Worst Injury

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Worst Injury

Post by Lord Poe »

Ok people, post the worst injury you've ever sustained.

Here's mine:

http://h4h.com/louis/jpgs/ouch.jpg :P

Old battleaxe in a Chevy Lumina ran a red light and T-boned my '77 Chevy 3/4 ton van on Xmas day, 1999. Flipped the bastard on its side. After being thrown from the driver's seat, my head was sandwiched between a floor jack I had in the back and a spare tire and rim.

I was out cold for about 10 minutes, suffered some memory loss, and have a permanent gray area in the vision of my right eye.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

I scraped my knee and elbow really bad in 4th grade. It hurt :(. I watched Return of the Jedi that night.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Well, I once bent my knee several degrees in the wrong direction, hyperextending it. As a result, it still gives me problems to this day. And fuck, it hurt! Another time, I hacked off the tip of my finger while carving. And then there was that time I put a nice deep half-inch long gash in my calf when cutting twine. Or put another half-inch wide scar on the small of my back because I backed into rusty metal. And that doesn't count the time I hacked a nice divot out of the sole of my foot because I stepped on some glass on a lawn once. But I think I'll shut up now.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Does an inflamation/infection in the testicle count?

When the doctor examined it I almost passed out.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

My lungs collasped when I was an infant. Ive never had a serious injury otherwise.
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Post by Gandalf »

I once had a severe groin injury from sleeping on an Aunt's couch. I couldn't walk for a week. I went to the local hospital and got to ride around in a wheelchair.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

I've managed to avoid breaking anything bigger then a toe. However my worst injury probably was a burn I suffered when I was young. Boiling water got spilled on my chest. The caused a big second degree burn along my collarbone and first degree around it. There was a little bit of third degree as well IIRC; I was only five at the time. It took weeks to heal and I constantly had to go back to the hospital to have dead tissue removed. I still have a big scar.
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2003-03-01 03:13am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by haas mark »

Have had enough head injuries for a few people, cuts and burns many times in the kitchen (sometimes quite deep on the cuts) and a broken arm.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Well, I wound up falling off an 8-foot retaining wall once, when I was 9. I broke my fall on a trailer hitch, catching my armpit over the hitch, and blacked out for what was probably about a minute. My shoulder and most of my back got dislocated, and I was in pretty intense pain for over a week.

I'm pretty much fine now, but my back tends to sound like a string of firecrackers going off whenever I stand up after sitting for a while, and easily gets dislocated. I'm still not sure if that's related to the fall or just normal.
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Post by neoolong »

I split my head open before. Had to get stiches.
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Post by Pu-239 »

Sliced the upper part of my wrist with a cheap Wal-Mart knife trying to see how sharp it was :roll: . At least that was the excuse. :?

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Got my hand jammed in the front door of my house July 4, 2000 when I tried to come back into the house after taking out the trash. I wrapped my hand around the edge of the door (which was slightly ajar at the time) instead of using the knob.

BIG mistake.

Right at that instant, my dad saw the door was open and donkey-kicked it closed, slamming it shut on my fingers! I'm not sure what a pregnant Wookie giving birth sounds like, but I'm sure all of my neighbors within eight houses got an earful of expletives a mile long and a hundred decibels wide! When me and my dad pried the door open, my right ring finger was bent at an angle nature never knew existed, and the middle finger had a big chunk of joint cartilage sticking out. I had to wear a finger brace for six weeks. Six weeks that included an unusually high incidence of falls, accidents, and general clumsiness. This resulted in the damn finger reverting to its post-injury angle. Good thing my body's slowly reshaping the bone to its proper form over the past three years... :)
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Post by irishmick79 »

Most of my injuries are sports related.

I got hit by four different pitchers in one seven inning game, one of the pitches drilling me in the small of my back.

While chasing down a fly ball, I ran full steam into one of those short, waist high chicken wire fences. Remarkably I didn't get cut up at all, but my belly was a pretty damn big bruise for awhile.

I got a mild concussion while ice skating. I was still relatively untrained, and was going fast enough that I couldn't turn. The boards were kind enough to stop me.

I also broke my ring finger on my left hand while using it to slow down my impending collision with a basketball hoop.

Needless to say, my career as a sportsman was not a long one.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

I was bit by a dog in the face. I think it was 2 yeasr ago. Still got the bite marks on me. Pretty sure thats it.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I think avoiding serious injuries is one of the few areas in life where I have been lucky. * knocks on wood *

I almost got run over in 7th grade. Car missed by a few inches.

I once fell into a man hole, but my legs landed squarely on a rebar ladder along the wall about 3 ft down. All I had were bruises.

I almost tumbled of the second story of an abandon steel mill onto a pile of bricks.
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Post by Drewcifer »


Was once cutting wood with dad and gran'pa out in the woods, and stirred up a mess of bees, got stung ~15 times.

Got my hand locked in a car door, in the locking mechanism, courtesy of an impatient dad.

Once got beat up by 5 guys (wrong place, wrong time); minor concussion and a corneal abrasion. I got my ass kicked, but I gave out more permanent injuries than I received. (1. planting the back of your heel, via a reverse kick, with all of your might into someone's crotch will get you out of almost any hold. 2. if on the ground, getting kicked, grab their feet and twist vigorously.)

The winner is: walking across the street, some guy ran a red light and creamed me with his car. Luckily, I jumped up and landed on the hood instead of going under. Still have pins in my right femur though. (Yes, I will set off a metal detector if the sensitivity is set high enough.)
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Post by Mr Bean »

I'm gonna win this! ( :lol: Bad contest to win)

Lets see, I've broken four ribs, Both Arms and Legs, Right arm three times, Left Leg twice(All before I was 18 )

I've been shot twice(Left Leg)(Collerbone)
Beat that!
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2003-03-01 06:49am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Robert Treder »

Waitaminnit, Mr Bean, you broke all those bones before you were 1 years old? How is that possible?

Anyways, I've never really been injured very badly. Never broken anything. I sprained my ankle once jumping off of the roof at a school.
I guess the worst I've ever had is when my lung collapsed last year due to a spontaneous pneumothorax. I got laid up in the hospital for a while with an oxygen mask on. Take note of this, people: never put yourself in a position that requires you to wear an oxygen mask for several days at a time. It's the worst thing ever. Well, not the worst thing. I suppose chugging the contents of a prison septic tank would be worse. Or knocking your own teeth in with a ball peen hammer. Or some of the injuries you guys mentioned.
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Post by Robert Treder »


Oh, I get it. Mr Bean did all that stuff before he was 18 years old. That makes more sense. Stupid smilies.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Yes I fixed it stupid smiles

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Post by Mark S »

Tightening a pipe once, my hand slipped and got slashed by another piece of metal. I don't remember much pain at all, just seeing all the blood. I looked at my hand, covered in blood and just kind of said, "oh shit" and went to clean it off. When I had it under the running water I was saying, "Hey, is that white stuff muscle or my finger bone?" I held the cut together while being taken to the doctor and by the time they actually saw me it had started to close up by itself. When they were going to give me stitches they said that the needle to freeze the area would hurt more than the stitching and asked if I really wanted it. So I got sown up sans painkiller. It wasn't that bad until you start feeling the flesh getting tugged. Ah well, the cut wasn't really that big anyway.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

I broke my arm once, but the most painful injury I've ever received was when some hot grease in a kitchen splashed on my legs. I received first and second degree burns over a considerable area, but fortunately my shorts protected some of the unmentionables.
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Post by Nathan F »

I broke my arm once playing football a couple years back.

I also ripped my knee open playing football. Still have a nice square inch scar plus some other minor one around it on my left knee.

I broke my left hand once, and my thumb is still slightly cock-eyed. I cannot straighten my thumb out all the way, unless I use my other hand to straighten it out. I used to be double jointed in both hands, but, no longer in my left hand.
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Post by theski »

The worst of many. I hit hit by a drunk driver when I was a Soph in HS. He kept going, I was left with a shattered Femeer.. After 6 weeks of traction, a rod from my hip to my knee, then 6 months of PT..It really sucked, but played football the next year
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Post by Montcalm »

The worst injuries i recieved twice to the head,the first in kindergarden i recieved another kid`s foot in the face,the second a huge beam while playing tarzan in my uncle`s barn.
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