First off, other way around. Second, Utopia is subjective.
First-Err you mean provided less infomation? and Second connceded
[points to Gandhi] No one realized it was happening, eh?
Eh? You looked an India Recently? It was not pacifism that worked it was bone head moves by the British in charge combined with Political Pressure from the rest of the War-Mongering Countries (

Second did Gandhi even succeded? How well off is India today?
It's within human nature to survive - hence, pacifism
Ummm, No, Human nature is to surive
and expand get more land, have more children collect more shinny things, whatever it is, All of Man wants to do two things, 1. Die of Old Age, 2. Be much better off then your parents ever where
Pacifism unless without a perfect people will not achive this because, Not everyone can be Number 1, And everyone wants to be Number 1, Some might deny it, but the main goal of Humanity is to survive and THRIVE
"Run away, live to fight another day" as the saying goes.
But I though we were talking about Pacifism?

Besides as its been noted before, Man can not survive on bread alone, we must kill our food and you don't eat by runing away all the time