"Comrade! You really shouldn't, in your condition..."
Syrgy Pavylyvych waved off the protesting Interior Ministry trooper, who has been following him around for days now, uring the Chief Designer to rest after his most recent round of surgery.
Syrgy would take a break after observing the Proton in action. Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps a bit later still, for after a succesful flight, much administrative work would still be left.
The launch crew was almost done with checklists, the beautiful Proton rocket ready for its maiden flight. It was a bit risky, attempting to launch at this stage, with several major problems with the booster sitll unresolved - but Zenobia could not afford a missile gap with the Murcans. They would launch more commienism to outer planets than the Murcans could hope to beat, da. The Cosmos probe sitting on top of that rocket was virtually loaded with Marxism-Lennonism in the form of slogans tightly covering its thermal shielding.
"We are ready. Launch crews have retreated to their bunkers. Vehicle is primed for launch."
Sirens wailed across the cosmodrome. The Proton wasn't like the A-Series rocket: it was twice as massive, and thus far more dangerous in case of launch failure.
An engineer was reading off mission milestones for the benefit of the watching military officers, "Engine start. Engines working. Fuel flow good. Tower retracting. Retracted. Liftoff. Velocity correct. Acceleration correct. No vibration. Guidance correct. Roll complete. Pitch complete. Altitude four-five. Staging. Staging complete."
"Insertion burn complete, comrades. We are in orbit!"
The generals were chattering excitedly. This new rocket was quite something, though the applications the military had in mind were QUITE different from the work being done at Baikonurek.
Syrgy nodded to himself, satisfied with the vehicle's performance. He watched in silence as the engineers ran their checkouts in preparation for the next step.
The final stage of the rocket ignited while it was over the night side of the planet, tracked vigorously by stations all around the globe, and hurled its payload to the Moon.
Four days later, the probe began transmitting images, and broadcasting Lennon's speeches at the Moon.
There were senators in the launch control center. Many old and possibly senile senators, which didn't really stop them from pestering the crews, asking stupid questions and being angry about knowing the Commienists now had their
own pictures of the Moon.
"Is this the mission that will etch the Constipitution in lunar surface?", one particularly patriotic senator asked.
"Then it will shoot down that commienist satellite, right?"
"Drown out its foul transmissions?
"Then why are we even doing that, director? It sounds like a waste of money!"
Johny von Braun
glared at the senator. The man wasn't dissuaded, obviously expecting an answer.
"You can ask the press corps, senator. We have a launch to prepare for!"
Suddenly, sirens started wailing in the control center. Engineers started to shout amongst each other. The range safety officer grabbed a phone and started to yell into the receiver.
"What is going on, director? What is going on? I demand an explanation! Right now!"
Von Braun ignored him. Camera feeds from the launch tower showed white-suited technicians running towards the elevator and emergency zip-lines.
The base's PA system kept blaring, "Premature booster ignition! All personnell, clear the pad! All personnell, clear the pad!"
Too late. A gargantuan explosion rumbled through the entire building, despite the launch complex being located more than fifty miles away.
Not too far away, on a boat, a shady character watched the spectacle.
Da, he thought with glee,
Zat should just about do eet!
Barely a wekk later and on the other side of the globe, a well rested, revitalized and further medallized Syrgy Pavylyvych was very carefully going through the Proton's revised launch checklist with his engineers.
Cosmos I had been a great success ; It returned much data for Zenobia's top scientists (who were now locked in their rooms and furiously having their way with it), even if the mission was merely a follow-up for the Murcans.
But this...this was more. So much more.
"It looks good. The fuel cell problem was bad, da, but it has been corrected. I think we can proceed."
"Comrades", Syrgy said, closing the binder, "Today we make history."
"We make history here every day, comrade Chief Designer."
"Hah! True, indeed!"
Smiling, Syrgy turned the ignition key without further ceremony.
With a roar, the Proton launched, soaring towards the heavens. Six hours later, the Proton's upper stage ignited and in a precisely timed maneuver, ejected the probe on course towards its destination.