pakistan to modern Bangladesh), Mandatory Palestine, Egypt, Kenya? You're still dead, right?Kane Starkiller wrote:Except of course hobo is just as likely to knife you for ten bucks. What difference does it make that Rwandan genocide wasn't imperialism? You are still dead. I don't know about you but I would rather live under British rule and pay tribute to the British King than to live in Rwanda, Somalia, North Korea or Sudan.
The difference, as you can see, is that Somalia can't invade the whole world and kill people across the entire world so that the sun will rise and set, and there wouldn't be a place on earth where Somalian colonizers wouldn't be killing, opressing, starving people.
Somalia can't invade even it's neighbors, so weak and pathetic it is. North Korea maybe can invade South Korea, but not much more, not at all. Neither China nor Russia. It wouldn't be able to take over South Korea as it is now. Sudan and Rwanda likewise can't take over the world and create a world empire where they'd be the masters and everyone else would be second-rate people, neoserfs whose life isn't worth even a good damn.
How will it benefit Russia? Russian economy is dollarized, industry is degrading. The West is the only real customer for Russian oil, which keeps Russian people from starving like they do in Taijikistan, where there's no oil. A collapse of a Western currency even would be the collapse of Russia's economy pure and simple. The crisis of 2008 made Russia weaker and put the rouble into freefall, and the industry was crippled as a result. You've clearly flunked economics if you don't understand this. If the West falls, current Russia will fall with it. But considering current Russia is rather nightmarish, although less so than say Turkmenia or Kazakhstan, perhaps I'm not entirely objective here, you're right. Maybe I wish for that.Kane Starkiller wrote:I never said that you support the Russian government nor is that in any way relevant to my argument which is that based on your previous posts you clearly support "Russia" as a geopolitical entity and that your hopes for the destruction of US (or West) are not a result of some kind of anationalist sensibility but out of very practical realization that it will benefit Russia.
Not as an absolute rule. But maybe that's a sound idea, though. If a nation claims continuancy from a government which "did something" in the XIX century, it is not a good idea to give it an opportunity to "do something again". If someone was running a concentration camp, and the next camp commandant inherited the power over the camp from his father, he bears the same responsibility. Few governments and few nations, if ever, renounced their past. You as a German live in a nation that was created after a war with and as a rejection of the fascist past. Germany's government can only claim continuancy from 1945. Obviously it hasn't commited a single imperialist act since then (I think Germany isn't invading Iraq, right?). The nation as a whole considers it legitimate.Thanas wrote:I was talking about mindsets - like you claimed that because the ancestors did something in the 19th century, people of the 21st lose the right to act?
Other nations do not have this luxury. You don't give vodka to a son who was born in a family of alcoholics - he is predisposed. You don't and you shouldn't trust hyperempires like Britain, America or France or Russia with enormous military power.
See above. You don't give lots of vodka to an alcoholic's descendant. Especially to a son who never renounced his father when said father raped his wife, beat her and eventually killed her. The consequences of that can be dreadful.Thanas wrote:Because of course any move by today's European states = 18th century British?
Only those who renounce imperialism (as Germany) have a right to wield power responsibly in my view. But there's few nations like that. Most are alcoholic's sons who still consider their father a good guy, him the "Greatest Generation". Those shouldn't be trusted. Distrust is not a crime. I distrust all nations, but powerful nations first and foremost. Power makes it easier to convince the world.