Whiskey144 wrote:Simon_Jester wrote:Assuming you've got enough power to run your drive at those levels... that's sub-kiloton per second, Whiskey.
And this is why I post here. I get the clarifications I need to tell me thinks I haven't thought about. Though that's also a very good point.
Simon_Jester wrote:Now tell me, what could ten minutes' sustained fire from the ship's main battery do?
I'm going to simply guess and say "nuke-level+" damage.
Estimate weapon power output in
watts. Watts are
joules per second. Multiply by number of seconds.
Obviously, 100 terajoules of laser fire will not have the same effects on a target as a single nuclear blast that releases 100 terajoules of energy by fission. Arguably, 100 terajoules of laser fire would be
worse, because they can be targeted more precisely: one nuke can destroy only one relatively limited area, whereas lasers fired from a few hundred kilometers up could conceivably burn every strategic target within a hundred kilometer radius.
Some of this is high school physics stuff, just applied and with large numbers. I recommend you review
The Cartoon Guide to Physics, by Larry Gonick, to get a basic grasp of the relationships at work here- in particular, coming to understand the relationship between momentum, force, energy, and power is very important if you're seriously trying to calculate this stuff.
Well, the FTL system is an Alderson-point derivative, at its most basic. It's probably more analogous to EVE Online's system of jumpgates (in fact, that's the inspiration I took from), though ships lack warp drives, excepting military vessels and one-offs that a particularly wealthy mercenary, trader, or pleasure yacht might have. Or something a pirate steals, I suppose.
How far apart are the Alderson points?
[I'm a mild fan of the original
CoDominium setting featuring the Alderson drive, for which Alderson himself was the physics consultant]
This is important- if Alderson points are located around the orbit of Mars, or close to a planet, there is
no good reason for starships to need more than, oh, a few thousand km/s of delta-v. Probably less than that- consider that at 0.01g, it takes something like three hours to change your velocity by one km/s. You won't have time to
use that much delta-v before you reach and overtake your target. Trip times will be measured in weeks, like the Age of Sail- but men can build, and have built, civilizations knit together by vessels that moved at that pace.
If the Alderson points are located around the orbit of Neptune or so, the distances that must be covered in sublight are larger. Ships spend even more time covering those distances, and the incentive to build higher-acceleration drives gets larger, as does the incentive to build ships with more total delta-v.
In the CoDominium setting, ships spend an enormous amount of time running on ~1g torch drives because the Alderson points
are that far out, more or less.
Simon_Jester wrote:Also. Calculate the momentum of the exhaust cloud the ship's drive releases in one second, based on how much force it applies to the ship. From there, you can calculate the mass ejected using the known exhaust velocity, and thus calculate the energy output of the drive.
Hmm. I'm not sure I quite follow what you're saying here; I found an equation that gives rocket thrust force as a function of exhaust velocity multiplied by mass flow, and given that on the ship in question there are 4 drives operating, I got about 1.5 kg/s mass flow per drive unit. About 6 kg/s total mass flow. It's ejected at 100,000 km/s, for a good 150
million kg*m/s of momentum........but I've no idea where to proceed from there.
What is the formula for kinetic energy? Use it to get the kinetic energy that goes into the exhaust plume per second. You will be surprised, and it may affect your notion of how much power your ships need to make the drive work...
Go on. Tell me what the number works out to.