To them, God hates fags. Also according to them, God hates everyone and everything but Phelps and his group of super-bigots. Hopefully, they'll split, one group will deglare the other group "fags", and they'll kill each other, and their gravestones could be used as urinals for the cemetary.
Just visiting their site , you can almost feel the evil. Its amazing the level of vitriol and hate that is on one page. "Mein Kampf" , which I have read, feels like a collection of Dr. Suess stories by comparison.
I have to ask the question , where does all this rage and hate come from? And why specifically homosexuality, what is so inherently evil(In Phelps mind) that it outweighs murder, homelessness, poverty , adult illiteracy, famine and racial strife that we have in just the US as an issue to pour so much effort into it?
It just boggles my imagination.....
At times I question freedom of speech because it lets morons like these act like this.. then I remember that it also means I can call them a bunch of fucking idiots to.
1. There are limits to Freedom of speach, Rev. Phelps has been fined numerous times for the things he has said, and has actually attempted to interfer with legal proceedings through frivilous lawsuits.
2. Those that disagree with him are free to make their own counter speaches/organizations.
The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Sokar wrote:Just visiting their site , you can almost feel the evil. Its amazing the level of vitriol and hate that is on one page. "Mein Kampf" , which I have read, feels like a collection of Dr. Suess stories by comparison.
I have to ask the question , where does all this rage and hate come from? And why specifically homosexuality, what is so inherently evil(In Phelps mind) that it outweighs murder, homelessness, poverty , adult illiteracy, famine and racial strife that we have in just the US as an issue to pour so much effort into it?
It just boggles my imagination.....
What do you mean outweighs, they think that homosexuality is the cause of all of those things.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Are you sure they're serious?
'Cause it seems alot like satire to me.
Captain Tycho:
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."