Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

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Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Norseman »

I found it online it's called 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence. I should warn you that this thing is huge, absolutely huge. However I thought that people might be interested in it in order to get some idea of why he did what he did.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Tribun »

10 megabytes... While I'm interested in why he did it, I hope it's a reasonable request if someone could boil it down to the important points.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Norseman »

Most important points? The left-wing governments of Europe are using the Muslims as convenient tools for destroying traditional European culture. Europeans should reject liberal Christianity in favour of converting en-masse to catholicism. Islam is inherently violent and Islamic immigration has to be stopped by any means possible.

Also 1492 pages is almost certainly symbolic for the Alhambra decree, expelling all Jews from Spain unless they convert to Roman Catholicism.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Simon_Jester »

I think I will deliberately avoid reading it; I'm not a big fan of encouraging (even passively) the practice of committing crimes to gain Herostratic fame. Such men are better forgotten to history; for someone so desperate to call attention to themselves or their cause, it's the closest I can think of to the punishment they deserve.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Don't worry, with a maximum possible prison sentence of only 21 years in Norway, he'll have plenty of time to make himself famous again after being released...
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Simon_Jester »

Well, he won't get more famous to me. I will still not know or care who he is or why he wants to do what he wants to do. It's the best I can do, even if it's a totally inane symbolic gesture from someone on the other side of the world.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Sea Skimmer wrote:Don't worry, with a maximum possible prison sentence of only 21 years in Norway, he'll have plenty of time to make himself famous again after being released...

The idea that any nation could let someone who committed such a crime out of prison ever is horrifying.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by KlavoHunter »

Sea Skimmer wrote:Don't worry, with a maximum possible prison sentence of only 21 years in Norway, he'll have plenty of time to make himself famous again after being released...
Pretty sure the law in Norway says that they don't have to release him at the end of his sentence if they deem him a danger to society.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Hmm, that's actually pretty similar to Canada, I think.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Lord of the Abyss »

Sea Skimmer wrote:Don't worry, with a maximum possible prison sentence of only 21 years in Norway, he'll have plenty of time to make himself famous again after being released...
This is being discussed on another forum, and they do apparently have ways of keeping people imprisoned indefinitely.
2square4u wrote:If you're considered a danger to society, you'll be put into custody instead of jail. The principal difference between jail and custody is that even if a custody sentence is for a given period of time, it can be prolonged - in principle indefinitely - if you're still considered a danger to society after the first period. In legal terms, custody is not a punishment, it's a way for society to protect itself against dangerous criminals.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Zixinus »

How the hell did he make it ten megabytes large? Did he deliberately screw up the format conversion or something? You can load War and Peace into a megabyte at best and into three at worst (at least, that's the size of it in Gutenberg).
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Spoonist »

Zixinus wrote:How the hell did he make it ten megabytes large? Did he deliberately screw up the format conversion or something? You can load War and Peace into a megabyte at best and into three at worst (at least, that's the size of it in Gutenberg).
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Sea Skimmer »

KlavoHunter wrote: Pretty sure the law in Norway says that they don't have to release him at the end of his sentence if they deem him a danger to society.
Well I saw stuff that says its explicitly illegal to indefinitely confine someone in Norway.

If anyone wants a portal into his insanity; he had a youtube video up which was deleted but for the moment survives reuploaded by other people. Basically a bunch of raving images against the 'UN-EU Marxist cultural genocide'.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by cosmicalstorm »

They will never release him again. Scandinavia is pretty soft in some ways, but people who attack both the heart of politics and kill a pile of children?
Never I say.
Also every future politician in Norway will be bound to know someone on that island who came back home in a coffin.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Dartzap »

I suspect it'll be similar to here - You get life, but because your crimes are so well known to the public, that any release would cause an outrage to some degree, they lock you up in a dark cellar in Broadmoor along with all the other serial killers, and will be probably be kept sectioned for the rest of eternity.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by MKSheppard »

Breaking from silent running to comment:

Here's my commentary from reading his manifesto (actually, more like speed reading it).

Acrobat reader gives it's length as 1,492 pages; but you can discount 99% of that; as it's long winded historical screeding and stuff that sounds like it's out of a RPG sourcebook: Overseer (Master for national leader, Grand Master for pan-European leader) –
future civilian leader(s) in phase 1/2/3
etc. Fantasyland.

Most of it is fantasy wish fulfillment. There's whole segments where it's clear this was just C&P'ed from the internet, giving you an idea of why it's so huge and bloated (1,400+ pages).

Most of the interesting (god I hate that in this context) stuff occurs from page 1389 to 1446 which is a "personal log".


--He spent 9 years and about 130,000 EUR out of pocket and 187,500 EUR from lost income to do the operation).

The conceptual phase began in 2002 and he spent 2006-2008 putting together that 1,492 page turgid piece of shit referred to as his manifesto.

The guns began to be acquired in Summer 2010; he was able to get a Glock because he had been a member of a Pistol Club near Oslo since 2005. He says as much:

"The fact that I joined the club as early as 2005 was a planned move to increase my chances for obtaining a Glock, legally"

--He listed Saga (the musician) as a good musical motivator source.

---He actually set up a dummy corporation paying a 'salary' to himself in May 2009 so that he could get access to 26,000 EUR via loans.

--He actually got himself into shape with diet/exercise/nutritional supplements. It goes into some detail about physical conditioning. Explains how he was able to schlep all over that island for 1.5~ hours carrying guns and ammo and not get that tired.

--Video games are mentioned heavily, like World of Warcraft or CoD:MW2.

--He even specifically mentions the main target in the text:
Getting a job at the youth camp connected to the largest political party is one way of doing this. The prime minister usually visits during summer season. Infiltration can take as long as 24 months.
--He lists the specific items he obtained, where from, and cover story used; and assessed the risk for each one.

--The actual preparation phase started on May 2, 2011; when he began to prepare and mix up the ingredients for his car bomb. It ended on July 20, 2011; on day 80.

He did a lot of testing and was very meticulous:

"Treaded a fuse inside a surgical tube and tested it. There were 75 cm of fuse so it should burn for 75 seconds. Due to the lack of oxygen in the tube it burnt in less than 2 sec!! Damn, I'm glad I checked this beforehand... No surgical tube then..."

That's from Day 79.

One of the last pages in his log goes essentially: "If I know what I know now, I could have done this in 30 days, not 80." He carefully wrote almost everything down during the bomb prep, including his mistakes and fuckups so that others could avoid them.

He also talked quite a bit about what has changed between the old "explosives guides" on the internet and now post OKC and post 9/11, with thousands of previously legal ingredients banned; or altered in composition.

The sad fact is; I think his 1492 page manifesto will quickly be chopped down to a 100-200 page "informational guide" with all the bullshit excised; and it will be very influental -- certainly more influental than Al Quaeda's recent attempt at a glossy Oprah style jihadi magazine -- because he showed that you don't need complex suicide bombers or explosives to kill a lot of people -- the 7/7 bombings kilt only 52; while he killed far more than that on that island.

Damn him to hell.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Zaune »

Dartzap wrote:I suspect it'll be similar to here - You get life, but because your crimes are so well known to the public, that any release would cause an outrage to some degree, they lock you up in a dark cellar in Broadmoor along with all the other serial killers, and will be probably be kept sectioned for the rest of eternity.
I'm not tackling the whole 1492 pages of fucknuttery until I have something stronger than beer to hand, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he turns out to have some undiagnosed mental health isue.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Pelranius »

There are allegations that some parts of his manifesto was plagiarized from the Unabomber's work. I haven't read either one, so I can't confirm first hand yet.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Norseman »

Pelranius wrote:There are allegations that some parts of his manifesto was plagiarized from the Unabomber's work. I haven't read either one, so I can't confirm first hand yet.
He also ripped off Fjordman in some places, which of course makes Fjordman very uncomfortable. It's interesting to see how the right-wing blogosophere reacts to these events.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Aharon »

I don't know if you can call it copying/ripping off/plagiarizing - whenever sections are copied, he writes down his source, and states in the introduction that "I have written approximately half of the compendium myself. The rest is a compilation of
works from several courageous individuals throughout the world."

The insidious thing is that much of the compiled works are not so far from mainstream thought. I know plenty of islamophobes who would agree to the majority of his manifesto.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Simon_Jester »

Or you can spin that round- just how large, or how narrow, is the gap? What is the difference between terrorist loonies and the level of paranoia and contempt for socialism/Muslims/decadent elitism/whatever that we accept as being within our society's Overton window? It's there, it's real, but is it as wide as we'd like to think?

I'm suddenly reminded of the southern response to civil rights protests in the '60s. Firehoses and attack dogs started showing up on national TV, and suddenly a lot of people realized just how far the segregationists were really willing to go.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Lord Zentei »

Has Pope Ratzy come out and condemned the atrocity, since he apparently did this in the name of his wet dream for a Europe-wide Catholic State?

Love how Marxists and International Capitalists are part of the triad of evil in his view. Apparently, Stas and I are on the same side after all, heh.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by Bright »

MKSheppard wrote:--He lists the specific items he obtained, where from, and cover story used; and assessed the risk for each one.
Then perhaps this "manifesto" isn't a total waste of space after all? Perhaps it can be used to study the means and methodology of such terrorists and hopefully work towards keeping such doors closed. I don't envy the people who have to read it and assess it though.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by southdakotaboy1 »

Aharon wrote: The insidious thing is that much of the compiled works are not so far from mainstream thought. I know plenty of islamophobes who would agree to the majority of his manifesto.
That is part of the problem right there. There is no such thing as islamophobia, all religions should be open to criticism. When the term islamophobia is used to silence critics of islam it simply drives people underground and things begin to fester to the point you get acts like this.

It seems that this guy felt that nothing was being done to protect his culture and that muslims were not integrating into Norwegian culture.

Sometimes it is best just to let people vent their views rather than forcinging them to keep them bottled up.
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Re: Norwegian Utøya shooter's manifesto

Post by General Mung Beans »

What I find ironic is that if you substitute a few words, this could easily be a jihadist or a communist revolutionary manifesto. BTW why does the author use the English version of his name "Andrew Berwick"?
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