Addressing war propaganda

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Post by Vympel »

Mr Bean wrote: Burchill makes the assertion that the only way to protect your country from America is to have WMD....
Just think that one over for a moment, Alright then, PROTECT yourself from America? Why did South Africa give up thier Nuclear weapons if its the only way to protect themselves? Why has not Quatar or SA pursed Nuclear Weapons programs of their own? I can't recall Columiba or Brazil attempting to Devolpe Nuclear weapons.... Infact the few who have are either Communist Countrys or Dicatorships with a noted History of attacking other countrys in Wars of Conquest in the last century
The funny thing is you talked about protecting yourselves from America and then you brought up all these dumb-ass nations who have nothing to FEAR from America, or other countries for that matter, for various reasons.

Here's some better examples: USSR. India. Pakistan. Israel. China.
Second Burchill admits that knowing what Saddam has won't tell us what he do with them, What Burchill fails to note is the fact that you can't use what you don't have
What? I'm sorry that doesn't add anything to the debate whatsoever. He's absolutely right. The fact that you posess WMD doesn't tell someone else what you're going to do with them.
He also mentions the fact that Saddamn did not use them During the Gulf War but failing to note he launched missle attacks on a Neutral Country, also failing to note exactly how effective Biological and Chemical weapons are aginst Naval Warships or Airplanes....
Oh come on. He launched missile attacks on a neutral country- which he COULD have loaded with WMD. He didn't. This HURTS your argument.
He could not use them aginst the America Ground troops as they where protected and his boys where not, If he did use them it would have ment his ass instead of the slap on the wrist and being made to sit in time-out that he got
Once again you hurt your own argument. Firstly, he could easily have deployed WMD against American troops in rear areas away from his own, and it's a falsehood that his own troops weren't protected- all of Iraq's vehicles in front line troops came as standard with NBC protection (see BMP-1, T-55 tanks, etc) and to assert that none of them had gas masks requires some proof, considering how common they are.

Strawman-The point that is made is that Saddam is willing to use WMD, Period not on who or what he will use them on, If Burchill is so adminate that we can't know what Saddam will do with WMD then he can't very will claim in the next paragph that
No, that's not a strawman, you're just trying to restrict the scope of the argument. He has never used WMD on those that can retaliate. There's a BIG difference.
Oops thats a Contradiction is it not? We can't know what Saddam will do with his WMD, but we can be sure he won't use them aginst anyone with WMD! :roll:
How is that a contradiction?


Burchill says that the mere fact that a state has WMD doesn't tell you what he's going to do with them.


Burchill, realizing this, then looks at Saddam's history (i.e. he didn't use them in 1991) to make the conclusion that he has been deterred from deploying WMD against the US, who can retaliate
Burchill can't have his cake and eat it to but he will try his best to
No, you're just making up contradicitons because you don't understand what he's saying.

Most intresting here
While phrase like this its looks quite daming, However if one notes the fac that "We continued to supply him with the means to aquire them" was the "Oil for Food" program then its quite diffrent
check your facts. That attack happened before the Gulf War- in March 1988.
Lastly Burchill does what every other person does, Blaim past failures on the current Admistration and hope no one understands how fuck up that is

I'm sorry Mr Burchill but here in America, If we fuck somthing up, Generaly we try and fix it instead of ignoring it for the rest of Entity, but then, We would critizied if we did that...
He's not blaming failures, he's simply pointing out that previous administrations didn't have a problem with Iraq's behavior.
Leap in Logic:If we have two enemies we hate, Hey don't we help out the side that will get its rear kicked if we don't and let them beat the @%@% out of each other
How is that a leap in logic? You just proved his point. They didn't give a shit that he invaded Iran. They helped him do it.
In every other place but the Media this move was prasied as the genius it was, We disliked both Iraq and Iran and by supporting them BOTH during their war, We effectily wreacked Iran's Economey and destroyed their Leadership, We nearly managed the same with Iraq but they managed to recover
I'm sure you're very proud, considering America created fundamentalist Iran in the first place in the 1950s by kicking out the democratically elected government and replacing it with a military dictatorship of the Shah. Oh the genius.
Burchill also points out that Iraq has neighbors that are just as bad, Citing as his examples? Isreal.... and Egypt.... and those wars where Egypt and Sudan did their best to wipe Isreal off the face of the Earth,
Sudan? You still haven't done anything to disprove it's point. Egypt has fought wars with Israel and vice versa for decades. Neither of them are pariah states.
And the best part? While we will confine ourselves only to Saddam's Acts while in Power, We are more than happy to go back twenty years before Saddam's time to name examples of why his Neighbors are so bad, Nevermind the fact that unlike Iraq, Their goverments have changed between five to thirty times since then

Yet Egypt still attacked Israel no matter how many times it's government changed, and in the same way Israel continued repressing the Palestinians.

Blaming the Faliures of the past on the Leaders of Today and compltly unaware of how much of a Logic Flaw that is, Oh nevermind the fact Burchill uses it as justification on why we should not be going to war, Because we did not do somthing about it sooner we can't do anything now :roll:
Oh, so it's your assertion that Reagan 'failed' in Iraq and that Bush has come like the Messiah to 'set things straight' is it? :roll:

THREE ADMINISTRATIONS (Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43) have made it their policy to kick Iraq's ass, ever since 1991. The only thing that's stopped them was they didn't have 9/11.
A very intresting quote, I'll note the last part first and work my way up, "Ango-American attacks" What does that mean? The white man beat up on poor Iraq, are we seeing a poor choice of words or a poor attempt at trying to play the Race card?
What the? Could you perpetrate a more lame strawman? So when I use the phrase Sino-Russian War, I'm perpetrating the race card?!
Second, We see the third time the Blaming the Past on the Presant Logic Fallcy is applyed and thirdly it should be noted..
Already dealt with above.
All Clinton did was launch at attack, There was no Build-up, There was no massive ground Campain, There was a few Cruise Missle strikes, Not a single American Trooper touched Iraq Soil
Not much of a threat of force now is it?
450 cruise missiles sounds like a threat of force to me.

Number Five, Blaming the Past on the Presant
Dealt with above.
Second, His armed forces, HAVE been Rebuilt, Not as much as he has had before but they are signficalty better off than they where as of Jan '92
NO, they haven't. You've already made usubstnatiated claims in this thread once before. Either provide evidence, or not. His armed forces have not been rebuilt at all. They are reduced in size, equipment, and capability. I also don't see why you use January 1992 as some sort of benchmark, considering the war was in 1991.
Third, Strawman, He had Chemical and Biological Weapons that where useless aginst his enemies in 91, He has made many steps forward in Missle Techology and his Nuclear Program is much further along than it has ever been.
Source please. In 1991 Iraq had a massive, well known WMD stockpile, more long range missiles that are more effective than the pathetic kit-bash "Al-Samoud" missiles with less range, as well as other means- air delivery, artillery delivery etc.
And as its been said before, Nuclear weapons work wonders aginst NBC suits, Tanks, and even Naval Ships if you can hit close enough the Radation will kill the Crew even if the Expolsion won't sink the ship
Red herring. It doesn't matter what they can do, the question is why they would be used.
This has never been a reason I supported and Mr Burchill's reponse is well reasoned and insightful, Its still commits the Sixth time of Past on Presant Fallicy but he overall makes his point quite well that the above reason is flawed
No, it's not that 'fallacy' (which I disagree with) because they were screaming for an attack ever since Bush came to power, not the administration before, while some, like Rumsfeld, were in positions of power in the 1980s, and shook Saddam's hand with a big fat smile on his face.
Burchil has a great line here
Despite forensic efforts by Washington to produce a pretext for war Prehaps he ment Frantic but as it stands and the languaged used he's implying either that Washington does not have any reasons or that they are manfucationg them
They don't have the reasons. They've been desperately trying to draw a link between Al-Quaeda and Saddam and failed every time.
Second he out right lies to, Richard Armitage did explain how Biological and Chemical weapons can be passed to Terrriots without engangering the Host Country, We still don't know who the Anthrax came from, Nearly every single Country on the Planet has some store of Chemical or Biological weapons, Not many have them Weaponised form, But they are praticualy un-traceble when it comes time to play the blaim game after an attack is made
The FBI already said the anthrax was domestic American. Don't you watch the news?
Good Logic here, but it has been noted before, Once a Country has Nuclear weapons, There is not much you can do aginst them, We can't slap sanctions on China, we depend on each other to much for that, Us for them leaving Tawian alone and cheap goods, Them for our Oil and our money, Not to mention our Tourist Dollers
So you'd support pre-emptively attacking every nation who isn't friendly to the US before they get nuclear weapons?
If China wanted to expand its current completent of fourty Nuclear Missles to say, Four Thousand, Could we do anything about it? Can we do anything about Pakistan or India(Send them to war aginst each other of course but they would in all likleyhood end up annilating each other, which we don't want)
Of course, we should've attacked them months ago.
Burchill for the seventh time is comming that fallicy, Blaming the Past on the Present, You work with what you have Mr Burchill, If you have have four Countrys with Nukes and two that will soon, Which is easier to tackle? Which sends a clear message. Sure you can try and buy things from China, Or North Korea, But you know what? We will come right by, take it anyway from you and remove you from power.
Right, it's not about whether the war is right, it's about 'sending a message'.
For Breivty I won't quote the Aritcule he quotes but umm
The discussion below is by Kenneth Waltz, a US conservative and the leading theorist of neo-realism in international relations.
I have to ask, What the Hell is a Theorist of Neo-Realism? Has Realism become unreal so as to require a Neo-Realism? And what in that gives him any cloute to comment about the us of Nuclear Weapons by Terriosts?
Yes I am questioning the mans Crebility because frankly it reads very oddly to me
But I'll put that aisde for a moment and discuss his pieace as if he were the Head of the US Nuclear Weapons Division and Terriost Strategic planning

Waltz makes a few points
It'd be better if you quoted him directly instead of attacking what you think he's saying.
Pure Assumption that the Shi'ite popluation which is almost Westernised will welcomly walk into the Religious oppresion of the Iranian's
Almost westernized? Who says? Iraq may be secular and pretty liberal by ME standards, but the Shi'ite population is plenty repressed by the other religious minority- they may prefer govt by Shi'ite Iran.
In-fact its one of the few good things that Saddam has done, Women have near equal rights to Men in Iraq and it an excellent reason why Iraq won't go running to Iran the instant we pull out
That's if women have any say. Policy isn't decided by the people, especially in such countries. On a higher level, those in Iraq may well decide going with Iran is the way to maintian their sovereignty against a US puppet.
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

The funny thing is you talked about protecting yourselves from America and then you brought up all these dumb-ass nations who have nothing to FEAR from America, or other countries for that matter, for various reasons.
What do India and Pakistan have to fear from the Great Imperilist West? What does China?, Isreal? Without our support Isreal would die within three years, USSR? You forget Stalin wanted to Invade the West not Defend himself from America

Unless of course you mean nations that have nothing to fear from America(Which NK can be incudled on that list due to Convetional Military might alone)
What? I'm sorry that doesn't add anything to the debate whatsoever. He's absolutely right. The fact that you posess WMD doesn't tell someone else what you're going to do with them.
No its not Vympel, I'm sorry but its one of the Key reasons for going and why stoping Nuclear Profiliation has so much power behind it these years, If you stop them froming getting Nuclear weapons they don't have the option of using it on you, do you not?
He launched missile attacks on a neutral country- which he COULD have loaded with WMD. He didn't. This HURTS your argument.
Acutal it does not, No matter the method of attack(Even if he sent Evil Canadian Attack Beavers) he was still willing to pound Innocents for no other reason than murder and the hope to insite more Murder and Death

Furthermore there is evidance that the Missle could not Reach Isreal with a full Payload of anything but Conventioal weapons (Scott Ritter 93' NY Times Report)
Firstly, he could easily have deployed WMD against American troops in rear areas away from his own
Who also carry NBC equipment

and it's a falsehood that his own troops weren't protected- all of Iraq's vehicles in front line troops came as standard with NBC protection (see BMP-1, T-55 tanks, etc) and to assert that none of them had gas masks requires some proof, considering how common they are.
Never agents work through the skin, Nothing short of an NBC suit will protect you from them, Even Mustard Gas causes horrific burns if you stay out long enough in it. I never said they did not have Gas Masks
And furthermore you did not address the main reason he did not use them, That being we were pushing them back to Bagdad but we were not Pursuing
No, that's not a strawman, you're just trying to restrict the scope of the argument. He has never used WMD on those that can retaliate. There's a BIG difference.
The claim has been made that he will never use WMD at all, I'm countering that, not question if he would use it on somone who could respond in kind, It is a Strawman as your aurging about a diffrent issue than I'm addressing

Burchill says that the mere fact that a state has WMD doesn't tell you what he's going to do with them .


Burchill, realizing this , then looks at Saddam's history (i.e. he didn't use them in 1991) to make the conclusion that he has been deterred from deploying WMD against the US, who can retaliate
As I've already mentioned twice, Strawman, The only reason he did not use them in 91 is not that his enemies had WMD, There were many reasons for him not to use them and you continue to maintain it is the only reason
Just because he has never used them aginst those that WMD means he never will That is what we like to call a leap in logic .....
check your facts . That attack happened before the Gulf War- in March 1988 .
Conceded, I thought he was refering to the 95 and 98 Precurser Buys from Germany

He's not blaming failures, he's simply pointing out that previous administrations didn't have a problem with Iraq's behavior.
Bullshit I guess Clinton had so little of a problem with thier behavior he tighted embargos on them and then launched Crusie Missle attacks in 98 :roll:
You just proved his point. They didn't give a shit that he invaded Iran. They helped him do it.
No Vympel your missing the point and rather badly, We helped both sides in the confict, we cared rather deeply that they Invaded Iran, we prefered it back then if both Countries ceased to exist, so we helped out both countries pound the shit out of each other
I'm sure you're very proud, considering America created fundamentalist Iran in the first place in the 1950s by kicking out the democratically elected government and replacing it with a military dictatorship of the Shah. Oh the genius.
Strawman, AND Past on Presant, Your making an aurgment that has little to do with my point(Helping both Countrys kill each other off) and blaming the failings of the past onto the Presant, Nevermind there are no Presidant for Life in America

Sudan? You still haven't done anything to disprove it's point. Egypt has fought wars with Israel and vice versa for decades. Neither of them are pariah states.
Egypt and Sudan went on a War of Conquest to Destroy Isreal, Isreal fought back and got themselves some highly defendable territoy at the same time
The problem is agian its another Past on Presant, The Leadership of both Isreal, Egypt and Sudan changed several times between each war while Saddam is still Saddam.

Yet Egypt still attacked Israel no matter how many times it's government changed
I can't seem to recall any attacks after the 80s
Israel continued repressing the Palestinians.
That they always do

Oh, so it's your assertion that Reagan 'failed' in Iraq and that Bush has come like the Messiah to 'set things straight' is it?
No Vympel, The fact is, We screwed up time to fix the problem, Not sit there and wail, woe is me and ignore it, that is the point I am addressing

THREE ADMINISTRATIONS (Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43) have made it their policy to kick Iraq's ass, ever since 1991. The only thing that's stopped them was they didn't have 9/11.
Incorrect, Bush 41 had a UN Resoultion to remove Iraq from Kuwait and nothing more(Though we could have easily drove them right to Bagdad)

Clinton had both a UN resoultion to invade and a clear UN resoultion to remove Saddam from power But like so many other things Clinton mearly launched a few hundred Cruise Missles at the problem and hoped it went away

What the? Could you perpetrate a more lame strawman? So when I use the phrase Sino-Russian War, I'm perpetrating the race card?!
No Vympel if you acutal read what I said I wondered it it was simply a poor choice of words or a poor attempt at playing the race card(Which has been done by Anti-War before) or prehaps even a simple Freudian slip

The point its thats not a normal way of wording things(Or is it Standered Pratice to refer to the Ethnicity of Countrys rather than their names in Aussy Land?)
450 cruise missiles sounds like a threat of force to me.
Aircraft can niether hold nor take ground
And missiles can do even less
450 Cruise Missles Launched without Warning and then no follow through is not a threat of Force
Either provide evidence, or not.
Newsweek, 2001 October Page 16, US World Report June 6th 2002 Front Page and Page A5. New York times same week two Days Eariler

Not to mention what I get as part of my job in the Navy on a Ship that will be deployed to the Gulf(Though I won't be with it when it gets there, I get the briefing none the less)
Source please. In 1991 Iraq had a massive, well known WMD stockpile, more long range missiles that are more effective than the pathetic kit-bash "Al-Samoud" missiles with less range, as well as other means- air delivery, artillery delivery etc.
My Source? Secrutary Powel's Speech to the UN some weeks back, Source for yours?
Red herring. It doesn't matter what they can do
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks I need that, Vympel tell me, How many Nuclear Missles did we have in October of 1941? Why did we not defend aginst the Brtish during the Revolutionary war with M-1 Abrams and A-10s?

Might it be the fact we had none of those things and logicaly, did not have the option of using them? :roll:
They don't have the reasons. They've been desperately trying to draw a link between Al-Quaeda and Saddam and failed every time.
Strawman, We are not invading because of Al-Quaeda, We are invading because Bush 41 screwed up, And Clinton fucked up and now we have a nasty situation to deal with
The FBI already said the anthrax was domestic American. Don't you watch the news?
Don't you? They only gave probabilitys
So you'd support pre-emptively attacking every nation who isn't friendly to the US before they get nuclear weapons?
Yes the Invasion of France starts on the Morrow! :twisted:

Your ignoring the point, If you set a strong example you don't HAVE to go to war with every two bit nation
Of course, we should've attacked them months ago.
Strawman-We can't do anything about China thats the point
Right, it's not about whether the war is right, it's about 'sending a message'.
Strawman-I never said that and you know it, Vympel you seem unable to grasp the fact that a War might be launched for Multiple reasons

It'd be better if you quoted him directly
As I already said I won't quote him directly as it would strech out the posts to gigantic lengths

Almost westernized? Who says? Iraq may be secular and pretty liberal by ME standards, but the Shi'ite population is plenty repressed by the other religious minority- they may prefer govt by Shi'ite Iran.
They may they may not, Either way its impossible to claim as Burchill does what they will do

That's if women have any say
I trust you've never been married?
. On a higher level, those in Iraq may well decide going with Iran is the way to maintian their sovereignty against a US puppet.
And how will they decided that? Its rather hard to legislate to a Counrty from a Jail Cell, if you remeber Saddam surrounds himself with people like himself, They are not exactly nice people, its been noted before how many War-Criminals we will have to cart off in the Aftermath of an Invasion

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Post by Vympel »

Mr Bean wrote: What do India and Pakistan have to fear from the Great Imperilist West? What does China?, Isreal? Without our support Isreal would die within three years, USSR? You forget Stalin wanted to Invade the West not Defend himself from America
Every country I listed has WMD to defend itself from external threats- I didn't necessarily mean the US. Stalin never wanted to invade the West. The Soviets thought they were going to be attacked, and the Americans thought they were going to be attacked. Both sides prepared accordingly.
Unless of course you mean nations that have nothing to fear from America(Which NK can be incudled on that list due to Convetional Military might alone)
I would hardly term NK conventional might.
No its not Vympel, I'm sorry but its one of the Key reasons for going and why stoping Nuclear Profiliation has so much power behind it these years, If you stop them froming getting Nuclear weapons they don't have the option of using it on you, do you not?
Again, you'd advocate war on every state that seeks nuclear weapons because they might use them on you? If we applied this logic universally- you do realize we'd be in perpetual war and millions would be dead, right?
Acutal it does not, No matter the method of attack(Even if he sent Evil Canadian Attack Beavers) he was still willing to pound Innocents for no other reason than murder and the hope to insite more Murder and Death
Now you're just ignoring me. If he wanted to incite maximum murder and death, he would've used his WMD arsenal- which you'd practically expect, what with the greatest military force ever seen in the Middle East arrayed against him.
Furthermore there is evidance that the Missle could not Reach Isreal with a full Payload of anything but Conventioal weapons (Scott Ritter 93' NY Times Report)
Source please- also, this excuse would not apply to the SCUDs launched at Saudi territory
Never agents work through the skin, Nothing short of an NBC suit will protect you from them, Even Mustard Gas causes horrific burns if you stay out long enough in it. I never said they did not have Gas Masks
And furthermore you did not address the main reason he did not use them, That being we were pushing them back to Bagdad but we were not Pursuing
That just doesn't fly- he fired SCUDs at Israel to destroy the alliance against him- the reason he didn't use WMD was because he knew he'd be annihilated in short order. You said this yourself: "If he did use them it would have ment his ass instead of the slap on the wrist and being made to sit in time-out that he got".
The claim has been made that he will never use WMD at all, I'm countering that, not question if he would use it on somone who could respond in kind, It is a Strawman as your aurging about a diffrent issue than I'm addressing
The CIA has specifically said that Saddam would not use WMD unless backed into a corner. This is when any state would use WMD. They are a huge escalation.
As I've already mentioned twice, Strawman, The only reason he did not use them in 91 is not that his enemies had WMD, There were many reasons for him not to use them and you continue to maintain it is the only reason
Just because he has never used them aginst those that WMD means he never will That is what we like to call a leap in logic .....
What strawman?!?! You said he contradicted himself when he didn't.

And now you're perpetrating your own strawman by saying that he would never ever use them. I've already made it clear what America's own intelligence thinks- that he would use them, given the right set of preconditions- which is if he was backed against a corner You should know this.

Bullshit I guess Clinton had so little of a problem with thier behavior he tighted embargos on them and then launched Crusie Missle attacks in 98 :roll:
And Reagan? :twisted:
No Vympel your missing the point and rather badly, We helped both sides in the confict, we cared rather deeply that they Invaded Iran, we prefered it back then if both Countries ceased to exist, so we helped out both countries pound the shit out of each other
Explain then American WMD assistance to Iraq in the 1980s, as well as the good relations they had after the war ended.
Strawman, AND Past on Presant, Your making an aurgment that has little to do with my point(Helping both Countrys kill each other off) and blaming the failings of the past onto the Presant, Nevermind there are no Presidant for Life in America
You were the one who said it was genius. I think it's fucking despicable. Also justify why every new administration has the right to forget everything it's predecessors have done and pretend as if they are starting on a new slate? Are you saying it's unreasonable that Reagan should've thought- hmm we fucking screwed the Iranians in the 1950s and it's coming back to bite us now, maybe trying to destroy Iran isn't the best course of action? Maybe we as a nation have something to answer for?
Egypt and Sudan went on a War of Conquest to Destroy Isreal, Isreal fought back and got themselves some highly defendable territoy at the same time
Sudan? I think you mean Syria. Regardless- Israel invaded and occupied territory and oppresses the population there. America doesn't give a toss. What's the difference? Obviously- Israel is a US ally. Iraq is not, tho it used to be.
The problem is agian its another Past on Presant, The Leadership of both Isreal, Egypt and Sudan changed several times between each war while Saddam is still Saddam.
It doesn't matter. Throughout these leadership changes the same shit has happened, OVER and OVER. I find the contention that America forgets everything a nation has done when there's a leadership change utterly ludicrous- tell me- whenever the politburo changed in the USSR, did the US wipe the slate clean?!

I can't seem to recall any attacks after the 80s
And how many times did government change from 48-80s?
No Vympel, The fact is, We screwed up time to fix the problem, Not sit there and wail, woe is me and ignore it, that is the point I am addressing
Who said ignore it? Expanded inspections. Keep an eye on Iraq. Isolate and contain Saddam, like we've been doing for the past decade. And go after the goddamn terrorists, instead of going off on an unrelated foreign adventure in the middle of terrorist central.
Incorrect, Bush 41 had a UN Resoultion to remove Iraq from Kuwait and nothing more(Though we could have easily drove them right to Bagdad)
Yeah, and after Desert Storm was over he didn't kiss and make up, did he?
Clinton had both a UN resoultion to invade


and a clear UN resoultion to remove Saddam from power

which resolution was this?!

But like so many other things Clinton mearly launched a few hundred Cruise Missles at the problem and hoped it went away

Good thing I'm not a Democrat/Republican.

No Vympel if you acutal read what I said I wondered it it was simply a poor choice of words or a poor attempt at playing the race card(Which has been done by Anti-War before) or prehaps even a simple Freudian slip

The point its thats not a normal way of wording things(Or is it Standered Pratice to refer to the Ethnicity of Countrys rather than their names in Aussy Land?)

Anglo-American. Sino-Japanse. Sino-Russian. These terms are used in history all the time, I've been doing history for years. I repeat- they have nothing to do with ethnicity- they are simple abbreviations, most often used in war texts.

Aircraft can niether hold nor take ground
And missiles can do even less
450 Cruise Missles Launched without Warning and then no follow through is not a threat of Force

It's not only a threat of force, it's an actual use of force. Just because it's not 'invasion' force doesn't mean it didn't really hurt.

Newsweek, 2001 October Page 16, US World Report June 6th 2002 Front Page and Page A5. New York times same week two Days Eariler

Not to mention what I get as part of my job in the Navy on a Ship that will be deployed to the Gulf(Though I won't be with it when it gets there, I get the briefing none the less)

As I said before- why is the benchmark of January 1992 relevant? Considering that there's no way that Iraq is as powerful as it was in 1991, and consensus on this is universal- it's perfectly logical and fits in with what I've said before that Iraq has tried to rebuild it's shattered armed forces- however, they are still a shadow of their former selves and are not a credible military threat to anyone. Noone would call Iraq's military 'rebuilt'.

I also think this is a red herring.

My Source? Secrutary Powel's Speech to the UN some weeks back, Source for yours?

Source for mine? Erm- common knowledge established by the 8 years of inspections that revealed/ destroyed this stuff?

As for Powell's speech: You mean the same speech that plagiarized the term paper of a student in the UK, without referencing the source, while simultaneously 'hardening' the words and changing things around? You do know that that speech has since been consigned as a massive embarassment? That the inspectors called it absolute nonsense?

Thanks I need that, Vympel tell me, How many Nuclear Missles did we have in October of 1941? Why did we not defend aginst the Brtish during the Revolutionary war with M-1 Abrams and A-10s?

Might it be the fact we had none of those things and logicaly, did not have the option of using them? :roll:

The question is WHY WOULD SOMEONE EXERCISE THAT OPTION?! It's redundant to bring up what a WMD can do against a aircraft carrier (if they even have the capability to threaten a US aircraft carrier with such)- an attack on which would only be performed if THEY WERE ATTACKED.

Again: the mere fact that someone has WMD does not tell you what he intends to do with them.

Strawman, We are not invading because of Al-Quaeda, We are invading because Bush 41 screwed up, And Clinton fucked up and now we have a nasty situation to deal with

Maybe in terms of your argument. However, you don't determine US policy. I've heard the administration repeatedly claim, without evidence, that Saddam supports terror. Most Americans think Iraq had something to do with 9/11, when there's absolutely no evidence that it did.

Don't you? They only gave probabilitys

No, I distinctly remember them definitely excluding anthrax of foreign manufacture.

Yes the Invasion of France starts on the Morrow! :twisted:

Your ignoring the point, If you set a strong example you don't HAVE to go to war with every two bit nation

Who says you have to go to war with any nation, period? War is something to do in the face of naked aggression against yourself or your ally, not to enter into willy nilly to 'send a message' just in case someone tries to fuck with you down the line.

Strawman-We can't do anything about China thats the point

So you'd advocate war against China if they didn't have nuclear weapons, even though they have not attacked you?

Strawman-I never said that and you know it, Vympel you seem unable to grasp the fact that a War might be launched for Multiple reasons

You never said that? 8)

"Your ignoring the point, If you set a strong example you don't HAVE to go to war with every two bit nation"

There in black and white.

As I already said I won't quote him directly as it would strech out the posts to gigantic lengths

Bah, I've got time :)

They may they may not, Either way its impossible to claim as Burchill does what they will do

So Bush doesn't know either, right?

I trust you've never been married?

Does GW Bush's wife have any say over what Bush does in the international arena? :twisted:

And how will they decided that? Its rather hard to legislate to a Counrty from a Jail Cell, if you remeber Saddam surrounds himself with people like himself, They are not exactly nice people, its been noted before how many War-Criminals we will have to cart off in the Aftermath of an Invasion

That's if you catch/ arrest all of them- there could also be a coup down the line. Think long term.
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Nathan F
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Post by Nathan F »

BoredShirtless wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:Wow, that's, uhm, long...
Yes mate, but if you don't like being lied to, then I recommend you read it :)
Well, I jsut read that, and I found it to be the opposite of what you say...

There is a lot of BS mixed with truth in that.
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