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This is damned good news. This is the single biggest Alqueda member to be captured or killed. I hope he likes a cell mate by the name of Bubba.

Moderator: Edi
Not a bad ideaEnlightenment wrote:Keep him alive until the WTC replacement complex has been built then put him in a cage in the memorial gardens so the general public can pelt him with rocks.
To increase the irony, have them sell pork rinds right there to throw at him. Capitalism and Imperialism, all in one delicious package!Enlightenment wrote: Keep him alive until the WTC replacement complex has been built then put him in a cage in the memorial gardens so the general public can pelt him with rocks.
No. He needs to pay for his crimes in full. He needs to experience the same amount of suffering experienced by his victims.Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Whats with all these elaborate tortures? Just take him out back and shoot him full of holes.
Justice is served.
Why wait a year? Under US law, he can be declared an enemy combatant and summarily shot. There's no need for any messy trials and certainly no burden of proof.Sea Skimmer wrote:So the question becomes, who gets to execute him once where done pumping him for information. I say Pakistan, because there appeals process only takes about a year
Torture is overrated as an interrogation technique. It's prone to get the victim to spill his guts with whatever it is he thinks you want to hear, regardless of if its true or not.Darth Balls wrote:They need to use the most hardcore forms of torture possible. Keep him alive as long as possible for maximum effect. Get him to spill the beans about everything he currently knows. And then show him his own heart, right in front of his face, just seconds before it stops beating.
His family too? Why? What kind of sick, demented monster are you?Interrogate him, then torture him and his family to death for the hell of it.
Why exactly do two boys 7 and 9 years old deserve to die for their father's crimes?Enlightenment wrote:Why wait a year? Under US law, he can be declared an enemy combatant and summarily shot. There's no need for any messy trials and certainly no burden of proof.Sea Skimmer wrote:So the question becomes, who gets to execute him once where done pumping him for information. I say Pakistan, because there appeals process only takes about a year
Torture is overrated as an interrogation technique. It's prone to get the victim to spill his guts with whatever it is he thinks you want to hear, regardless of if its true or not.Darth Balls wrote:They need to use the most hardcore forms of torture possible. Keep him alive as long as possible for maximum effect. Get him to spill the beans about everything he currently knows. And then show him his own heart, right in front of his face, just seconds before it stops beating.
Interrogate him, then torture him and his family to death for the hell of it.
If his kids (if any) are left alive they will grow up to become terrorists. Kill them now and there will be no heirs to take his place.Steve wrote:His family too? Why? What kind of sick, demented monster are you?
The future exists only for those who are victorious, not for those who are defeated but retain a spotless human rights record.Torture is unacceptable to civilized society. Let us not fall into the Abyss with our enemies.
Having a parent executed by the Great Satan will harden their resolve and hatred of things non-Islamic. If they are left alive they will mature into future leaders of the Islamic terrorist movement.Alex Moon wrote:Why exactly do two boys 7 and 9 years old deserve to die for their father's crimes?
Regardless of the morality of the issue, it would never happen in todays government.Enlightenment wrote:Having a parent executed by the Great Satan will harden their resolve and hatred of things non-Islamic. If they are left alive they will mature into future leaders of the Islamic terrorist movement.
IEnlightenment wrote:If his kids (if any) are left alive they will grow up to become terrorists. Kill them now and there will be no heirs to take his place.Steve wrote:His family too? Why? What kind of sick, demented monster are you?
And piss off the Islamic world to no end. They already think we're the Great Satan, killing Islamic children who have committed no crime is not going to alter that perception.Enlightenment wrote:Having a parent executed by the Great Satan will harden their resolve and hatred of things non-Islamic. If they are left alive they will mature into future leaders of the Islamic terrorist movement.Alex Moon wrote:Why exactly do two boys 7 and 9 years old deserve to die for their father's crimes?
Who cares what the Islamic world thinks? They want us dead and if civilization is to keep these nutcases under control then it will need to saw off the Islamist world's future legs before they have the opprtunity to mature.Durran Korr wrote:And piss off the Islamic world to no end. They already think we're the Great Satan, killing Islamic children who have committed no crime is not going to alter that perception.
Can you back up that "they" being Islams all want Americans dead?Enlightenment wrote:Who cares what the Islamic world thinks? They want us dead and if civilization is to keep these nutcases under control then it will need to saw off the Islamist world's future legs before they have the opprtunity to mature.
Agreed, sort of. But like it or not, the Islamic world isn't going anywhere and we'd best learn to co-exist with it. There's no shortage of little Islamic shitheads out there who have been indoctrinated to no end by their elders and are just waiting for justification to kill the infidels. Best not give it to them.Enlightenment wrote:Who cares what the Islamic world thinks? They want us dead and if civilization is to keep these nutcases under control then it will need to saw off the Islamist world's future legs before they have the opprtunity to mature.Durran Korr wrote:And piss off the Islamic world to no end. They already think we're the Great Satan, killing Islamic children who have committed no crime is not going to alter that perception.