Stark wrote:Sorry, I didn't see you mention a brand. Could you get me a quote?
...the fuck are you on about? I'm talking about your "K4," "e-ink," vs LCD shit.
Ok, so "brand" isn't the right word for it. Fine. "So some particular type of e-reader causes some vaguely smaller amount of eyestrain than other particular types of e-reader that causes some vague amount of eyestrain, in response to my hearing that e-readers cause some vague amount of eyestrain? Good to know, have a cookie."
Right, because your criticisms were placed safely behind a 'people I know' shield and included almost no information. Hell, if I posted a picture of someone using an ereader in full noon glare you'd just respond with 'it was a different brand'.
For fuck's sake, this really isn't that hard to grasp. Maybe you'd figure it out if you stopped using those shit e-readers
Since you seem to be having trouble grasping this, I'll break it down for you:
Me: Besides the other reasons, I hear e-readers are hard to read or hurt your eyes.
You: The K4 and E-ink is easier to read in both respects than LCD displays.
Me: That doesn't answer my point.
You: *rage*
Don't believe me? Fucking look at what you actually wrote:
E-ink displays are much easier to read in sunlight than traditional LCD displays, and the display on the K3 never gets glared out (since it has no reflective coating) unless you have grubby fingerprints all over it.
Since they're not backlit, they're significantly easier to read for long periods of time than traditional LCD displays, due to eyestrain. Indeed, E-ink displays basically look exactly like a page (ie, a neutral background with ink arranged into words on it) so yet more ignorant anecdotes for the win.
My motivation for buying a K3 was actually because my partner spends so long squinting hunched over reading books on her phone. *snip rest*
In other words, you've only managed to establish that the K4 is easier on the eyes than LCD e-readers. Naturally, when asked to add some
context (like to establish what "easier" for a K4 fucking means), you, of course, dodged it. Ok, am I supposed to assume e-ink is the bog-standard now and LCD isn't relevant to the market? If so, why mention it in comparative terms? Why not just say "E-readers are easy on the eyes," instead of couching it in comparative terms that are even less worthwhile than just your say-so? And if that's not the case, why are you getting so butt-hurt over this? Since I'd prefer to think you're not an idiot, I can only assume you're just still pissed off about something someone said somewhere.
Get it yet?
My point is that you don't have to make up ... sorry. I mean PEOPLE YOU KNOW don't have to make up things about ereaders that turn people off; actual factual ones exist, and there are perfectly valid reasons to not use them (not least being book availability). Nonsense like 'unreadable outdoors' is unnecesarry, and people who dislike them could just spend fifteen seconds research to make criticisms or complaints that aren't obviously wrong.
If I had actually disputed what you said, this sort of whining might be justified. Honestly, get the fuck over yourself.
It's ironic for you to use such language when 'knee jerk' is probably the best description of the ignorant negativity toward ereaders displayed in this thread - not least of which is the adversarial mindset you so competently display!
"Not sure where you're getting this "e-readers = useless" thing from, though. If it wouldn't cut the number of books I could read in half and quintuple my cost for buying books, I might actually get one."

"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."