New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Thanas »

Sithking Zero wrote: Greetings, one and all! The great Sithking Zero bids you hello and good tidings!
This son of the great Windy City of Chicago, Illinois enjoys writing, reading, and looks forwards to talking with such esteemed writers as yourselves.
He also has a small flair for the dramatic, you know, FYI.
Hope to see you on the forum, and that the GREAT SITHKING ZERO does not make an ass of himself!
Mission failed, see above. :P
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Sithking Zero »

Sorry... :oops:
34. If your gun is leaving scorch marks, you need a bigger gun.
35. That which does not kill you has made a grievous tactical error.
36. When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.
37. There is no such thing as "overkill." There is only "Open Fire," and "I need to reload."

Maxims 34-37, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries.

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by doomboy536 »

Evening all, I've been coming to this site for years but never signed up for the forums for one reason or another, so tonight I decided to correct that error. I'm a 24 British male happily married and currently living in Bolivia. I graduated with a history degree and also enjoy learning languages (before moving out here a year and a half ago I knew no Spanish at all, now I'm almost fluent), philosophy and reading and writing. I'm a huge Star Wars and Transformers fan and a lesser one of Star Trek.

The n00by username is from my first ever email address, and was also one of my usernames when I ruled my school's Unreal Tournament games. It's equal parts pride and penance :lol:
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Atia »

Hello. So I've been lurking on the board for a little while now and have decided on a spur of the moment to finally join. Hope I don't' regret that.

I found this board while from the main site, a friend of mine showed it to me because in middle school we used to argue the whole star wars versus star trek thing between us. Eventually I ventured from the main site to the forums and like I said have been lurking since. In the non Internets world I'm still in school getting a dual major in History and Anthropology, because one potentially useless degree isn't enough for me I guess. Lol.

Soooooo yeah that's pretty much it about me let's hope I don't make too big a fool of myself.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Dalton »

Atia wrote:Hello. So I've been lurking on the board for a little while now and have decided on a spur of the moment to finally join. Hope I don't' regret that.

I found this board while from the main site, a friend of mine showed it to me because in middle school we used to argue the whole star wars versus star trek thing between us. Eventually I ventured from the main site to the forums and like I said have been lurking since. In the non Internets world I'm still in school getting a dual major in History and Anthropology, because one potentially useless degree isn't enough for me I guess. Lol.

Soooooo yeah that's pretty much it about me let's hope I don't make too big a fool of myself.
Hey, Thanas, fresh meat!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Thanas »


More seriously: welcome.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Zakath »

Hi guys!

I'm a long-term lurker who finally decided to join the forums. I've originally discovered this site through searching for Star Wars vs Star Trek sites, and stumbled onto Mike Wong's site, then on to his Science vs Creationism site, and was hooked ever since. :) I'm just a warehouse storekeeper who's slowly making up for neglected education through college make-up classes before getting to the college-level stuff, haven't decided on what kind of a degree I want, but I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.

Anyways, I'm glad to be here!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by GeneralERA »

Hello everyone! I've been lurking for a while, and I thought I might sign up for the occasional post.

I'm a math major, and I am just just about to finish up my undergraduate work. (Real Analysis begins next Tusday. :) )
In fitting with the proper demographics for such a forum as this, I am a Stargate fan, I watch the occasional Trek episode, with a bit of Dr. Who on the side.

Anyway, I'll see you guys around.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ChosenOne54 »

Hi, I'm ChosenOne54. I'm a new member. I enjoy Sci-Fi, and I'm a Star Wars and Doctor Who fan.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Jiskimsta »

Hi everyone! I chanced upon this forum by accident and lurked for a while before deciding to risk it all and join! LOL! You guys look like a fun bunch so I hope I can join in on the fun!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Kosh »

Howdy, people! I'm a US college student who's a fan literature in general and sci-fi in particular; I was drawn here by the User Fiction section. Interests include model rocketry and arguing - somehow, I think I'll fit in here. :wink:
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Ghanj Rho »

Hi everyone. the great god StumbleUpon led me to this site. looked over some of the topics and have discovered I like vs. debates. asking a question, What are RARs and what does RAR stand for?
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Thanas »

Rapid Alternate Reality, usually taken as shorthand for "stupid unrealistic scenario".
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Mayabird »

Actually no, it doesn't stand for anything. It's onomatopoeia. The idea is that you're walking around on a nice day when all of a sudden someone jumps out from behind some bushes screaming "RAR!" and mugging you with an hypothetical scenario that is equal parts highly implausible and overly detailed.

I should know; I made it up.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Luke Skywalker »

This is a little late, but I've been lurking here for a while, so I finally decided to join.
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-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Liberals opposed slavery, supported labor protection laws, supported civil rights, supported Womens' right, opposed the spoils system, supported Scientific advancement and research and support gay marriage. Conservatives did the opposite. Guess which side has the intellectual, forward thinking progressives, and which side has rich fundamentalist anti-gay white slave owners?
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by SilverwindBlade »

Hello, I took the plunge and decided to join the forum after lurking for a long time, and often returning here through TV Tropes or various other links to user fiction or debates I found interesting, as well as the pool of knowledge on the site.

My real name is Steve, and I live in the UK, in Portsmouth. My username is a holdover from my very early days on the Internet, and as a character I have used in various fictions and role-play games over the years, and am attached to for fond personal memories.

I hope I have something to contribute, but I expect I'll end up lurking a lot to begin with. All the same, I look forward to being able to post and join in from time to time.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by philipsteele »

hello there

i am a newbie name is philipsteele...let us start a long journey from now.. :wink:
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Irbis »


Actually, I'm not that new member as I lurked at least past 5 years, and I had an account here (by the same name) for past 3, but it seems it was deleted due to too small amount of posts, or something similar. Nice to meet you?
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by StarSword »

I've been a lurker on for about two months. First forum thread I read was the one where the anarcho-capitalist Voluntaryist was blind to reality. Before that, I sent three e-mails to Mike Wong regarding information for the main site (a couple of factual corrections: Earth Station McKinley != San Fran Yards (ST:FC vs. ST:VOY), as of 2379 Starfleet does have at least one type of light recon vehicle (ST:N), and early 20th-century fighter machine guns were not frequency-synced to the propeller but physically stopped from firing by it (Real Life™)). Apart from those minor quibbles, I really enjoyed reading the site, and even linked to it a couple of times from other sites. The flame-heavy style took a little getting used to, but I decided to join anyway.

I'm a general sci-fi fan. My primary preference is Star Wars (my favorite movie is The Empire Strikes Back*), but many other universes have caught my eye, including Stargate (mainly SG-1 reruns on CBS-2), StarCraft, a couple of Elizabeth Moon's space opera series, etc. I'm currently reading Tripoint by C.J. Cherryh. I'm also working on a mod for EV Nova by Ambrosia Software.

In Real Life™, I'm an electrician, and I live in central North Carolina. I'm a major gamer, with my collection focused mainly on RPGs. (Not MMORPGs, mind you. I hate those.)

* The only thing I don't like about TESB is how one aspect was misinterpreted in the Star Wars video games I've played: the supposed invulnerability of AT-ATs to laser fire (reminds me of the "no lasers" Trekkie argument), and that the only way to bring them down is by tying up the legs. In the X-Wing book series, it is demonstrated that you don't need to do this: an X-Wing can bring down an AT-AT quite readily with laser fire to the neck, or with a proton torpedo (Isard's Revenge). Takes good aim, but it can be done. And yet in both GameCube Rogue Squadron games, you're forced to do that stupid T-47-with-towcable trick, even when actual starfighters are available (Rogue Leader, "Vengeance Kothlis").

That's an example of a brain bug in Star Wars, actually. Maybe I should send it to Mike.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by spooky spice »

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by TeufelIV »

Howdy folks. I have been lurking the site off an on for about a year now. I was brought here by a piece of original fiction linked on another site. I have also been perusing the topics/essays recently. One of your members analyzes weapons, events, and various aspects of fiction folks might want to ask about and I have enjoyed reading those articles greatly. You all seem to have a good sci-fi section which is my other draw to your forums. I decided I would finally give the forum a try instead of just lurking.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Number Theoretic »

Hello, dear community!
i found this board while browsing Atomic Rockets and after two or three weeks of lurking "in the shadows"(tm), i decided to register so that i can participate in some of the interesting discussions that i have seen here. I especially like the broad mixture of topics that can be found here.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Lord Baal »

Hi! I'm late to this, sort of, since I posted around sometime now.. ok, my real name is Jorge, I'm 24, I live in Venezuela, I'm a software technician and I am currently working in a pasta (spaghetti) factory as the net administrator and the hardware technician (isn't life ironic?), and I consider a pretty regular dude. I quite like science and love technology so I read a lot of it, which of course isn't means that I'm a PHD on anything... yet =o) . I was studding engineering but sadly, due economical constrains I had to quit it and get a technician tittle instead, to get working ASAP. I do hope to get back the next year and do the additional 2 years to get the engineering tittle :D

I'm pretty layman on a lot of issues, mastering only the things that I do to earn my living, however I'm really curious and like to absorb knowledge. It's really obvious that English is not my mother language, I learned by my self out of need for programing and other miscellaneous activities.

I grow up watching the Star wars movies, the teenage ninja turtles and what not of my generation... I really don't like Star Trek, I mean, I can watch the show IF there's nothing else on tv AND the internet is down, but is not my first choice. As the why of this? I never liked the design of the ship and the transporter tech, it seems like a cheap way out of things (latter I learned that the sentence fits quite literally). However I admit that the show is interesting and have it's memorable moments. On the other hand I like SG, that it's probably even more cheese that SW or ST, but what do you know, taste are a pretty subjective matter...
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Forgothrax »

*waves* Hey all. I've been following this forum for several years and finally just figured I'd up 'n join instead of hiding in the shadows. 20-year-old male nursing student, former missionary kid (and former fundie, to boot), general geek, medieval enthusiast, etc.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by One Two »

I lurked.
I liked.
I joined.
Yeah ...
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