Why was Worf allowed the sash?

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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Skylon »

lstyer wrote: As far as I can remember, prior to Worf, the only Klingons we saw wearing sashes were in command positions. Worf pretty clearly wasn't in any kind of command position, at least in Season 1. That said, of the "Big Three" Klingon commanders from TOS, Kor and Kang wore the sash, but Koloth didn't, so maybe it didn't have anything to do do with holding a command position. I'm kind of curious what it was originally meant to signify.
Likewise the Klingon Captain in TMP was sporting a sash of sorts. Worf's season 1 sash is actually damn close, if not the same as the one worn by Kor and Kang.

I always figured it had signified ones family. Maybe it represents belonging to a noble house?

To sidestep for a moment also, this conversation reminded me why I hated the introduction episode for Ensign Ro (and actually, was never too fond of the character). Suddenly the crew of the good ship Enterprise turn into utter dickheads. The earring bit was the most extreme example. Normally I wouldn't mind some tension (as there should be considering she had disobeyed orders and gotten people killed), but instead it came across as so jarring it all just seemed out of character.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by JME2 »

I always assumed Worf had incriminating photos of a Starfleet muckety muck and was blackmailing him/her/it into letting him wear the sash. :) 8) :wink:

Seriously, I always assumed it represented a Klingon Noble House too.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by TOSDOC »

Purple wrote:
TOSDOC wrote:I've seen the dangers and consequences of wearing dangling jewelry in the workplace. Not a good idea.
Just for the record, what exactly are these dangers?
I have seen multiple people on this thread mention them but somehow I can't imagine anything on the bridge of the big E that the earing could catch on.
Here in the vet office, a thrashing animal can catch it's paw on a dangling earring and rip it right out of your ear lobe. Now if it's a thrashing Nausicann...
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Gandalf »

JME2 wrote:I always assumed Worf had incriminating photos of a Starfleet muckety muck and was blackmailing him/her/it into letting him wear the sash. :) 8) :wink:

Seriously, I always assumed it represented a Klingon Noble House too.
There may be more to it than nobility.

Kor, from a noble house, does not wear one in Once More Unto The Breach or Blood Oath. Koloth and Kang do.

Martok, who is not from a noble house does wear one.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Swindle1984 »

It may signify belonging to a certain order or philosophy. The novels aren't canon, but in one of them (possibly Debtor's Planet, I forget; it's been years since I read a ST novel.) someone asks if Worf's sash (the more metallic looking one he wears in later seasons) is uncomfortable and he replies that it's very uncomfortable to wear, which is part of the reason why he wears it. Apparently the discomfort has something to do with self-discipline or whatever.

The gold sash didn't look all that uncomfortable compared to the later one; maybe he switched to the later sash because it was less comfortable, but the discomfort isn't the primary reason for wearing one.

The sash may also be a commendation of some sort, or signify a past accomplishment. The handful of Klingons seen wearing sashes seem to be accomplished warriors; I'm not sure what Worf would have done pre-season 1 to earn it, unless being a survivor of the Khitomer massacre counts.


Memory Alpha suggests it indicates nobility and has the house emblem on it.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Crazedwraith »

Martok was said to be part of a Noble House at the time of the series: The House Of Martok. Worf, Dax and Alexander all joined into it.

Given his backstory with Kor though, that Kor bared him from the Officer's list due to his lack of nobility. It's possible he either created it himself through victory in battle or married into it (ala House Of Quark) His wife Sirella claimed to be descended from the Imperial Family.

As for earning the Baldric. It's possible. And Worf might have inherited an entitlement to one from his father. Though you'd think he'd have to stop wearing when his discommendation. And its unlikely the Dahar Master Kor wouldn't be entitled in that case. Unless Dahar Mastery supersedes baldric-wearing or something.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by TOSDOC »

Probably nothing to do with Dahar Mastery, since Kor and Kang wear the gold sash in TOS but Koloth does not. Or is Kor merely in civilian dress in DS9?
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by StarSword »

As an aside, has anyone else noticed that Worf has actually worn two entirely different sashes?

From http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Worf.

When he first joined the Enterprise crew as a junior security officer under Lt. Yar:
Lieutenant Junior Grade Worf, 2364

During tenure as Security/Tactical Officer:
Lieutenant Worf, 2370
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Stofsk »

Yep. Who knows what it means.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Just checked Memory Alpha, it says he was given permission, but not WHY he was given permission.

Fun Fact: The silver baldric was made of bicycle chains.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by spaceviking »

Swindle1984 wrote:It may signify belonging to a certain order or philosophy. The novels aren't canon, but in one of them (possibly Debtor's Planet, I forget; it's been years since I read a ST novel.) someone asks if Worf's sash (the more metallic looking one he wears in later seasons) is uncomfortable and he replies that it's very uncomfortable to wear, which is part of the reason why he wears it. Apparently the discomfort has something to do with self-discipline or whatever.

massacre counts.


Memory Alpha suggests it indicates nobility and has the house emblem on it.
This is actually similar to a practice of French nuns during the time of Louis XIV who would wear hair shirts underneath their clothing, as suffering was supposed to bring one closer to God.

This fits with the character of Worf who appears to take make an extra effort to live up to a Klingon ideal than the average Klingon, as a result of a presumable feeling of inadequacy from being raised by humans. While most Klingons would see the sash as a pointless uncomfortable garnet, Worf needs it so he can believe that he does not live the cushy life of a human and is a true Klingon.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by JasonB »

I alsway thought it was Riker trying to give Ensign Ro hard time and hope her choose back to jail. Must of USS Enterprise D crew pin against Ensign Ro. It very possible Riker would have no problem with another Bajor crew no matter what his or her rank is wearing earring.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by PREDATOR490 »

What does Ro have to do with Worf ?

The E-D let the dress code slip so Troi can run around in her outfits so I can see the same luxury being afforded to Worf. Since his item is obviously a piece of Klingon heritage / culture and it makes Starfleet look more embracing of those cultures.

The Sash itself DOES have the emblem of the house on it. DS9 has Martok recognise the brand on the sash and tell Worf he can replace it with the House of Martok instead. Worf seems to wear it out of sentimentality from his own account. I would expect the same situation applies to the entire sash. Not because its uncomfortable or such but it bears his family crest AND a symbol of the Klingon Empire.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by StarSword »

I think the example of Troi may be more a case of Picard being more easygoing from a regulations standpoint. When Capt. Edward Jellico took over temporarily, he actually proved unpopular with the crew because he was more of a stickler for regs (for instance, Troi now had to wear a uniform). He probably would've told Worf to take the baldric off were it not for Starfleet Command having granted Worf an official exception.

And Ro Laren wasn't the only crew member that Starfleet refused to let wear jewelry, not even the only Bajoran. In Voyager Season 1's last episode, Tuvok puts Voyager's ex-Maquis, who had mostly been entered on the ship's roll as enlisted, through a makeshift boot camp after one of them violates maintenance record-keeping regulations. On the second day, Crewman Chell, a Bolian, is told to remove a lucky necklace he wore under his uniform shirt, and Crewman Gerron Enek, a Bajoran, is told to remove his earring and shine his boots.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Multiverse »

In terms of Star Trek: The Next Generation as a TV show, I think the sash was a way to visually identify Worf as a Klingon. The leeway given various characters also serves as a way of identifying who the more likeable characters are intended to be: i.e., Deanna Troi, Worf, and Nog. In contrast, Riker giving Ensign Ro a hard time about her earring and Tuvok giving the Maquis a hard time about their jewelry provides a visual way of suggesting that these characters are intended to be less likeable. In terms of Starfleet, there probably should be some sort of regulation allowing for individual expression in the context of crew uniforms while taking into consideration practical aspects of serving on a starship or starbase. However, the most Starfleet seems to be able to manage is a general consistency in uniform color and rank markings.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Swindle1984 »

StarSword wrote:I think the example of Troi may be more a case of Picard being more easygoing from a regulations standpoint. When Capt. Edward Jellico took over temporarily, he actually proved unpopular with the crew because he was more of a stickler for regs (for instance, Troi now had to wear a uniform). He probably would've told Worf to take the baldric off were it not for Starfleet Command having granted Worf an official exception.

And Ro Laren wasn't the only crew member that Starfleet refused to let wear jewelry, not even the only Bajoran. In Voyager Season 1's last episode, Tuvok puts Voyager's ex-Maquis, who had mostly been entered on the ship's roll as enlisted, through a makeshift boot camp after one of them violates maintenance record-keeping regulations. On the second day, Crewman Chell, a Bolian, is told to remove a lucky necklace he wore under his uniform shirt, and Crewman Gerron Enek, a Bajoran, is told to remove his earring and shine his boots.

Honestly, Tuvok is lucky they didn't mutiny on him. If I were an experienced, competent, combat vet used to living by my own rules who got stuck with a bunch of self-righteous pricks like the Federation and they suddenly started treating me like a cadet in bootcamp... We'd have a problem. Probably the only reason Tuvok got away with it (besides Chakotay keeping his pimp hand strong) is because he earned their respect by risking his life to save one of them.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by spaceviking »

"experienced, competent" IIRC they kinda sucked. Voyager seemed to have a fair amount of leeway towards its Maqui crewman, though inconsistent. Torres got away with having terrible respect for authority and personal conduct because she got the job done.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by JPaganel »

I always figured it was because Worf was a lieutenant commander, Ro was an ensign, and rank has its privileges.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Batman »

Unless I'm very much mistaken Worf didn't get promoted to Lt Cdr until 'Generations', he was a mere Lt for all of TNG (or DS9). Besides, if rank hath its privileges, why did Riker and Picard (a full Commander/Captain, respectively) have to wear the shitty standard uniforms during seasons 1 and 2? :P
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by JPaganel »

Lt of any kind is still > ensign. :P

As to Riker and Picard, who knows what their motivations were. Having a privilege does not mean you have to use it. Maybe they were just making an effort at appearing more egalitarian.
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Re: Why was Worf allowed the sash?

Post by Gandalf »

Batman wrote:Unless I'm very much mistaken Worf didn't get promoted to Lt Cdr until 'Generations', he was a mere Lt for all of TNG (or DS9). Besides, if rank hath its privileges, why did Riker and Picard (a full Commander/Captain, respectively) have to wear the shitty standard uniforms during seasons 1 and 2? :P
He was actually a Junior Grade Lieutenant for the first season. He got bumped up at the start of the second season when he became head of Tactical/Security.
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