Showtrial for Norade

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Showtrial for Norade

Post by Thanas »

There was only one thing to do for the citizens of the Empire at 5 pm on a Friday. And sure enough, soon the vid screens flickered to live, showing the pleasant face of the blonde announcer.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. In accordance with the wishes of our benevolent emperor, long may he reign, we present to you: Execution 3000. Live from the planet *beep*, it is the IMPERIAL SECRET COURT".

Somewhere on a forgotten planet

Two figures were sitting at a table. One of them was a human, the other a Bragulan envoy. (Nobody knew how and why the Bragulan was there. However, as he usually just snored through the proceedings nobody much cared. And his habit of devouring the odd accused had proved a hit with the viewers).

Only the worst miscreants were tried in this very courtroom. It was a most dreary task, shifting through the long lists of those his Imperial highness had condemned to trial and execution. Luckily, the process was greatly shortened and made that much more efficient by combining the defence and the prosecution into one person, who coincidentally also was the judge.

And Judge Hang'em never disappointed by delivering a "not guilty" verdict.

At a push of the button, a guardsmen dragged in the next condemned accused. He had proven most stubborn, yelling "Fuck the police" and "I am so tough I am going to kill every one of you with my mad skillz". His toughness had been proven when he had begged the guardsmen for mercy as soon as they had touched him.

"Miscreant #18529 delivered as ordered, Sirs." The guardsmen gave the sobbing subject a shove and the condemned accused fell into a conveniently placed chair.

Judge Hang'em fixed the writhing mess with a cold, contemptous stare. "Subject 18529, you stand accused of being a troll, a general pain in the ass and an idiot. Furthermore, you are also charged with terminal stupidity and short-dickedness. Prosecution will start presenting evidence."

Judge Prosecutor Hang'em then continued. "The evidence is there for all to see. The subject has incurred no fewer than four warnings of trolling in his short existence here. He further has demonstrated his stupidity in the following threads: ... 2&t=142277 ... 1#p3354141

Quite frankly, at this point there would have been enough evidence to ban him. However, a few mods apparently felt pity on him and thought that with time, he could reform and grow out of his feeble mind. Oh, those poor bleeding hearts.
" Hang'em wiped a tear from his eye.

"Yet it has become clear that in recent time his stupidity has increased, not decreased.
Example 1: Bullying
Example 2: Japan wins the world cup = Soccer players are all pussies.

At this point, there is no doubt that he is a net negative to the board. In fact, if we banned him now, the average IQ of this board would rise substantially.

The rousing and stirring response by the defence was mercifully short. "Ban him".

Judge Prosecutor Defence Attorney Judge Hang'em wasted no time in delivering the expected verdict. "I pronounce you.....guilty."

On hundreds of planets, citizens were cheering as Norade emptied his bowels in fear, which woke up the Bragulan. YOGI BRAG promptly proceeded to teach Norade some manners by beating him with his own hands.

The judge was replaced on the screen by the blonde announcer. "An expected verdict and an unexpected treat from our Bragulan guest. Now, let us go to commercial."

Disclaimer: only one portion per household. Meat may or may not include a lethal dose of nuclear radiation. The Imperial troops are not responsible for any mutations which you may or may not experience due to consuming the meat.

"Wow, I sure am going to try a Pony sandwich today. Now, back to the courtroom. As expected, several factions have laid claim to the condemned.

- Our allies, the Bragulans, have asked for shortus dickus to be turned over for examination.
- The Imperial Inquisition proposes a vivisection to determine whether his stupidity is so great that he shall be classified as a new subspecies
- Our right loyal and trusty ally, the Germaine O'Pressa, proposes that shortus dickus be made his personal property to oppress for all eternity
- The Sughdians propose he be sprayed with pheremones and then be thrown into a pit of captured and randy bronies.
- And of course, there is always the trusted option of simply eliminating him.

Now, you, the viewer can decide.

For EXECUTION 3000, I am Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Perseus de Ctesiphon.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Lonestar »

This is a wonderful Birfday present
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Serafina »

Lonestar wrote:This is a wonderful Birfday present
Congratulations ;)
Also, about damn time.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Havok »

If it pleases Judge Hang'em, I say Title... Cop Loving Soccer Fanatic.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by KlavoHunter »

transform him into a brony

he will find our friendship.... most tolerable

now who wants cupcakes?

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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Oscar Wilde »

This would be a wonderful opportunity to find out if one can be loved and tolerated to death.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


said Lieutenant Shroom.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Executor32 »

Oscar Wilde wrote:This would be a wonderful opportunity to find out if one can be loved and tolerated to death.
Look at this face. You know it's possible.

My vote should be obvious.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Norade »

Seriously? I back up my claims in all of those threads, and was willing to take the bullying issue to the coliseum where I would have ample time to find support for my claims. I asked for the soccer thread to be split a fair ways in as well so as to not impede the discussion of the game. You'll also notice the near every thread of mine that has been HoS'ed involves Bluewolf, or Coffee. In Scifi, people don't always like me, but I have never once failed to support a claim even if people have claimed I wasn't reading what I quoted right.

Bullying, all I would have to do would show one case where a person killed or maimed an unarmed person and walked to win my point. Soccer is pure opinion and asked for the thread split.

Three one, ended with a good chat with Kamikaze, while I still see most police as fairly worthless and poorly trained, I have reasons for feeling this way that have been made public on these boards. Example two of a warning was one by Edi in which no written rule was violated. Thread three was in poor taste, but never condoned the actions of the Nazi's nor discriminated against the people hurt by them. Thread four I offered up what was an inefficient system and suggested that the world population should be lowered and derelict cities rebuilt even if it has short term costs to human living conditions in the area. None of those four examples broke a single board rule that can be pointed out, I never used anything that I didn't have evidence for. Never did a mod say, hey tone it down before jumping to a formal warning. Fuck, I can find worst posting than mine in the archives from members that are still around. Fuck look at Stark in G&C most of the time.

About the only thread you could point to where I could have even come close to a breaking a rule is the near wall of repeated claims in the bullying thread and then only because I didn't have time to find a precedent setting case that would hold up.

In the Soccer thread Thanas and some Europen members were ass hurt when I started by saying that soccer players are pussies for not being able to play overtime. Then I was dog piled so naturally the thread filled up.

In all, if you'd rather have a racist fuck like Bluewolf here than me that's your choice. At least I can defend my claims and warnings and say that I honestly don't have any hate for the people in this thread or on this board. Not even Coffee and Bluewolf with there attempted dick jokes, or D13 who's posting style gets under my skin. I may not have been the most active poster in them, but people like playing beside me in the HoS threads, and the other RP threads, and I have contributed a fair bit in the G&C and Scifi/Fantasy areas of the board.

To sum it up, your call. Always has been.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Thanas »

In all, if you'd rather have a racist fuck like Bluewolf here than me that's your choice.
Stay classy.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Norade »

I still don't hate him, or even really dislike him, I still think he's more racist than I am and more clearly broke a board rule than I have.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Difference is, Blue owned up to his bullshit, apologized for it, and stopped being such a whiny assclown. Meanwhile you're still a giant douchecanoe sailing along the shores of Lake Fuckwit.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Norade »

I even said I didn't hate you Coffee. Honestly, you're not worth apologizing too, but your also not worth hating.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Which is totally why you constantly name drop me whenever you whine about how unfairly you think you're being treated? Seriously, that the sort of "well, they're doing it too!" bullshit excuse I'd expect to hear out of a child when they get caught drawing in crayons on the wall at daycare. Grow the fuck up and stop projecting so hard before someone points you at a wall to show off powerpoint presentations.

It's got nothing to do with hate, though you've obviously managed to burn a lot of bridges with your bullshit. It's got everything to do with you ruining perfectly good threads with your idiotic derails (the Bullying thread and the Japan Wins the Wold Cup threads), or you being a dumbshit and getting put in your place to the point a mod has to step in and tell you flat out to shut the fuck up. Maybe some ban time might force you to sit down and reevaluate how you interact with people. It worked wonders for Bluewolf, it might even work for you.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by ray245 »

Norade wrote: In the Soccer thread Thanas and some Europen members were ass hurt when I started by saying that soccer players are pussies for not being able to play overtime. Then I was dog piled so naturally the thread filled up.
Well, trying to agitate a penis waving contest does make you look pretty dumb and idiotic. Trying to stretch the contest for a good four to five page just makes you look even worse.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by White Haven »

He shall face BEAR JUSTICE!
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Edi »

Norade, if you think the examples brought up in this showtrial thread are the only basis for the decision, you're even dimmer than I thought. Those are a representative sample of your behavior, not the sum total.

Your entire history on the board is little more than belligerent trolling and shitting things up and in addition to the four official warnings on your record, there are half a dozen times that mods, including but not limited to me, have told you to shut the fuck up and quit trolling and stinking up threads and they have all amounted to exactly zero visible change.

You've been discussed time and time again over the past two years and probably more and always you have gotten leniency, but that rope has now played out. You fashioned a good enough noose with it, is all I can say.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Akhlut »

White Haven wrote:He shall face BEAR JUSTICE!
It's currently looking like he'll see his end by Bronies.

Unfortunately for Norade, he was one of the trolleoisie when the revbrolution of the broletariat led by Broseph Stalin came around.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Bluewolf »

Norade, can I at least expect a an apology for invoking my board pointlessly for three times? I mean given where you're going, you need to learn friendship and tolerance and hey, some way the former is magic.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Serafina »

Norade wrote:In all, if you'd rather have a racist fuck like Bluewolf here than me that's your choice.
Hey, look, yet another reason to ban you - Vendettas ARE against the rules, and this certainly carries all the marks of one (bringing up another members behavior without it having any relation to the issue at hand).
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by loomer »

Bye bye, Norade, you shitfucker. I'd say I'd miss you, but that would be a lie.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Dalton »

I am getting really tired of the blame-shifting, backpedaling trolling bullshit, not to mention the childish avoidance of responsibility for one's own actions via the tried-and-true playground-level tu quoque/Pee-Wee Herman gambit. After four warnings, a fifth just won't do. Bye sucka.
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Well, I did my part . . . FOR THE BRAGULANS!
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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by J »

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Re: Showtrial for Norade

Post by Bluewolf »

Enjoy your new life Norade.